

(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:19:11 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the personal style of your ideal AA man?
Reserved & Cultured | 8%
Warm & Understanding | 85%
Aggressive & Take-Charge | 7%
Party Animal | 0%

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the body type of your ideal AA man?
Thin | 1%
Trim | 54%
Sculpted (V-shape) | 45%
Stocky/Heavyset | 0%

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the height of your ideal AA man?
Short (5-6 or Under) | 0%
Average (5-7 to 5-9) | 51%
Tall (5-10 to 6-1) | 48%
Supertall (6-2 or Above) | 1%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
pookie is female? At least i thought so.

Come on, it's just a name? how can something as common as a name be worth anything of value except maybe to a credit card thief?
1/2LostSoul    Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 08:30:50 (PDT)

"I'm not sure how tall 173cm is (the metric system has alwasy been out of my league), but I do know that if you're 5'5" or above, you're great the way you are!"

Here's a lesson in the metric system.

2.54 cm = 1 inch

Hopefully, you know that 12 inches equal 1 foot. So, 173cm = 5'8.1".

You say you're a bit over 5'4", then that makes you 163cm. You're minimum desire for 5'5" translates to a 165cm height requirement. Pretty useful if you go to Asia or almost anywhere else around the world, where the metric system is used.
B. Lee    Monday, August 05, 2002 at 17:30:06 (PDT)
MLK aka kelly hu (j/k),

unfortunately, i'm not the author of that fine list, but i found it quite humorous and true.

i shall go back to looking for that sweet apple in a barrel full of sour ones

pookie MLK = the sweet apple    Monday, August 05, 2002 at 14:16:24 (PDT)

Frits are not French. Everyone knows they're Canadian. Ever try Poutines. They are a killer.

Once again your roots are showing. A glimmer of womenly wisdom and sensibility. Where's the dixie blonde I use to tease incessantly.

Oral sex...would a gentleman broach such a topic with a lady. I'm outraged at such a statement. I was merely pointing out how a pearl is sometimes buried deep oyster must be finessed, not forced. Which is true when tackling problems of life.

Shy...weren't you the one that complained to me how unfair I was not treating you in the same baudy manner as I did all those on this board.

Duck behind image of the shy giggling asian lady covering her face with the sandal wood fan when it suits your needs. But I've seen your true nature lurking. Yang Vamp you be.

Humility, must be my age and too much Nietzsche. But since the wise sage posting as MLK has forewarn my shortcoming. I will keep in mind.
AC Dropout    Monday, August 05, 2002 at 13:41:55 (PDT)

That's funny. But so true.
AC Dropout    Monday, August 05, 2002 at 08:56:24 (PDT)

Anything worth having in life...comes with a price. Read the letter backwards and you will see.
AC Dropout    Monday, August 05, 2002 at 08:55:53 (PDT)

Once again, the jokster/sheister rules the AM forum.

Yes, I am the same Kelly, no you may not cook my doggies. Yes, I understood the oyster allegory but chose to misunderstand because I feel funny talking about oral sex (I think it's just my Asian upbringing...tad bit on the shy side about stuff like that). Yes, I understood the referrence to Chinese Checkers, but on that same note, I'm forewarning you...French Fries are not French! You could lose just by being so cocky about your abilities. Be more humble, Mr. AC. It is how the west (rest) will be won.
MLK    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 17:06:45 (PDT)

Spoken like a true male who's currently on a leash. Experience is a hard teacher, isn't she?

Would it make any difference in your situation and station in life if I told you that you just happened to have picked a sour apple out of the entire barrel of sweet ones?
MLK    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 16:58:53 (PDT)
Korean guy w/Crush

You are very insightful. Very close too! But please don't try again, since the next time, you will have hit it on the head and then, there goes my anonymity. Once you know a person's real name, then there's no point in posting under MLK again, is there? I might as well just give my social security number and passport # out! :)

Don't worry about your height. I'm not sure how tall 173cm is (the metric system has alwasy been out of my league), but I do know that if you're 5'5" or above, you're great the way you are!

Hey, don't go looking for wierdos in here.
MLK    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 16:51:20 (PDT)

I have seen the light.    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 15:16:06 (PDT)