

(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:14:10 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

In relating with other Asian American groups, Japanese Americans most exhibit which of the following attitudes?
More Americanized than thou | 51%
More rooted in ancestral heritage | 0%
More anxious to be low key | 49%
More embracing of other AA | 0%

Which of the following has the most impact on the Japanese American identity?
Smallest percentage of recent immigrants | 36%
World War II internment | 51%
Japan's economic success | 6%
Smaller population than other AA groups | 7%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To Inazuma

First, don't be too protective about Japan. Only why Japan exist in this modern world is because of "Korea".

Second, Japan help Korean economy?
majority of Market goes to U.S. even now China replaced Japanese market.

Third, majority of Koreans live in capitalist world. So Koreans being Mafia bosses in Japanese Yakuza world or even Korean mafia world in Japan is part of Money and power!! Hostess or Prostitute? Its Japanese men who pays to f*** around with Korean women not American or Korean men!! So don't blame Korean women.

Fourth, to Iroha and Inazuma whatever your name is. YOU BOTH NEED TO GROW UP!!! SMELL COFFEEE ABOUT JAPAN!! JAPAN IS NOT PERFECT!!! (end of the story).

by Boston King
King    Tuesday, September 04, 2001 at 01:04:00 (PDT)
All this Corea versus Japan stuff is kind of interesting but a bit off point. While national memories of the war in Asia probably linger deeply for for Corean-Americans, who tend to be mostly 1st, 1.5, or 2d generation, it's pretty meaningless for JA's who are mostly 4th generation and beyond.

As a JA, it infuriates me to hear what my Japanese kinsmen did during the war and before, and I can't understand why the government (Japanese) can't just go out and make series of open, sincere and unambiguous apologies (not just statements of "regret" or "remorse") to Corea, China, Philippines, Taiwan and others.

But, I think we JAs have a really hard time relating to all this. Our grandparents were in desert camps and the German forests when during the war.

If other APAs think we are sell-outs, or ashamed of being Asian, or wannabe whites, let's talk about it in the context of our common experience as Asian AMERICANS. All this debate with a bunch of rightwing Japanese nationals sheds little light on the feelings and attitudes of the majority of the Japanese-American community.
Nikkei Guy    Monday, September 03, 2001 at 20:02:07 (PDT)
I think one of the hardest positions to be in right now would be a 1.5 gen asian-american, or in my case korean-american. 1.5 means that my parents are korean-born, korean-raised and I as well was born in korea but emigrated to the US when i was merely 6 months old. It is not as if I can completely turn my back on korean culture, and embrace American culture or vice versa. My parents and I communicate in korean but besides that, I speak english 24/7. It was hard in high school trying to find out where I fit in. I thought the asians in my school looked really dumb and dorky sticking together and acting like they were the shit. But then, sometime in 10th grade, I got sucked in. I discovered this entirely new world where suddenly my life had drama and my friends and I could talk about anything from korean dramas/music to personal worries about being korean-american. There was this web of "cool" korean kids in teh city that I got to know. You really only had to know one of two of them before your name got spread too.

But the whole time, I felt doubts. None of these new people I were meeting were real. They were just a bunch of fake wannabes (of what, i'm still not sure) and so damn materialistic. For a time, it suit me but then I got tired of fighting and being talked about and it was just stressful. I got seriously depressed cuz i was so damn confused. I knew i was a korean-american but why the hell was i trying to act like i hated america and wished all white people would die? I still had some white friends and I wanted to hang out with them but I didn't want to all of a sudden suggest we go to a movie or anything. I hated going to dumb websites where japanese and korean americans would start fighting about "corean pride" and the japanese occupation adn all that other bullshit ka's love ranting about. I hated the word "asian pride" and ESPECIALLY "korean pride" during 11th adn 12th grade. A lot of other things in my life weren't going so great and just dealing with all this "what am i?" business only took me further and further into depression.

I'm korean-american. But I speak better english than korean, and i go to an american college, recieve an american education, and am immersed very much in american culture. But then again, I am also half korean. I like kimchi and rice and jjigae (soup) and korean tv shows and stars.... I don't want to immerse myself only with my white (american) friends but then again i don't want the opposite to happen. IT's so hard to find a happy medium.

Ugh, and one more thing. There is nothing that annoys me more than teenage asian-americans putting down other ethnicities and bragging about their own culture. It's so pitiful.

Maybe this is what some of other asian-americans feel... I'm still dealing with trying to be a korean-american. I think for those who are also 1.5 gen. that what i wrote is probably somewhere near what you feel. It's easier for 3 and 4th gen. You don't have that same degree of obligation.

one more thing.

even though it brought me much grief adn stress, i'm glad i am who i am. i wouldn't have it any other way.
suze    Monday, September 03, 2001 at 17:56:20 (PDT)

If I'm not mistaken If it wasn't for America, Korea would never have been liberated from Japan??? Or did you Koreans liberate yourselves like you act like in your celebrations??
If Japan took over Asia it would have become THE WORLD power. Or maybe Germany. The USA was fearful of that. America was not concerned about its little asian or european neighbors who were being terrorized. Heck. America terroized the Phillippines!! They were only interested in their economic well being. America just set Japan back a couple years.
Korea is a debt ridden country that is funded by the IMF and JAPAN! In no way is your country self supportive. And your cars and electronics are junk like you. If it wasn't for Mistubishi your products would suck even more. Only poor white people buy your things at Wal Mart.
Who cares if Chinese aren't treated well in Japan? They're probably treated better than if they were in the PROC.
They can go back to China. The Japanese aren't forcing them to stay. I've visited Japan and Korea and all I can say is --- Japan is cool! Korea sucks!

Please don't verbally attack the Japanese or Japanese Americans-- you will just feel a backlash of negativity towards you.
(it's bad enough the Japanese have a bad image of Koreans)


JJ    Monday, September 03, 2001 at 17:47:13 (PDT)
Why are you so stupid? I don't blame you, I blame your hypocrite government. Do they still teach japanese kids that America started World War two? hoo hoo
Did you see the movie "Pearl Harbor?" YouJapanese are so sneaky!
I didn't immigrate to America myparents did. But seriously.
Why some Coreans moved to America?
What a stupid question!! Why do immigrants move to the great USA ? Like the English, Irish, Germans, Italians, Chinese and even some your people before them to seek a better life , no?
Despite having many problems USA is still the best place to live if you're willing to work hard. Unlike your recessionary Japan ,over crowded little America ass kissing country. If it wasn't for the USA your country would be nothing.
I don't understand why Japan would help North Corea, wait, you guys are terrified of North Corea. They'll be happy to destory Japan, drop couple of nuclear bombs.
As for Chinese being treated well in Japan, they can't even become citizens in Japan. DAMN you are a typical ignorant Japanese aren't you?
Didyou hear Japan WITHDREW their junior high students in world's math and science competition as soon as they found out Corea entered their students? hahahaha
oh, by the way Corean 13 year olds came in first place in math or was it science? Taiwan did very well too.

Sean    Friday, August 31, 2001 at 19:51:44 (PDT)
To Boston King & Sean,
Do you really know about how Koreans living in Japan? I'm not talking about Japanese Korean. Chinese people are going to school or doing their business while get along with Japanese people. Koreans???? They are mafia, or they are working as prostitue or "hostessing" and USUALLY overstaying their visa. They are always making trouble in Japan. Masao is right!!!! YOU Koreans are just dreaming. You take other people's credit and want to be a king and behave like they are number 1, but it wont never happen. Don't worry about it. Just make your own liquor stor in America. I'm sure you and Boston King don't know how Korean people are because you live in America. Why don't you go to your country to know how it is there. Can I ask you? Which maker of electronic and car do you use? Don't tell me Japanese makers name. You said Japan is just a small island, but your economy is growing because Japan is giving you a support. Before you talk about Japan, you must try to get along with other nationality's people. By the way did you check the newspaper? 2 Koreans dead in Japan. They are killed by Korean. You are finished here.
Inazuma    Friday, August 31, 2001 at 17:52:31 (PDT)
there is no sufficient evidence implying Japanese, especially Yamato imperial line came from Korea (esp. state of Paekche). You guys only dreaming. Japanese are native to their own lands. Koreans are native to their own as well. There may have been some Korean and Chinese refugees in past who became Japanese aristocrats, but that is it. we are from the first Jimmu Tenno long before there ever was a Paekche state.
Masao    Friday, August 31, 2001 at 00:35:16 (PDT)
Sean? You still want more pain? OK.
You LIAR. You know about why people come to Japan so well, and Chinese people are not treated as poorly as they are treated in China and even America! Why do Korean like you go to America--because you RAN away from KOrea!(North or South, I don't know which one you escape from). I don't know what is "fob" but even if my english is poor, you still understand. You still didn't get the point about North and South Korea. WE still gave them help.
Stop now before you force me to hurt you more. I will CRUSH you each time.

Iroha    Thursday, August 30, 2001 at 04:01:40 (PDT)
To Jp.

Japan is a small island who had history being arrogant and ignorant about women and history. Japan has highest sucide rate!why????
Debating about Koreans. There is NO DEBATE Koreans have enough reasons to hate Japanese. Boston King    Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 21:18:46 (PDT)