

(Updated Friday, Dec 17, 2010, 03:45:22 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which Houston area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Katy/West Houston | 26%
Sugar Land/Ft Bend Cty | 32%
Westside Chinatown | 7%
W Univ Pl/Inner Loop | 24%
The Woodlands | 11%

What's the best thing about living in the Houston area?
No Cold Winters | 3%
Many Good Asian Restaurants | 32%
Reasonable Cost of Living | 54%
Southern Hospitality | 11%

What's the worst thing about living in the Houston area?
Hot Muggy Summers | 56%
Pollution & Dominance by Big Oil | 25%
Rednecks in Outlying Areas | 19%
Asian Community Political Squabbling | 0%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Former Rice Owl II,
It's always like that ain't it? It doesn't matter what walk-of-life you're from. You'll always have to deal with mofos in one form or another.
Jay    Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 09:46:30 (PDT)
I'd like to know more on asian white dating experiences in the Houston area.
azncrush    Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 08:16:20 (PDT)
Heads up Harris County TX and Orange County CA:

You both are now under ORDER of the Justice department to provide voting ballots and instructions in Vietnamese, as well as in English and Spanish. Both of you two Counties in CA and TX have over 10,000 Vietnamese-American US Citizens of Voting Age who are not proficient in English. The Voters rights act stipulates that when you have this large of a population of a group of Voting age whose primary language isn't English, you must provide voting materials in their native language.

This is a HUGE step forward for the Vietnamese American Population in these counties.

Read this article in the Houston Chronicle for more 411:
Samantha Truong    Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 07:21:39 (PDT)
Azn guy:

Hooter's is cheaper than a strip club and they HAVE FOOD!!! The only thing is you don't get to look at their naked boobs and they don't give lap dances there. At least there's sports on every TV...
Wayne Chung    Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 06:03:26 (PDT)
It was a sad day today. One of my mother's friends was killed at Kim's restaurant. The owner of the restaurant killed his wife including my mother's friend. Apparently, the other 2 men tried to intervene when the owner was arguing with his wife. The owner told the men to not interfere or else he would kill them also. Sure enough, he made through with his threat. Anyways, I drove my mother to the scene. It was gruesome even at a far distance. Here's a tip, if u are ever at a restaurant and encounter couples or people arguing, do not intervene. Just leave asap because you might end up in the morgue.
Azn guy    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 22:05:01 (PDT)

I saw that professor in the Hawaiian shirt at the Sugar Land Hooter's AGAIN! This time, he was in Lin's section. UNBELIEVABLE!!! She was sitting there talking with him and smiling at him since there wasn't anyone else in her section!!! She was just gabbing away while he ate his wings and commented here and there!!! Geez--she even gave him a BIG HUG and a KISS on the cheek before he left!!! You don't usually see a Hooter's girl doing THAT for a customer!!!

Anyway, Viet guy you need to go there and check out the babes--there's two more hapa chicks named Mallory and Denise working there now! Booze, Ballgames and Babes, my horny Asian brotha!!!
ASIAN MAN WHO'S A HOOTER'S FAN    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 10:53:58 (PDT)
Hooter's is a ripoff! If i wanted to see some knockers, i'd just go to a strip club and probably end up paying the same!
Azn guy    Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 01:23:09 (PDT)
Incensed H-Town Local

Where is that "massage therapy clinic" that guy ran out of? I've got a sore back myself!!!
Jay, the Happy Horny Hapa    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 11:24:34 (PDT)
Viet guy in Houston:

"Hey ASIAN MAN WHO'S A HOOTER'S FAN, which professor did you see at the new Hooter's? I did my basics at HCC-Stafford and I use to work there as well. C'mon, a hint at least?"

A hint? Okay... it's a professor who is known for wearing Hawaiian Shirts and shorts when he teaches summer school because he "dresses for comfort, not style." I'm not saying anymore than that!!!
ASIAN MAN WHO'S A HOOTER'S FAN,    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 11:21:54 (PDT)
former rice owl...and proud of it!

I went to THE Baylor in Waco--it is a separate institution from the Med School in Houston and the Dental School in Dallas. While I think it's great that the undergrads are able to get better research opportunities at Rice, Grad Students shouldn't be pushed aside nor should they be treated like slaves to the professors.

I was actually in the PhD program for Economics at Rice, but opted out with a second Masters degree when I realized several of my compatriots (who should have graduated long ago with their PhDs) were still there because the professors were milking them for all they were worth as research assistants while doing NOTHING to get them graduated. I know one guy who revised his dissertation on Nash Equilibria TEN times in five years but each time he made the recommended changes, the dept. chair at the time kept on "finding something else" to keep him from passing muster.

Again, the undergrad women at Rice were awesome in my opinion, but the professors need to get their heads outta their asses and treat the grad students with respect.
Former Rice Owl II    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 06:35:03 (PDT)