Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese |
Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese |
Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
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Check out this link. Korean celebrities before and after plastic surgery. look left to right
No wonder koreans got such a high score for most attractive physical traits on this poll (23%). Koreans are not naturally beautiful. They need lots of makeup and surgery to look like Chinese. I even heard Koreans saw their jawbones to get rid of square face. Yikes, what the hell! That's just weird...
So Fake....   
Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 21:55:57 (PST)
There is a tomb of a japanese merchant, Tani Yajirobei, in HoiAn vietnam. The ancient city Hoi An in vietnam is said to have had a Japanese community there. It had a Chinese district and a Japanese district. There is a Japanese covered bridge that is still intact. Japanese tourists stop by and pay their respects to the japanese graves. Anyways, there is a love story about Yajirobei falling in love with a Hoi An girl. I was wondering if any Japanese people here knows anything about it.
Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 15:33:57 (PST)
I've noticed that there are a lot of people who are half viet and half chinese. Viets pretty much have already been mixing with Chinese.
I also notice that a lot of Koreans and Vietnamese date each other, both in the U.S. and overseas. Korean girls seem to be attracted to vietnamese guys and vietnamese girls appear to be attracted to korean guys. There's this vietnamese/korean duo, a Vietnamese violinsts and his wife, a korean pianists, perform classical music in asia. They met in Russia.
I've seen Vietnamese/Japanese couples and Japanese/Taiwanese couples too. Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba, a renowned artists, is the son of a Vietnamese father and Japanese mother is an example of a known viet/japanese.
Vietnamese like to listen to v-pop, k-pop, hk-pop, and j-pop. Vietnam watches hongkong movies, korean dramas, and japanese movies. Japanese like to travel to Vietnam. Korean pop-stars translate and sing in japanese too. Japanese like Chinese merchandise.
Conlusion? We asians can all get along. Northerners don't look down on Southerners. Southerners dont despise Northerners. Its just only the few that come here to bash each other that cause friction between us.
Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 10:59:40 (PST)
Gosh all these scientific data and genetic studies are giving me a headache, I don't want to read any of this. What are you trying to prove that Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc are different, well it's obvious we are different just by looking at us.
No I don't agree that we are all the same or descend from a common ancestor, although we are Asian I believe we branch off in different directions, thus we look different and have different languages.
Chinese have a rich history in the past but they are still struggling to stabilize their government and control their masses of people from getting out of hand.
Japanese have really made it far in technology and relationship with the West. Without the Japanese would you think Asia living standards much improve. It is the trade with the Japanese and aid from them that Asia is much better than it was years ago.
Korean well following the Japanese example they have succeed in transforming their economy into the Asian tiger and recognition in the international community. But their government and country is split in two so they must try to work that out, it is a weakness that they pay for.
Vietnamese after the war have made it to America and trying to rebuild their lives and future. Vietnamese over here I think are more successful due to the flexibility of the American system free from any communist constraint they faced back home.
Comparing the nationalities I think China is a big country so there must be many ethnic groups that make up the population not just the Han. I conclude that China is not a homogenous country but a blending of different ethnic groups that make up the modern Chinese we see today. In the time of empire building it would be illogical to conclude that the Han assimilate all the tribes they conquered, although I do believe that the Han have spread their language that these cultures took up, thus the common Chinese language.
I believe Chinese are not all the same. The north Chinese and southern Chinese would have look different and different physically. The north would be taller and more buit with their eyes more slanted like Mongel and Koreans. The southern Chinese would be shorter, darker skin, and look more like Vietnamese and Thai.
Korean I think are descendant of the Japanese though some may object to my view. Koreans may have crossed to Japan during the period when the land has not been separated when the island of Japan and the Korean peninsular were joined. The Korean language and the Japanese language sound distantly familiar accept that Japanese sound longer in tones.
The Vietnamese and other Southeast Asian are related. Although the Vietnamese have lighter skin and look more mongoloid than other Southeast Asians so I conclude that the Vietnamese is mix between Mongoloid and Malayan races. That Vietnamese language are too different to classified into any linguistic classification so I say they are people that descended from southern China or North Vietnam, and have lived their for centuries. They were the first to grow rice or develop that form of agriculture.
a personal theory   
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 08:05:05 (PST)
small and skinny? Coreans never cease to amuse me. Especially taking all their silly little comments into consideration. Time and time again, I've made it clear that I'm not a small person (6'3, 170). I'm simply not a short, portly Corean.
*You are 6' 3" and ONLY 170? Walking stick figure! HAHAHA! I'm 6' 2" and 195, I'm taller than most my Corean friends. And who said Coreans are short and portly? Coreans have a reputation as being among the tallest among Asians. It's you Chinese who are viewed as short, skinny and loud. IF and only if, the Northern Chinese are taller how much taller could they be on average?
Your kind is not even talked about among Coreans. Discussion comes up only when another illegal Chinese boats tries to enter South Corea or when we stroll through Chinatown and shake ours heads in disbelief how dirty it is or how shady Chinese business men are.
'My fellows from the north can agree on this matter. There is no real animosity towards your kind...quite frankly, you're not a topic of conversation. At most, it's a sort of a solemn indifference.
* LOL, same here. You Chinese can't even agree on if Northern Chinese are same as the Southern Chinese from reading here. It seems you have enough problems on your own. I saw an interview during the recent World Cup, TV crew asked a non Han Chinese( I believe) from western part of China if he's happy that China is making its first appearance in the World Cup. And to my amazment he didn't seem happy or positive at all, he basically said he doesn't care about China's prospects , he rather root Italy. And he continued and said most people here aren't even rooting for China. What is that all about?
And just so you know, northern Chinese are the tallest asians.
*Perhaps, although you haven't provided any proof but I take your word for it. And being tall and geeky gets you what?? You sure are a boney guy. Try eating 5 small portions per day and lift weights.
It really entertains me when outsiders trying try to form a rift between the north and the south.
* Nahhh, that was always there between you two groups. But honestly I can usually tell the difference between Northern and Southern Chinese.
Counter Puncher   
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 17:32:48 (PST)
Again, the more I think about it, the more it is nonsense.
We all have images of how certain Asian groups look like, but the reality is that there isn't really any one certainty in looks.
I have come across Filipinos who look Nisei Japanese. I have seen a Vietnamese woman who look so much like the Mongolian vendor I saw in Russia. And, like I said, I have seen Coreans and Japanese who can be mistaken for Chinese.
Yesterday, I saw a lady whom would without a doubt be taken for Mexican. Lo and behold, she spoke Vietnamese and her child looked 100% Asian. It turns out she was Eurasian or Amerasian. When she was eating at that Chinese restaurant, a Mexican janitor was looking at her strange. Probably because she looked Mexican and her child looked more Asian. When she talked to the boy in Vietnamese, he went about his business and mopped the floor without caring.
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 17:02:51 (PST)
It is called "PLASTIC SURGERY." When you got money, anything can change. Although I must admit that there does exist Coreans and Japanese with naturally born large eyes (which on appearance makes them look more like Chinese and Southeastern Asians).
This is what I noticed though, the larger-eyed Coreans look like northern Han and the larger-eyed Japanese look southern Han. There was migration to these two places by the Chinese in the past either through war or trade, so it would not and should not surprise anyone if there exists some (not all) individuals from among the Japanese and Coreans who look Han Chinese. I have read a story that when the Japanese were persecuting their own Christians, among the victims were some Japanese whose fathers were Fujianese fishermen and merchants who traditionally traded at Fukuoka and Nagasaki. There was always unofficial trade going on between western Japan and coastal parts of China. Okinawa has always served as the bridge, and it is no surprise that of all Japanese, they have the most genetic connections to coastal Han Chinese. Up until the Ching conquest, it was common for Ming Chinese to cross into and settle in northern parts of Korea. Chinese living on the coasts can reach both Corea and Japan in a matter of days or weeks. The wind currents blow east so it is very natural to assume this is so. Also, there must have been Coreans and Japanese who also settled in coastal parts of China as well. During the Tang Dynasty, there were 2-3 known officials who came from Japan. One of them (whose ancestors were Chinese who fled from Corea) brought back a lot of Tang etiquette and culture to Japan. It was during Tang that large numbers of Coreans (mainly from Goguryo and Baekjae) were forcibly brought back to China. Were all of them killed or worked to death? Of course not. Some of their children even managed to become generals in the Chinese army. One son of a Goguryo general even became the Tang Chinese leading general in Central Asia when fighting against Turks, Tibetans, Indians and Arabs. Like I said before, it is probably more practical to say that modern Coreans are more Shilla originated, because Goguryo and Baekjae was left depopulated after the Tang invasions due to deportations to China or some fleeing to Japan. The Han Chinese and Japanese probably have more of the Goguryo/Baekjae genes than do Coreans today.
Like bostonseoul said: "No human group or genes is homogenous."
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 16:46:42 (PST)
Good compliment you have for another fellow Asian group. I just hope Coreans have the same praise for the Vietnamese and not otherwise...
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 16:28:25 (PST)