Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are a woman, which most closely matches your idea of a great first date?
Coffee and Conversation |
Picnic in the Country |
Brunch and Tennis |
Dinner and Movie |
Assuming you are a woman, which gesture by your date would you most welcome?
Brings flowers or candy |
Arrives precisely on time |
Compliments your appearance |
Calls the next morning |
Assuming you are a woman, what's the worst mistake a guy can make on a first date?
Showing up late |
Showing up badly dressed/groomed |
Hogging the conversation |
Making a premature sexual advance |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To: Beijing Angelique......Only attracted to Asian guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If only 2 out of 200 asian guys made you look twice, then may be you are not really attracted to asian men in general.
Monday, April 29, 2002 at 01:00:14 (PDT)
It would seem like women don't go for the nice guys but they do. The nice guys must learn how to overcome social hurdles like awkwardness in dating and don't make too many fumbles on the first try. That's the first stage. Once they get past that, then the true inner character starts to materialize. It's too bad first dates and impressions guide most people. Here's what not to do on a first date.
Oh no, he didn't!!!   
Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 11:46:01 (PDT)
To playa-hater, as a woman I have always gone for nice guys, I never understood women that went for the playboys who treated them like dirt, or a "challenging" guy. I always thought they were either stupid or insecure or both. I'd much rather have a guy that treats me like a princess, like my AM boyfriend does. He's exactly as you describe, and I've never been happier in my life. :) So there are still some women out there that aren't just after looks, sex and image, but truly take the time to learn about someone's personality and character.
curious girl   
Monday, April 22, 2002 at 12:25:03 (PDT)
Women, especially young women nowadays are complex. For one thing, many of them don't appreciate nice guys. These nice guys are the type of men who treat their women like queens. They value their women over themselves. They buy everything for them, they agree to everything she says, they never argue back over her disagreements, they let her boss them around, they give all their money and salaries to her, they love kids, they want a family, they are loyal, they come home after 6 pm. THESE ARE THE NICE GUYS!!!
Many young women no longer like these types of men. Nice guys are seen as too boring. They want challenge. They like the thrill of chasing and taming bad boys, losers, players, studs, what have you.
What women don't admit is that they like sex and good looks just as much as men do. Only difference is that a woman will wait for her Prince Charming no matter how long it takes, while at the same time reject other men who does not fit her "QUALIFICATIONS."
All young women these days have some of this attitude in them. It is more accentuated among African-American and Latina females based on my experiences and observations.
In the past, a successful man and an ideal mate was one who had money, education, ethics and security. Nowadays, it is not the case.
People are free to choose now. So, they choose looks, sex and image.
I hope I am wrong...But, I have seen it happen all too often now...
I am a playa-hater for reals   
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 00:13:28 (PDT)
The University that I will be going to...there are alot of Asian guys.
But from what I've seen...there's like one hot guy for every 50 not good looking ones.
I was at an event for Chinese students at the University a couple of months ago... there were maybe 200 men. I saw only 2 that made me want to look twice.
Beijing Angelique......Only attracted to Asian guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 21:42:02 (PDT)
I can understand letting the girl deciding what/where to do/go if they were already friends or kinda known each other, but what if the girl is someone new? Didn't you females say its better if the guy already have things planned out? some thing about you finding it sexy when the man take charge.
I guess your idea works too, but I say to all you guys out there, you should at least have an idea before picking her up. You know, just in case her response is "I dunno" or "it doesn't matter", when you ask her what she wants to do.
man, i'm confused. damn women!
Mr. Hann   
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 11:38:10 (PDT)