

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following nations will be the U.S.'s most important Asian diplomatic partner in the 21st century?
China | 23%
Taiwan | 25%
Corea | 26%
Japan | 26%

Which of the following should be the U.S.'s top Asia-policy objective?
Keep China from attacking Taiwan | 24%
Promote peaceful reunification of Corea | 26%
Keep Japan from becoming a military power | 23%
Bring home all U.S. troops stationed on Asian soil | 27%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I think that the US do respect China more than they let on through the media. In fact, that is exactly why they portray China in the light that they do because they realize that she has great potential. It's amazing that the government continues to govern 1.3 billion people. Although the West sees human rights violations there, there are 1.3 billion people! How difficult that must be. There are violations in the "free" and less populated countries.
I don't think that what the Chinese have done in the past or present is good, holy, "in the name of truth, justice, and the American Way," but I think that they are constantly evolving - and surviving. They sure don't wanna get caught with their pants down again - just because our modern world seems more 'civilized' doesn't mean it's any less ruthless.
dude    Monday, December 03, 2001 at 19:29:34 (PST)
You fellas are onto it!!!
I've been waiting ages for someone to make similar statements.
Keep up the good work!

Staunch Supporter from the Deep South

Kiwi Chinese Fella to Keith and Thomas    Tuesday, October 02, 2001 at 00:49:44 (PDT)
>Shinjuku Watagamaru
Most of Japanese never think of conquering Asia again although they are hoping to keep power in asia.
I think your can't control your feelings because it probably came from any resentment for whatever reasons.
Your idea could never solve the problem of your dignity because it's relying on other powers. If your country get superior to Japan by democratic processes, all the people in the world would admit your country's potential.
By the way, you seem to write English very well. I am jerous of you.

Tak    Monday, September 17, 2001 at 16:23:13 (PDT)

I have a simple solution to america's position in Asia: get the fu-k out! we don't want you their. they cause nothing but trouble. throughout asian history, the chinese have ruled and was in most part in harmony. america causes nothing but shit by selling arms to taiwan, occupying corea and japan.

The Chinese government kept China alive beyond the 20th century?? Have you forgotten about the Cultural Revolution? Have you forgotten about Tiannamen Square? This is what you call giving China life? That's sad. The communists destroyed their own history and their own people and are still doing that.
Susie Q.

     China is lucky.
     After 4000 years, it has become the largest and longest existing civilisation. China has survived to the modern times...
     The US need to understand that CHINA is not just a government, Its a people, a place, a spirit.
     The US media need to give more respect for the Chinese government for their work in keeping China alive beyond the twentieth century. The US media need to avoid installing fear among its people. The US media need to encourage peace through cultural understanding. The US media need to accept the present Chinese government and help assist its transition towards a democracy. The US need to be more sincere about China, becuase China is America's best potential friend.

     Hi everyone,
     I don't know why everybody seems so nervous about China. China has always been a big country now and for the past 2000 years. Throughout its history, China has always been at war with itself, and REMEMBER, the worst victim of WWII is CHINA NOT AMERICA.
     The only reason that China is at present a communist country is because of the cold war! Try thinking of China as a democracy during the period, and you will find the wars not the Vietnam and Korea, but along the great wall and in China itself (against Russia)! The leaders of China cares about its people's future. They have reverence for their country and the world. This is natural because China has such a long history that it is a world in itself!
     The country has nothing to want from other countries, only respect and acceptance, China has NO MILITRAY BASES IN ANY COUNTRY except itself!
     With regards to the issue of Taiwan. I think the only reason for people in Taiwan to want independence is that:
     - they want democracy.
     China is experiencing its most enlightening and progressive period in its history. With economic reforms and the opening up of the country, the government IS STRIVING slowly for democracy. the united states tried to destory the credibility of the present goverment to hinder the process.
     one thing is certain< and the us must understand, that for democracy to develop peacefully in china, the credibility of the present government must be maintained! (Think carefully about this...)
     The US media need to stop inciting conflict in Asia in order to gain an advantage that is not built from the grass roots but gained from the misfortunes of other countries.