

(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:18:52 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the personal style of your ideal AA man?
Reserved & Cultured | 8%
Warm & Understanding | 85%
Aggressive & Take-Charge | 7%
Party Animal | 0%

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the body type of your ideal AA man?
Thin | 1%
Trim | 54%
Sculpted (V-shape) | 45%
Stocky/Heavyset | 0%

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the height of your ideal AA man?
Short (5-6 or Under) | 0%
Average (5-7 to 5-9) | 51%
Tall (5-10 to 6-1) | 48%
Supertall (6-2 or Above) | 1%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

you may be a better philosopher than me but emotionally (or so) in the times of the ancient Greeks.-We can't turn the wheel of time back for you.
rare stuff    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 16:15:25 (PDT)
I have always found Asian women very attractive. I've never dated an asian woman because I wasn't sure if they would be attracted to me, because I'm half Korean half white. So there always seems to be that border there. Maybe it's just me being stupid.
I do consider myself as an Asian American male. My mother is full Korean and was born and raised there until she was 19. I was born here.
I've looked at a lot of these rooms, and not one time did I see anything that regarded to Half Asians. So I'm courious about what asian woman think about dating someone is half asian.

squill    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 15:32:11 (PDT)

[You can also check out the Hapa page. --Ed]

It is not the dominance that the game of love is about. It is the dependence. Like human dependence on air and water. A sickly and selfish dependence desired by men and women.

Only those truely self-assured will use love as a tool for control of an individual.

Sex cannot exist void of all feeling in both participants.

Sex can exist void of all feeling on part of the women. But without feeling without fire, the man will be but a worm. A pathetic sight indeed.

Lust is love. Or better to call it the seeds of love. It was the denial of lust that was the heart of victorian novels. Without lust, you are talking about the love between bothers, sisters, and family. Which is only a shadow of the type of love between lovers.

For lovers, the fires of passion must burn in the minds and loins.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 12:38:50 (PDT)

My interracial relationship is luckily happy and stress free. It was not until I began reading things on goldsea that I realized how many asians really resent the idea of asian men or women dating out of their race. It's as though we were "stealing" their men/women. I really find it discouraging, though I don't let it get to me.
true love can take work    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 11:20:12 (PDT)
true love,

i guess i don't know if all IR relationships are more difficult (it comes down to the individuals involved) but it makes me cringe to see AF/AM relationships put on a say there the media is putting pressure on asian/asian relationship gives undue credence to the stereotypes.....most of the pressures in a AM/AF relationship might be things like the demands of modern living, the role of women, work/life balance etc....which are going to impact on every relationship regardless of race.
maxdacat    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 05:54:29 (PDT)
AC Dropout --

I wholly appreciate your allusions with the Othello reference. :).

Lust is a physical and emotional manifestation of sexual attraction.

Sex is a physical and emotional outlet to express the manifestation of sexual attraction.

Love is a physical and emotional manifestation of sexual attraction, combined with caring, longing, acceptance, curiosity, and respect.

Lust can transpire without love.
Sex can exist void of all feelings for a lasting love.
Lust and sex can exist in a state of infatuation.
Lust and sex can exist in a state of love.

One can love how a person makes him or her feel.
Once can love to make a person feel a certain way.

Does this mean that love is in the air?

Or does it suggest a perverse and selfish satisfaction of physical and emotional dominance over another?

firesnake    Monday, June 10, 2002 at 14:41:28 (PDT)

I agree. Being in an interracial relationship is much harder than being with someone of the same race. But if you truly love each other, then you work out the differences or problems. I mean in an IR you have to deal with how each of your families will feel about it, occasional racism from strangers, worrying about whether the other person would rather really be dating someone of their race, and if you have kids that makes life even more difficult. But I believe that things that come easy aren't usually worth having, it's the things you have to work hard for that really count and give you a deep sense of satisfaction.
true love can take work    Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 12:14:10 (PDT)
so successful AM/AF relationships are "defying media and societal pressures"....what a load of rubbish....i think elevating these relationships over others creates a holier than thou's like saying cross-cultural relationships (which invariably face greater pressures) are oh so admirable!
maxdacat    Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 10:34:26 (PDT)

I meant firesnake not krasavitsa.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 07:20:48 (PDT)

"beast with two backs"?

Othello by Shakespeare. It a reference to the missionary position.

I'm playing off of krasavitsa obvious love of the English language. I'm assuming since she went through the same public school system, she too was forced to read this overated work of "Jungle Fever" (BM with WF)

Since lust and love are more or less the same from a biological point of view. I'm basically questioning her stance on the possibility of the existance of sex void of all feelings.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 07:18:52 (PDT)
AC Dropout

...forgive my ignorance... whaaatsssaaa "beast with two backs"? Is that more of your banal small-talk chatter or is it something more earth shattering? And I feel as if...hmmm, if I really thought about it, I'd get your drift, but for the life of me...I don't get it.


"...true love is wanting the other person to be truly happy. It is a form of compassion." ?????????? come on krasavitsa! I feel compassion for a lot of people, but I wouldn't wanna have sex with them or miss them dreadfully when they're not around!
MLk    Monday, June 03, 2002 at 22:59:48 (PDT)