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The history of Korea, Japan and China is forever intertwined. I have found an interesting site where the authors are probably not-Sinocentric, but they are very objective in their approach and studies:
we are all the same   
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 02:10:07 (PST)
The mechanism for the generation of admixture of East Asian and European genes in Central Asia is less clear. Based on the recent discovery of mummified bodies in Xinjiang and linguistic evidence, the presence of Europeans in this region can be established to be as early as 4000 years ago (Han 1986). During the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) and the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618-A.D. 907), the Silk Road trade route was established from Xian (capital of the Han and Tang dynasties) through Central Asia to the Mediterranean Sea. Traveling over the Silk Road, many European traders settled within China (Jian 1983). During the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D., Turkic nomads of Siberian origin occupied Central Asia and replaced the Indo-European people in this region. The presence of European admixture in the Uyghurs might be mainly attributed to earlier European founders in Central Asia, and enhanced by the subsequent settlement of European traders along the Silk Road in ancient China.
The relative amount of gene flow experienced by each population was estimated using the island model of Harpending and Ward (1982). The two minority populations, especially the Uyghurs, showed a greater heterozygosity than predicted by the model, implying that they have received more gene flow. A great extent of European admixture could be a main reason for the greater heterozygosity in the Uyghurs. Furthermore, repeated invasions of Mongolian nomads from the north over thousands of years (Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994) could also have contributed to the increased heterozygosity in these two northern populations. In addition, since China was politically unified in 221 B.C. Chinese minorities have partly integrated into Han society and adopted Han language and culture. As a result, a certain degree of gene flow occurred from the local Han populations to these minorities. This gene flow could have contributed to an even greater heterogeneity in the Uyghurs and Sibos.
Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 20:07:19 (PST)
another voice,
immunoglobins do not give very detailed analysis of genetic imprints. It is just like blood types. Very general and not concise. Also, this geneticist (Matsumoto) once published a report stating that Hakka (a southern Han Chinese ethnic group) are related to the northern Asians when in fact most research (by Westerners, Chinese, Asians) still put them in cluster with other southern Han. It is coming to light that northern Asians are descended from Southeast Asians and that Amerindians are descended from many waves of Mongoloid migrations (both southern and northern).
Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 19:57:06 (PST)
I am of vietnamese descent. Although
been told by my vietnamese peers and
others that I don't even remotely look
Vietnamese. As much as I like my own
people...as far as looks..I would guess
Korean..are the best looking. I always
bump into good looking tall Koreans.
I don't know that many chinese..but the
ones I do know...I haven't seen that
many that I thought were attractive.
Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 17:17:07 (PST)
[Stop hitting the return key at the end of every line. --Ed]
To all Human Genes.
Is there Homogenous populations in this world? The answer is No. Why??
Korean and Japanese even though there
is historical animiosity. Koreans and Japanese are mixed. There both culturally homogenous country. China has been invaded 5 thousand years by Mongols, Koreans, Japanese, Europeans, and MiddleEastern tribes. North and Southern Chinese are different. Is Human Genes important??? The answer is No.
boston, massachusetts bostonseoul@hotmail.com   
Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 09:32:32 (PST)
Hey wassup everyone,
Well, I just wanna ask some of you this question. I was watching some Korean and Japanese Dramas on tv and realized that the celebrities don't seem to fit the usual Korean and Japanese faces. The actresses look more like Central Chinese people. The actors looks like Southern Chinese people. And somehow the actresses all look very similar. And why do Koreans always slam their doors hard? Like BAAM, every time my Korean neighbors come and go outta their home. I m not trying to insult anyone, but that's what I m seeing. Merry Kissmass. lol :)
Santa Klaus   
Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 05:59:06 (PST)
Study on Multiple Origins of Tibetan using Y Chromosomes SNP Markers
1Yaping Qian, 1Jiayou Chu, 3Bing Su, 2Li Jin
1Institute of Medical Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Kunming, 650118, China, 2Institute of Genetics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 3Human Genetics Center, University of Texas-Houston, Houston, Texas
The genetic origin of Tibetans was investigated using 19 Y chromosome single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers. Three Tibetan populations, two from central Tibet (Lhasa and Shigatse), and the other one from Zhongdian (northwestern Yunnan) were sampled. The former populations are called Zang (Tsang) who speak Tibetan belonging to the Central Tibetan branch, while the latter is called Khamba who speak Kham, a northern Tibetan language. In the three Tibetan populations, 10 Y haplotypes were observed. No significant difference between the Lhasa and Shigatse peoples was observed. It is clear that both Zang and Khamba populations are predominated by two haplotype groups defined by the YAP+ (H2 and H3) and M122C (H6 and H8), encompassing about 80% of their gene pools and suggesting a common origin of those two populations. The YAP+ was an ancient polymorphism originated from Central Asia and made major contributions to Tibetan populations (41.3% in Zang and 44.4% in Khamba). Our previous study on extant East Asian populations demonstrates that M122C (defining H6, H7 and H8) is predominant in East Asian populations, especially in Han Chinese (54.1% on average), but it is merely absent in other world populations, including Central Asians . Therefore, the high frequency of M122C in Tibetan population (>35%) reflects a genetic source originated from East Asian populations where YAP+ is virtually absent. In conclusion, Tibetan Y-chromosomes may have been derived from two different gene pools, one from Central Asia and the other from East Asia.
Friday, December 06, 2002 at 21:27:44 (PST)
HoHoHo Merry Christmas,
Korean owes a lot to the Japanese. U must admit that before u rebuke.
The Japanese colonial administration went through a number of phases, but its avowed aim was the total annihilation of Korean cultural identity and language. Koreans were to be absorbed as neo-Japanese. In fact, by 1944 the terms of that bargain were all too clear: 95% of employed Korean men, and 99% of employed Korean women were labourers (Henderson op.cit. p. 75). However, it did leave Korea with new and important legacies: the functioning institutions of a modern state, a road & rail network, post & telegraph systems, an industrial base, a health system (the population doubled under Japanese control), an education system designed in principle for everyone, not merely an elite, and a more or less classless society.
Friday, December 06, 2002 at 21:26:19 (PST)
Study of Korean Male Origins
Sunghee Hong, Seong-Gene Lee, Yongsook Yoon, Kyuyoung Song
University of Ulsan College of Medicine, 388-1 Poongnap-dong, Songpa-ku, Seoul, Korea
Population studies of genetic markers such as HLA variation and mitochondrial DNA have been used to understand human origins, demographic and migration history. Recently, diversity on the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome (NRY) has been applied to the study of human history. Since NRY is passed from father to son without recombination, polymorphisms in this region are valuable for investigating male-mediated gene flow and for complementing maternally based studies of mtDNA. Haplotypes constructed from Y-chromosome markers were used to trace the paternal origins of Korean. By using 38 Y chromosome single nucleotide polymorphism markers, we analyzed the genetic structure of 195 Korean males. The Korean males were characterized by a diverse set of 4 haplogroups (Groups IV, V, VII, X) and 14 haplotypes that were also present in Chinese. The most frequent haplogroup in Korean was Group VII (82.6%). It was also the most frequent haplogroup in Chinese (95%) as well as in Japanese (45%). The frequencies of the haplogroups V, IV, and X were 15.4%, 1%, and 1%, respectively. The second most frequent haplogroup V in Korean was not present in Chinese, but its frequency was similar in Japanese. We have tried to correlate the Y variation with surname to determine how well the clan membership corresponds to Y variation. There were 37 surnames in our sample but genetic variation structure did not correlate with surnames.
95% of all Chinese   
Friday, December 06, 2002 at 20:26:49 (PST)
small and skinny? Coreans never cease to amuse me. Especially taking all their silly little comments into consideration. Time and time again, I've made it clear that I'm not a small person (6'3, 170). I'm simply not a short, portly Corean.
My fellows from the north can agree on this matter. There is no real animosity towards your kind...quite frankly, you're not a topic of conversation. At most, it's a sort of a solemn indifference.
And just so you know, northern Chinese are the tallest asians.
It really entertains me when outsiders trying try to form a rift between the north and the south.
Friday, December 06, 2002 at 17:54:41 (PST)
another voice,
"On the other hand, the gene was introduced into Huis, Uyghurs, Indians, Iranians, and spread as far as to include Hungarians and Sardinians in Italy."
Genes don't work like that.
By whom was it introduced? It's probable that it remained where it always was. Especially when you mention Sardinians...these people speak Italian, but live on an island which was isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years inbreeding. Btw, they are one of the most pure-bred Northafrican populations in Europe.
SO don't trust your genetic studies. Mere coincidents still fake common ancestors.
serious critic   
Friday, December 06, 2002 at 16:47:14 (PST)
"to your male boxers losing to women-lol...etc, do I need to continue?"
LOL. I'm Chinese, but he has a point. That LO guy was such a degenerate. Some people will do anything for money and fame.
another voice   
Friday, December 06, 2002 at 13:07:04 (PST)
Matsumoto H.
Department of Legal Medicine, Osaka Medical College, Japan.
Since the discovery in 1966 of the Gm ab3st gene, which characterizes Mongoloid populations, the distribution of allotypes of immunoglobulins (Gm) among Mongoloid populations scattered from Southeast Asia through East Asia to South America has been investigated, and the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Mongoloid populations can be characterized by four Gm haplotypes, Gm ag, axg, ab3st, and afb1b3, and can be divided into two groups based on the analysis of genetic distances utilizing Gm haplotype frequency distributions: the first is a southern group characterized by a remarkably high frequency of Gm afb1b3 and a low frequency of Gm ag, and the second, a northern group characterized by a high frequency of both Gm ag and Gm ab3st but an extremely low frequency of Gm afb1b3. 2. Populations in China, mainly Han but including minority nationalities, show remarkable heterogeneity of Gm allotypes from north to south and contrast sharply to Korean and Japanese populations, which are considerably more homogenous with respect to these genetic markers. The center of dispersion of the Gm afb1b3 gene characterizing southern Mongoloids has been identified as the Guangxi and Yunnan area in the southwest of China. 3. The Gm ab3st gene, which is found with its the highest incidence among the northern Baikal Buriats, flows in all directions. However, this gene shows a precipitous drop from mainland China to Taiwan and Southeast Asia and from North to South America, although it is still found in high frequency among Eskimos, Koryaks, Yakuts, Tibetans, Olunchuns, Tungus, Koreans, Japanese, and Ainus. On the other hand, the gene was introduced into Huis, Uyghurs, Indians, Iranians, and spread as far as to include Hungarians and Sardinians in Italy. On the basis of these results, it is concluded that the Japanese race belongs to northern Mongoloids and that the origin of the Japanese race was in Siberia, and most likely in the Baikal area of the Soviet Union.
another voice   
Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 21:28:37 (PST)
Don't worry. I won't mistake Coreans for Chinese. Simple rule of thumb: Coreans are fatter, and tend to have flat faces. It never ceases to work.
Dear Chinatown
When it comes to you chinese, we always worry, but it's not becuase we look alike, not with your fragile, femine features, or your small, skinny,and weak physiques, and who can forget your high childlike voices. No, you'll never pass for Corean, not in your wildest fantasies. Unfortunately, it's your common low class antics that always end up embarassing all of us other asians, from your bad accents and extremely loud chatter, to your male boxers losing to women-lol...etc, do I need to continue?
HoHoHo Merry Christmas   
Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 14:05:29 (PST)
It says "anthropological traits", but it doesn't come up with specific DNA testing to prove the affiliations of Koreans and Japanese. It is no mistake that on average, the Koreans and Japanese look more "Mongol" than Han Chinese and other Asians. But, that doesn't prove if they are fully or partially descended from the Mongol/Manchus.
First of all, those tests which state the closeness of Koreans and Japanese to the Chinese are through PATERNAL DNA. It is still possible that the maternal DNA of Koreans and Japanese are Tunguzic. Remember that during the Han Dynasty, Korea was part of China for well over 4 centuries and the Japanese clans had come to pay their tribute at the Chinese Nangnang colony in Korea. A lot of things could have happened during that time, including mixing.
Oh, by the way, Japanese have now been shown to be closest to Tibetans in DNA and genetic distance. And, Tibetans are still overwhelmingly close to Chinese and other Southeast Asians in DNA.
Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 19:35:01 (PST)