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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I have written before, Corea and Coreans have much to be admired for, despite their shortcomings.
I concede Corea's growth and technological emergence has been impressive. 20 or so more years ago, people were laughing at Corean technology, but look at them now. Well, doesn't this scenario look similar with China.
But, I say, never sell short the other "Dragons." I know they have problems right now being in recession (Hong Kong and Taiwan-many say are dependent on China) and Singapore is too small. However, do not sell them short, these other Dragons could reemerge and China is and will be a force to be reckeoned with. Yes, they are behind Corea and Japan. You can laugh now, but I believe (in my opinion) they will catch up and definitely has the potential to far surpass Corea or Japan. That won't happen overnight, but they are heading in that direction.
Don't Sell Others Short   
Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 09:51:36 (PST)
Boy, I think this discussion is harsh. I am from French/Vietnamese descent married to a person from Chinese descent.
Never in my mind have I tried to categorize our nationalities or pit one over the other. Why do Asians do this to each other? We just had a baby girl and I would never try to tell her that one side of her family is smarter, braver, richer, prettier than the other.
I think the comparison is sick and only breeds division.
A Proud Asian Mutt   
Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 05:16:01 (PST)
hey to my chinese friends,
I also want to point out Koreans also looked out for Chinese people.
During the Imjin Invasion of 1600's.... It wasn't just about Japanese invasion of Korea. The whole incident happened because the Japanese under the rule of Hideyoshi wanted to invade China and Korea didn't want this to happen, since Korea and China had a long history together as good neighbors. Lots of Koreans died (2/3rd of the population) to prevent invasion of China away from Japanese and Koreans didn't want the Japanese military to go thru Korea to do it.
This forum isn't just about bad mouthing China or Korea. Here is some historical text for the people who wants more info.
The Battle at Hansan Island began when Admiral Yi moved five or six kobukson in a tentative attack against the approaching Japanese. When he was sure he had been sighted, he turned his ships and feigned a retreat under oars. The Japanese admiral, intent on capturing a fleeing enemy, gave immediate chase under full sail. Admiral Yi carefully drew the faster Japanese fighting ships further into open water, outrunning the slower transports. At the critical moment, and with his own ships still under oars, Admiral Yi suddenly turned about. In a spectacular demonstration of precisely-timed maneuvering, he fell hard against the lead Japanese ships, ramming them as they tried to turn away from the approaching attack. One by one, the lead Japanese ships crumbled against the reinforced bows of the kobukson and near continuous cannon fire. Those lucky enough to escape the initial disaster were driven back into the approaching main body of the convoy, which also turned away in panic to escape.
During the running fight, Admiral Yi's fleet sunk or set fire to some seventy Japanese fighting ships. When a large reinforcing convoy was spotted sailing into the onrushing melee, Japanese admirals made a valiant attempt to halt the retreat with the new arrivals. The two large bodies of ships closed on each other quickly, which added to the building confusion. Nearly fifty more Japanese ships were lost to ramming, cannon fire or flaming arrows. Faced with an apparently unconquerable enemy, for the first and only time while engaged with a foreign enemy, Japanese commanders lost courage, panicked and broke in all directions looking for a way out. The retreat quickly degenerated into a rout, with a mixture of transports, escorts and fighting ships sinking and burning together. The panic was so thorough that the majority of those who managed to escape made for the coast rather than suffer the fates of their comrades. Many ships were driven aground and wrecked with a great loss of life.
The Battle at Hansan Island not only annihilated the Japanese fleet, it destroyed the vital materiel needed by generals Konishi and Kato in the north. Admiral Yi Sun-sin's systematic application of the principles of Sun Tzu and other Chinese military classics in his four sweeping naval campaigns of 1592, culminated in a single battle which cut off the sea lanes around the southwestern tip of Choson and abruptly ended all prospects of a future Japanese invasion of China.
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 21:32:53 (PST)
Korean Altai
"as for Vietnamese people.... I admire their courage and strength and do resemble similar traits with Koreans.. Both have been invaded by foreign dogs and both have always been able to peresevere and maintain autonomic identity....
I don't know how you guys did it, masters at jungle war fare...
first were the Mughuls, then the chinese, french, and the biggest upset by the master minded Ho Chi Minh, the americans...
Vietnam has made ASian military shine in a new light............
Respects to VIETNAM and Ho CHI Minh's peoples'!!! "
My Response: Respect to you and Korea,
There should be more people like you in here!!
Phong asdsa@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 21:08:02 (PST)
(snip) and of course a perfectly scientific language/alphabet rated second best in the modern world
Many Koreans have a lot of problem prononcing "T" and "D" and the likes (R and L). They just can't tell the difference, and are tongue-tied. So that says much abt how scientific or un-scientific it is afterall, right?
Korea, Not Corea.   
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 20:15:12 (PST)
Korean Altai,
Let's make it clear that from the earlier websites I have posted, is the fact that northern and southern Han share essentially the same paternal genes. They have the lowest genetic distance from each other by Y chromosomes and the fact that 95% of all Han Chinese have the Haplotype 7 Y chromosome marker (as do 82% of your Corean people).
Being Chinese is not exclusive to only Han people. Of course, Uygurs are Chinese too if they are born in China as are Tibetans, Mongolians, Zhuangs, Miao and even your Coreans. The Uygurs I have seen on Beijing TV can speak better Mandarin than your Coreans who live not too far from Beijing. This proves that Uygurs have a more open heart in learning the national language than Coreans.
Mind you, if you have seen that Uygur people (like northern and southern Han people) do not have the slit eyes of Coreans. Look at the photos (the ones I posted earlier) again before you speak. I know that Uygurs who travel to Korea or Japan would get mistaken for Han Chinese.
You obviously don't know much about the history of people in Xinjiang. The so-called Uygur people are not a racially homogenous folk. They started out Nordic blonde and is now a biracial group. But, you say they never mixed with Han Chinese. Did you know that during the Han and Tang Dynasties, thousands of migrants, troops and ex-convicts were dumped into these regions? Even when the real Uygur tribes from Ordos region of Mongolia invaded in 810 ADs, the region was already settled by Tocharian, Persian and Tang Chinese. One group of Uygurs in Kuche city knows their real ancestors were northern Indian and Tang ex-convicts who founded the oasis town together in 6th cent. AD. When Mongols moved westward with its conquests, they transferred thousands more Chinese agriculturalists to Xinjiang and other parts of Central Asia.
In fact, a DNA studies done on Uygurs and Central Asians say that even the Taiwanese (who are southern Chinese) share 6 genetic markers with Uygurs/Central Asians while Koreans only share 4!
Language can change easily through forced adoption (as in case of Uygurs and other Turkic Muslims people). But, the race and genes hardly ever does.
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 19:18:31 (PST)
thank you for your history lessons.
there is something you wrote here that was wrong.
>Why you always mention Koguryo? It is
>a long and sad part of both Chinese
>and Korean people's history. Over
>100,000 slaves from Koguryo were taken
>back to Tang, and 50,000 were also
>taken from Paekche. Their blood is
>mixed into our Chinese race now. So
>what? You claim to take back Koguryo
>is a ridiculous statement because
>Chinese are probably more true
>descendants of Koguryo people than the
>Koreans (who are 100% Shilla
this is interesting, its really funny how you get so biased and twist the truth to make your point. you say koreans are 100% Shilla descended? then what happened to all the people from koguryo and paekche, what the people were just wiped off the land. and you say chinese were more true descendants of koguryo, then why did the koryo dynasty come about in korean history?
get your facts straight instead of twisting it. also which part of chinese blood do you claim you have most blood of? you know people like you just create more hatred for the chinese community or make the chinese society something to laugh at. as big and great as china is, china got defeated, and humiliated throughout history, why don't you ever talk about that?
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 19:03:26 (PST)
hey lets ignore these extreme proud koreans and chinese here. i am getting so sick of reading who took over who... and who is better, blah blah balh. so on to something productive. yes Jackie Chan took some hapkido. I didn't know myself until I started to take some Hapkido in my training.
Now as a warning, I am gonna say this so these Chinese proud people (funny but i think people here are all asian-americans) don't misunderstand, this article doesn't say Jackie is pure hapkidoist, he took SOME hapkido to learn some high kicks. Also Korean arts have also been influenced by both Chinese arts as well.
anyways here is the link.
Have you ever wondered where Hong Kong action film stars Jackie Chan, Angela Mao, Carter Wong, and Smo Hung got their martial arts training?
It wasn't from some wizened Chinese Kung Fu master who specialized in "secret" techniques. Actually, all four of these actors, as well as other film stars, learned their fighting techniques from a South Korean Hapkido instructor -- himself a noted martial arts film star in Hong Kong.
The teacher's name is Jin Pal Kim, a high-ranking instructor under Hapkido great Ji Han Jae. In the 1960's, kim was a member of South Korean President Chung Hee Park's secret service defense force, and in 1966, Kim drew the job of personal bodyguard for the United States President Lyndon B. Johnson during the latter's visit to South Korea. In the early 1970's, Kim moved to Hong Kong, opening a Hapkido school and pursuing an acting career. Kim, who now resides in Westminster, California, eventually starred in eight martial arts films, all produced by Hong Kong's third largest film company, Kai Fa Productions.
your one too.   
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 18:40:27 (PST)
[This discussion belongs on the Martial Arts page. A copy of this post has been moved there. --Ed]
"I think there are some people on this forum who are taking Korean pride a bit too far. Your attacks on China are also irresponsible"
I don't usually say much on this forum cuz I find this discussion quite absurd. But to be honest I haven't seen as many nasty remarks about China as with Korea. If you go back a little bit you'll see how some ppl like yy bashed Koreans repeatedly. It shouldn't surprise you how some people might get offended and reply with nasty remarks. Anyways, I take it that it doesn't make you happy when you see people talking trash about china, right? Don't you think us koreans feel the same way when we see some guy bashing our country?
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 17:56:37 (PST)
Dear Korea is a little dragon,
2 people do not make an example, for instance do you want every one to see all chinese men as loi chow, male boxer beaten by a female boxer? damn that’s embarrassing.
Oh and only a thousand characters to learn huh? is that all? most modern languages only need less than fifty to convey any thought or message. Also China really isn’t one uniform nation, hell some speak Cantonese and others mandarin, so some chinese people can't even talk to each other. Corean is still rated the second best language, just because a billion people don't speak it doesn’t make it any less true.
Also if you can speak Spanish, then it is easier to learn to speak Corean, and vice versa, and we know spanish is the future, not chinese. There are 20,000 chinese living in Corea speaking Corean, how many Coreans want to live in china? 98% of Coreans are literate, what about china? (CIA world fact book 2002)
Dear realist,
no one has ever truly dominated or colonized Corea except japan, get it straight, and japan only successfully
did so when a damaged European merchant ship landed there instead of Corea and introduced the savage nation of japan to the GUN, then and only then we had no chance.
Dear Han Yueh Pingpu,
That’s a true statistic found here in Goldsea, look around and you'll find it. It's true that Coreans make the most money per person in America, but that statistic is a little skewed because of sample size. There aren’t too many Coreans in the states in comparison to other nationalities. Old white males still make the most money and hold all the best positions, but because of white trash, the average is lowered to below Coreans. BTW Corea is still Numero Uno in math.
Let me give you non-Coreans a little insight into why Coreans act and think the way we do.
Throughout history we've always had to fight hard had to retain our nationality, being stuck in between China, japan, and Russia is not easy, but we fought hard and often to retain our unique culture, language, individuality. If we were a lesser people, we'd be speaking chinese or japanese right now. To this day we still have that fighting sprit in our hearts and minds, and in everything we do.
Look how small south Corea is in comparison to other countries in the world, yet look at all we've achieved. Remember there are only 48 million people in south Corea as of 2002.
As one of the Four Tigers of East Asia, South Corea has achieved an incredible record of growth in a very short period of time. That’s why we feel so special, we’ve done soo much with sooo few people, in such a short amount of time. Now we feel like we can do or accomplish anything. I can imagine how hard it must be to feel special when your just 1 in a billion.
Dont be jealous cantwelljustgetalong@hot.com   
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 16:58:34 (PST)
Korean Altai,
though there's a chance that men of Korean race once joined the horsemen of the Huns and Mongols going West I have the suspicion that there were also certain distances between all these Northern races. I suggest, there are (racially) from East to West:
Koreans: medium height, broad, flat face, sparse beard in the Amur region, North China, Korea and Kansai region of Japan;
Tungus: medium height, narrow face, much beard in Manchuria, Amur region and Lake Baikal;
Mongolians: medium height, but not flat face, sparse beard in Mongolia and North China;
Turks: medium height, narrow face, much beard in Turkestan and Tatarstan;
Samoyeds: small, broad and flat face, sparse beard somewhere in the Ural.
However, the connection between these folks is evident, the Samoyeds being the weakest in the "chain". According to one of their myths ("Mosh and Porr") they received an admixture of a weak and peaceful race and lost all power.
The Altaic admixture in Japanese is rather sparse. I think, Tungus do not reach the islands in the south of Sakhalin. Because they have some Arctic features Japanese can join the Northern cluster if Inuit etc are included. Only in Kansai (there was a book "Osakaology" which supports this thesis) they are more like (Korean) people from the continent. The rest of the Japanese have a social code similar to the social codes of the Amerindians on the other side of the Pacific.
Karaganda in the North of KAzakhstan is contaminated by radioactivity.
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 16:36:03 (PST)
hmmmm man... people have problem~~~
anywayz i give props for everyone trying to back up their own beliefs or whatever you want to call it....
Why are the chinese people using north corea to put down the SOUTH... hmmm hello???? its party due to the chinese the two coreas are seperated today..... and its always been china's fault that north corea still exists today.... all those years china supplied aid to the north.... the chiense kept north corea alive... and good for you.... i dont know if its something to be proud of but it sure isnt in my book.....
"Korea is a Little Dragon
Korean, with the exception of Japanese, is one of the most difficult languages to learn, with its Austronesian core vocabulary origin, Tungusic SOV language structure, majority of vocabulary and sounds borrowed from southern Chinese dialects, mixed in with English words. In contrast, Chinese is the most concise and grammatically simple language in the world."
i know i know corea isnt all that... but still i'm proud... because theres just too much to be proud of compared to in my opinion china.. where theres just too much to be ashamed of.... great empire my butt!!! maybe it was back in the "wipe my butt with my hands" time.... but today its like hmmm how would i say it... an overly populated big chunk of land that has gotten nowhere.......... with its huge population and sp called "smarts" it should have dominated the world by now in my opinion...... now.. doesnt that just give you something to be proud of??
korean dude   
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 12:24:50 (PST)