

(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:19:50 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are a woman, which most closely matches your idea of a great first date?
Coffee and Conversation | 51%
Picnic in the Country | 3%
Brunch and Tennis | 1%
Dinner and Movie | 45%

Assuming you are a woman, which gesture by your date would you most welcome?
Brings flowers or candy | 2%
Arrives precisely on time | 72%
Compliments your appearance | 9%
Calls the next morning | 17%

Assuming you are a woman, what's the worst mistake a guy can make on a first date?
Showing up late | 5%
Showing up badly dressed/groomed | 7%
Hogging the conversation | 3%
Making a premature sexual advance | 85%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To: Curious G

That sounds good, bit wordy. Where the hell are you from!!!
Woman in the Yellow Hat    Friday, February 22, 2002 at 07:42:32 (PST)

I feel for you. I don't want to make a critique of this, but I frankly don't believe in Internet dating. It is mostly virtual.

Different people have different tastes, and yes, we cannot deny that looks and a very good photogenic picture is what attracts people. A lot of the women who go or resort to these services are usually insecure and not open minded. If you look at the ads, you find very few white women asking for an Asian man or black man. Granted that you are pretty professional and successful, but there are other white boys out there just as successful.

Have you tried an Asian-American dating site? There are lots of them online. Korealink has a link to such sites.

I have tried Russian and East European dating services. I did more research into it and can say that all the ladies trying to be mail order brides are frauds and scammers. I read quite a few horror stories.

Another thing, is that I think your descriptions are a bit too lengthy. It kind of scares away some girls in my opinion. Just relax and let loose.

The thing I found is that you can't love. Love always has to come to you for it to be true.
been there done that    Friday, February 22, 2002 at 00:01:47 (PST)
In my opinion, I think it's not the ad that's not getting you any girls but your face. How many attractive people do you know resorts to dating services to find mates? I never in my life relied on anything but my good looks to get what I want. So my advice to you is you should either get plastic surgery or should stop pretending that you are asian because i never heard of an asian male that ugly that he couldn't get him some.
asian dude that has no problem getting some    Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 23:20:44 (PST)
In my opinion, your post is bad. There are many easily identifiable MAJOR mistakes.

"Many years have left me, but I still feel like a kid."

Makes you sound both pompous and immature. The style is false sounding and corny.

>>When intelligent conversations are needed

Major grammatical error- this is a dead give-away to everyone who reads this that English is your second language and you failed to become proficient with it.

>>I enjoy good laugh and I find it in truth. Yes, Truth, when examined carefully, it is funny

Makes you sound dead serious. Capitalizing Truth suggests you're inflexible, fixated on your interpretation of things, like Bin Laden.

>>I cook whenever I get a chance... I am a kind person. I am a thinker.

Makes you sound like a stereotypical geeky asian guy. Cooking should only be mentioned if you have lots of cool hobbies.

>>Mentally and physically, I have a healthy balance between them.

Makes you sound dead serious, also includes multiple grammatical errors.

>> I am not a confrontational person, instead I am a negotiator. I do not look for dominant nor subordinate relationship. I look for equilibrium.

Makes you sound dead serious. Even mentioning dominant or subordinate is not necessary and suggests to readers that these things are on your mind. Like, mentioning, hey, I'm not a murderer or adulterer or planning to blow up landmarks.

>>I am as romantic as Pepe Le Pew

Pepe Le Pew is portrayed as a loser- a greasy skunk who smells and is a romantic failure. Claiming you have the mannerisms of a loser suggests you're not very worldy. It also contradicts your claim you are capable of of engaging in intelligent conversation.


Disgusting. Immature. No wonder you are single. Also confirms the earlier suspicion of immaturity.

>>So, if you have free time, perhaps, we could double-click together!

Corny and wimpy sounding.

Your ideal match section sounds terrible as well. My guess is the problem is not so much with your writing than that the writing accurately reflects who the writer is.

No wonder you're single    Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 22:13:02 (PST)
Curious George - I'm a female and i think you sound a bit cheesy and fake. For example: "why am i using this online service? well, i enjoy clicking things, and the has plenty of things for me to click. So, if you have free time,perhaps, we could double-click together." No offense, but that was really cheesy and a turn off in your profile It appears you are using the Machiavellian technique to search for your mate. You say you are romantic, have money, and is "above" average looking, then you shouldn't have any problems getting a date in real life. Oh, here's a side note for you, most women know that most men are not what they say they are. Hope this helps you.
Francheska Aleman    Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 21:11:00 (PST)
My opinion of Curious George? He's a fake. An AM did not write this. Please...references to "Pepe Le Pew"..."Zen master on cloud-nine"..."I will enjoy what is in the cup, and when finished, Supersize it! burrrrrp..."... Also, it seems to me the writing proficiency in the post varies a lot. There are some indications of the more complicated English language constructions, yet there are a lot of very simple errors, as if someone purposely littered them about.

If you're for real, what can I say...? Let's see some pictures. Provide a link to your profile, or to appease the GoldSea editors, your profile name. Better yet, provide a photo of you holding a sign saying something like, "I am the 33 year-old Korean Pepe Le Pew".

As you asked for it, that's why I honestly think!

Cynical Sid    Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 21:09:35 (PST)
Maybe it's the picture. Your stuff seems pretty good.

BTW I'm not a woman, but I know that chicks dig that kinda stuff. Cheezzzey stuff!

Uncut White Dude    Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 17:01:53 (PST)
curious george:

1) no - move on...
2) no
3) you sound very immature
4) not really, yet if you were gorgeous, many a chickadee would flock onto your porch...

p.s. you should probably try to trim it down a little and you wouldn't sound so desperate.
chicky poo    Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 15:44:59 (PST)
Curious George, how about trying this experiment, take your profile and put a white guy's picture with it and see if you get any responses. I'd really like to try that test myself but I'm not into cyber personals.
anon    Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 13:10:14 (PST)