

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese | 27%
Corean | 23%
Filipino | 15%
Indian | 8%
Japanese | 13%
Vietnamese | 14%

Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese | 31%
Corean | 16%
Filipino | 17%
Indian | 6%
Japanese | 17%
Vietnamese | 13%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Coreans are the epitome of what an ideal asian looks like...good looking, tall, bigger build, higher cheekbones, intellegent, great culture/personality, and of course a perfectly scientific language/alphabet rated second best in the modern world next to french, not too twangy/funky like chinese or too rough/gutteral like japanese. Perfectly in the middle. Chinese has too many characters, japanese dosent have enough for the language, Coreans like always are just right.

These personal thoughts/facts aside I dont judge people by their race, but rather by their individual merits. I know plenty of non Coreans I'd trust with my life and plenty of fellow Coreans I'd like to drop kick off the sears tower, but by and by, on the average, Coreans kick ass in everything they do, were the most successful, and we make the most money per person, although we should learn to be a bit more modest.
Dont be jealous    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 06:34:49 (PST)    []
To Korea,
History cannot be changed is correct.

Korea and Vietnam do have things in common. You are only looking at things that are not common.

Koreans shouldn't have any anymosity toward a country that haven't done any harm to Korea.

Also I find Vietnam more interesting than China. Unlike yy and these extreme arrogant Chinese people who dwell in the past, maybe if you hang around some Vietnamese you can see that they actually do have alot of things in common with Koreans.

Here are the things that Vietnam and Korea do have in common.

1. Had to fight numerous wars to maintain sovereignity.

2. Influenced by Chinese (involuntary or voluntary)

3. Moved away from Chinese (foreign) writing language.

4. Both have fought a war in this century. well vietnam isn't separated, but similar situation.

5. Both used guerrilla style warfare to fend of foreign invasions.

Vietnam doesn't have a big economy yet, but that doesn't mean korea and vietnam are not same.
aikidolovingkorean    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 06:22:53 (PST)    []
Sun Tzu is studied by all world military academies and their respective cadets... and rightly so.
This eminent strategist states a particular maxim :"know thyselve and know your enemy a hundred battles a hundred victories."
A case in point-Mongol Invasion of china[northern and later southern song dynasty.] The chinese leadership in both dynasties seriously miscalculated the leadership or the military tactics and system of the Mongols under Genghis Khan's descendent's/protege's.
The chinese continued to use static orthodox systems: massive defensive barricade ie. " the great wall" and huge peasant moblizations
ill trained and poorly equipped. Their diplomatic corp continued to overuse
"the mystique of chinese culture" to overawe or to encourage tribal factionalism amonst the steppe people, failing to heed the united political body of the Mongol tribes.
Militarily the chinese continued to rely on poor archaic tactics failing to adapt or innovate.
The Mongol armies invading the chinese were numerically inferior often by a 5:1 ratio..a common thread in chinese military history. But I digress .. in the final analysis the chinese failed to "know "their opponents or "themselves"
latinalovingkoreanhombre    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 06:11:43 (PST)    []
It is premature for South Koreans to think they belong in the status of developed nations. In terms of per capita income, it is still about half of Western Europe, Japan, U.S., Hong Kong, and Singapore; and its government is far too corrupt. According to Transparency International, Korea gets a 4.5 of of 10.
Compare that with Singapore and Hong Kong who score 9.3 and 8.2 respectively.

South Korea is just a member of the Four LITTLE Tigers, and the member with the least foreign reserve that almost went bankrupt in the Asian currency crisis of 1997 caused by a mere bunch of New York currency speculators. Smoggy and diesel-polluted Seoul is hardly impressive. It pales to Singapore, Hong Kong, or even Shanghai/Pudong.

Its industrial base is quickly being hollowed out and transferred to China. It is all going to be downhill from here. That means that its chances of catching up to the other three little tigers are slim in the future, even though they too have stalled.
Korea is not First World    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 22:42:29 (PST)    []
To hate'em boasters,

***yea right, standing strong against China and you still need to borrow its influences, culture,language and religion.Ungrateful & forgetful koreans.

So whats your point? every other civilizations should be grateful to the chinese? So every time, I wipe my ass w/ a paper I should be "thanking the chinese?" ok thank you very much.

Chinese do it too. Bruce Lee took in Taekwondo and Hapkido and turned into his art called Jeet Kun Do, and he calls it chinese. Also Jackie Chan took Hapkido and got his high kicks from the Koreans.
I sure don't see the Chinese people ever bringing this up, and calls everything chinese.

***But,history has never shown Korea had ever been able to conquer China.You ait till forever for that to happen.

History also proved that China couldn't conquer Korea referring to "Koguyro" dynasty. Good you don't have to be into the Korean language, just know your ancestors were defeated by them.

Even if china was a super cultural center , long time ago, things have changed, and things always change. And China was more known for their culture not military.

Stop living in the past.... don't give me these ifs and when china is gonna become a super power. I've been hearing this for along time, and I sure don't see anything happening in China yet.
your one too.    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 21:52:43 (PST)    []
as for Vietnamese people.... I admire their courage and strength and do resemble similar traits with Koreans.. Both have been invaded by foreign dogs and both have always been able to peresevere and maintain autonomic identity....
I don't know how you guys did it, masters at jungle war fare...
first were the Mughuls, then the chinese, french, and the biggest upset by the master minded Ho Chi Minh, the americans...
Vietnam has made ASian military shine in a new light............
Respects to VIETNAM and Ho CHI Minh's peoples'!!!
Korean Altai    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 21:46:28 (PST)    []
as for Vietnamese people.... I admire their courage and strength and do resemble similar traits with Koreans.. Both have been invaded by foreign dogs and both have always been able to peresevere and maintain autonomic identity....
I don't know how you guys did it, masters at jungle war fare...
first were the Mughuls, then the chinese, french, and the biggest upset by the master minded Ho Chi Minh...
Vietnam has made ASian military shine in a new light............
Respects to VIETNAM and Ho CHI Minh's peoples'!!!
Korean Altai    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 21:45:53 (PST)    []
here is a website that every one should check out. it's the disgusting inhumane acts that the chinese government is doing to Uygur Turks, in their own homeland....
all Koreans should be against chinese government as our blood brothers are beiong slaughtered by the disgusting chinese government.. Remember, my brothers, we're originally from the Altai mountains. An area between Kazakhstan and Mongolia..
The chinese have always been an enemy to Korea where they believe we are chinese!!! what a joke... Aren't Koreans SICK and TIRED of chinese people claiming our history...
Altai peoples have currently reside in crimea Ukraine, Bosnia, (Kalmylk peoples who are originally from Mongolia), Kazan russia (Tartars) central Asia, siberia and the Far East!!
POWER TO ALTAI, never let china take Korean like they did to Koguryo, Manchuria, inner Mongolia, Tibet and Eastern Turkistan, not xinjiang...
Korean Altai    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 21:41:39 (PST)    []
Korean Altai,

Please tell me what do you see in common in these pics. of Uygur people to your Corean face?

We can see that the Han racial element in Uygurs is probably even more prevalent than the Turko-Mongol ones. They are really mixed descendants of Han Chinese and Tocharians who were forced to speak Turkish and adopt Islam only at later time during Tamerlane rule. They obviously look more closer to Chinese and Vietnamese than to Koreans and Japanese.

And, Wu'er Kaixi (who is 100% Uigur) is probably more proud to be Chinese than many Han Chinese themselves. He still leads a voice among the Chinese Democracy movement overseas.
yy    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 21:13:40 (PST)    []
Korean Altai,

Please cite a reliable source. Don't give us jibberish from an outlawed terrorist organization (East Turkestan movements). They are based in Kazakhstan and Istanbul and thus, far removed from the realities of life in Xinjiang province.

As far as I know, the nuclear tests are conducted deep in the Taklimakan deserts where no one lives.

The relations between Han and Uigur/Tibetans are not as black and white as you see it in Western media.

By the way, are you a member or part of those East Turkestan movements?

Good luck. Allah Hafiz. Tunaidun.
yy    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 20:06:07 (PST)    []
hate'em boasters..

i could care less of what you say about Korea's relations to Altai, fact is we are of Altai origins and not from the south of the graet wall of china.. and what's this about how nothern chinese are related to southern chinese, your crazy, you guys are from different oriigns... i hear northern chinese mock and degrade southern chinese people... in reality, northern chinese people, or many of them, are of Altai origins.... as yy has stated, they have been assimilated, so he thinks... it would only take Alati peoples to regroup and reclaim our lost lands, north of the great wall of china and they will be reassimilated to the land of their fathers.. china as a dragon?? please, more like a dragon fly.. china has always claimed military power, but never in history have they proved anything in warfare.. kung-fu and shaolin is nothing but jokes...if they were that great, how were the Mongols and Turks able to defeat your sorry assess??? all it is a bunch of circus acts and nothing more, like china's so called rise to global power...
Koguryo was land that belonged to Korea before the disease of rat eating peoples came north of the great wall of china.... all you southern chinese here love to claim how china is so united and strong, but in reality chinese from the north look down on you like the original austronesian peoples that you are..
every chinese that i have met is a wimp and when i hung within a chinese crew, which was about 20 of them, they all know who the real deal was... same with very Korean i meet hanging with chinese, they're always the strongest and toughest, this is fact...
i remember in high school, 3 chinese guys wanted to beat me for screwing a chinese girl who was a memeber of your so called bad boy club of triads.. They were nothing, like china./// nothing but threats with men wearing silk garments like faggots...
fact is siberians and Turks are Mongol, regardless of what you chinese claim.... face it, china attmepted to conquer Korea in the past, but only succeeded by taking Koguryo... Korea wiull unite one day and we will reclaim our lostland, like Uigur Turks of eastern Turkistan, inner Mongolians, Tibetians and Manchurian peoples..
face it, china have always been deemed a military threat but nothing to prove. ... they've always lost...
1) Korea invasions
2) Chingghis Khan
3) Russia
4) boxer's rebellion
5) Japan in 1901, 1940..

Your threats are meaningless, relfective of soft chinese culture....
oh yeah, you guys are prettyy brave behind the keyboard, typical of chinese people.... like you r government who sits behind computer screens and tells the world of china's miliatry capabilities, but no action....

Turks will unite... you said that Turks in CHina speak with a heavy accent, where's your prove?? from some proffessor??? who cares.... Turks arer Turks....
you are of soiuthern chinese oriigns and i'm sure your accent is very different from northern chinese.... your accent probably resembles more to vietnamese or what ever southern nation your associated with...
Korean Altai    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 19:50:58 (PST)    []
"In fact korea will not exist anymore as an independent entity, only as part of japan's territory."

To stay fair: Japanese would still be in stoneage without Koreans. The Japanese are basically not Altaic. They are related to Ainus and some Pacific headhunter and cannibal cultures. Because they have that different background the Japanese dislike all people from the continent.

"Don't tell me their ancestors had invaded china, then eventually being assimilated by chinese."

Not invasion. Racially, Koreans have always lived in North and Central China, but under the influence of Southern cultures, like Hmong, Dai, Viet or similar ones. South of the Yangtse river the Han Chinese cannot be distinguished from such minority races, except for a few locations.


"Half of the Kazakhs in Kazakhstan can only speak Russian."

They have still their culture. But radioactivity endangeres their fertility and such stuff. That's their main problem, I think.

(btw, I'm also non-Korean, just a realist.)
non-sinitic    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 18:06:05 (PST)    []
As a result of the nuclear tests, which first started in the region in 1964, local people have been infected by deadly diseases, and 20,000 handicapped children have been born. It is known that the number of Muslims who have died because of the tests is 210,000. Thousands of people have been crippled, and thousands have fallen prey to such diseases as jaundice and cancer. .

***Puhleaze...Look at North Korea instead. You should be worried abt your Altai blood brothers of the North who have suffered immensely as they are being starved to death by their own leaders. Millions are dying of endless famine caused by endless drought,flooding,etc.Please don't look down on Vietnam, or China or God knows what other countries and nationalities you have in your hate list.You just have to look at North Korea, a perfect example of an evil tyranical leadership murdering its own people with its stubbornness to change and reform.China's regime may be harsh, but at least, its people have plenty to eat.North Korea can't even feed its own people and yet, they embarked on a weapon of mass destruction program for the sake of showing off. You people are so pathethic. Stop ridiculing other people, you have no idea how annoying you are.
Linda    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 17:05:10 (PST)    []
Don't bad mouth Vietnamese because they are the world's 3rd largest exporter in rice. They just opened up their economy in 1986 and doing much better than North Korea, who are only willing to open up a couple ports (with obvious Chinese help and aid) to market economy. The former South Vietnam wasn't too far behind or ahead of South Korea in the 1960s in terms of economy.

* You're right Coreans shouldn't bad mouth the Viets since we have nothing against them. YY, you like to disparage North Corea but stupid just look at CHINA. There are billion more Chinese who are in the same situation, poor and wanting to leave. And only reason why North Corea is poor is because of the Chinese communist. Even Taiwan doesn't want to rejoin China.

The advance guard of the Ming (Red Turbans) had sacked their way into Korea and were pillaging towns until a Koryo general by the name of Yi usurped the throne and begged the Ming to take back their armies. Thus, Korea was again China's vassal for over 300 years under Ming. Ming could have conquered Koryo if had wanted to.

Ming dynasty wasn't Han Chinese but Manchus, Han Chinese were ruled over by much smaller barbarian armies for hundreds of years. Mongols, Manchus, Europeans so what are you so proud of?
Think before posting    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 14:16:34 (PST)    []
Don't bad mouth Vietnamese because they are the world's 3rd largest exporter in rice. They just opened up their economy in 1986 and doing much better than North Korea, who are only willing to open up a couple ports (with obvious Chinese help and aid) to market economy. The former South Vietnam wasn't too far behind or ahead of South Korea in the 1960s in terms of economy.

* You're right Coreans shouldn't bad mouth the Viets since we have nothing against them. YY, you like to disparage North Corea but stupid just look at CHINA. There are billion more Chinese who are in the same situation, poor and wanting to leave. And only reason why North Corea is poor is because of the Chinese communist. Even Taiwan doesn't want to rejoin China.
Think before posting    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 14:10:11 (PST)    []
Taiwanese Hoklo,

Hakkas are known for their parsimonious nature because

1) They had less resources than the other groups.

2) They were the poorest of the Southern Chinese (not counting Overseas Hakkas).

Hakkas tend to think of themselves as the most "Jewish" of the Chinese...but such terminology is incorrect because simply because the Cantonese are small merchants (a profession found typical among Jews), and the Hoklo who often associated with large global business networks (also typical among Jews). The Hakka in general, are just mere peasants (but the most oriented in education, also a Jewish trait).

Btw, are u interested in Hoklo studies? There seems to be a rediscovering of Hoklo Identity among some Taiwanese, and other groups in the Fujian and Guangdong provinces. There is an institute in HK which tracks DNA samples of people who claim Hoklo ancestry.

Besides the well-known Hoklo legacy of Taiwan, both HK and Macau were once 'exploited' by the Hoklos as 'trading posts' too. Also, in Southeast Asia, and I believe it was Singapore, a civil war broke out between the rivaling Hokkiens and Teo Chius. Both Hoklo groups had a bloodthirsty battle for commercial dominance of the region. Each group was pitting each other for their economic troubles. I believe this incident took place sometime in the early 20th century.

A Different Perspective,

Yes, they are some Hoklos who are smart, that, I am not trying to discount. It happens that the Hakkas are more influential and educated, but are less commercial than the Cantonese, and the Minnan speaking Chinese.

In Southeeast Asia, Hoklo is the most prevalent dialect, and that excludes Teo Chiu. If u include Teo Chiu, Minnan speakers basicallly own the region. The Chinese in Taiwan, Hainan, and the Philippines are predominantly Hokkien. Vietnam is predominantly Teo Chiu. Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia are also major Hokkien areas. The only major Hakka area in SE Asia is Indonesia.

In the West, overseas Chinese are split even about 40-40 Hakka-Hoklo (both Mainland and Taiwan origin) with 10% Cantonese, and 10% other Chinese, such as the Shanghainese, and Beijingers.

LSD    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 12:09:07 (PST)    []
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm man
U people need to stop badmouthing korea!!!! korea is da bomb... in my opinion ... but i'm not putting down any other nation.... man!!! every single person all putting down korea..
i'll admit i'm korean and koreans have this supriority complex but then again who doesnt???? i know for a fact that chinese and japanese are the same way... they just dont say it out loud like we do.... so whats the big difference?? u chiense swear your all nice and buddy buddy with everyone... at least we can say it in front of your face instead going back to chinatown to spread it to the rest of little china...

and that one dude that said vietnam should learn from korea.. man its losers like you that give korea such a bad name in the first place... why you gotto put down vietnam so bad... it aint like korea is the best nation in the world... u cant really who is or who isnt...

and for the people.. using north korea to put down the south... hmmm i dont get you people.... yeah we're both korea.. but we're seperated politically ... u swear we can just go in there and try to fix things...

i'm proud of korea for what is has achieved and where it is right now in the world... but thats just me... and i'm not saying that every other country is inferior or anything... just saying that i'm proud to be korean..
ktown    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 09:39:59 (PST)    []