

(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:14:06 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

In relating with other Asian American groups, Japanese Americans most exhibit which of the following attitudes?
More Americanized than thou | 51%
More rooted in ancestral heritage | 0%
More anxious to be low key | 49%
More embracing of other AA | 0%

Which of the following has the most impact on the Japanese American identity?
Smallest percentage of recent immigrants | 36%
World War II internment | 51%
Japan's economic success | 6%
Smaller population than other AA groups | 7%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
ka ,

SO fed up! when a nation has many ethnic groups, it does not mean you are mixed. People record their history and heritage, not something like i do you and you do her, i dont know you, let the future generation wonder. It is not like that. Many chinese keep books of the males and their heritage. So if you are half japanese, you would know like you know you are a male/female.
Ms.Mo    Friday, March 15, 2002 at 16:47:35 (PST)
[ED's NOTE: We receive a steady stream of off-topic posts, mostly about Japan, Japanese or Japanese culture. Once again, this page is about Japanese-American self-image. Don't bother posting unless you are addressing that topic.]
OK, well if this post is for JA self image...?? From an Italian female's POV..keep your collective chins up, guys...I for one, think you are wonderful...just wondering where all the JA mature males are in socal?? Yes, I work and live within the Asian community but most do not approach...Answer the post please, if you can..Yes, most are anxious to be low-key, but that can be an engaging and endearing feature, neh? Good analogy, btw
heartbroken in LA    Monday, December 31, 2001 at 02:51:59 (PST)
"disappearing minority
like the wild buffalo"

Some marrying whites and blacks, while many marry other Asian ethnicities (Larry Shingawa, 1998), thus contributing to the evolving Pan-Asian, Asian American identity. The Japanese-Americans are finally becoming Asian-Americans unlike their brethren or sisters back home!!

Asian American Male    Sunday, December 30, 2001 at 15:33:32 (PST)

Sorry to burst your bubble, but we Koreans are also mixed with various ethnic groups. Despite what you read, there Korea wasn't unfied until Shilla Kingdom unified the Korean peninsula. Korean people probably share lineage with Chinese, Manchurian, Japanese, Mongolian, as well as others. There are written accounts of arab traders and european adventurers settling and becoming Korean as well. (Your ancestor may be an arab!)

I have yet met a single Japanese who claims that he/she is the descendent of the Sun Goddess--just like I have yet to meet any Koreans who claim we are the descendents of God and a Bear-woman.
ka    Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 17:09:34 (PST)
disappearing minority
like the wild buffalo
vincent    Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 02:36:05 (PST)
Japanese are so keen toward there own race. But they themselves don't even know that Japanese race are mixed between Koreans, Ainu, Chinese and Malays. This is why I myself as Korean regard Japanese to be arrogant Idiots.
korean    Friday, December 21, 2001 at 06:32:10 (PST)
Read 4-F Blues: A Novel of WWll Hollywood. You can get it on Amazon or order it at 888 845 8988. One of the characters is a 15 yr old kid who defies Exec order 9006 and evades going to Manzanar.
Charles Rubin    Monday, December 10, 2001 at 18:44:05 (PST)
I thought this was a forum for JA identity? Why are all the posts referring to Japanese Nationals?

poonami    Friday, December 07, 2001 at 09:42:44 (PST)
[This page is for the discussion of Japanese-American self-image, not Japan's national policies toward history. We will omit off-topic posts. --Ed]
Whats all this garbage about Japan having to apologize. I'm not Japanize but its hardly as though they are the only country to have committed atrocities. When has America's congress ever apologized to the Native Americans. When has America ever apologized for killing 2 million Philipinos in thier struggle for independence. When did the European countries apologize for occupying Shanghai and flooding its communities with Opium? When did England apologize for the Amritsar massacre in India. The Italians for Libya and Ethiopia. The French for Algeria. Are you going to hide behind some idea that we (white people) are some how always right and good. Are you really that provincialand bigotted?
Muder is murder and rape is rape. I was raised in the United States and I always found our high school world/American history books to have many glaring ommissions and flavored by a sever sugar coating and moral disinfection. It wasn't until college that you even had the attempt to decondition the lies you had been fed. But since 90% of college students never take an American history class with comparative analysis in college the vast majority of our population still walks around with the garbage they were fed in high school floating around in thier heads.
Sure Japan should apologize, but I can think of about a dozen other countries that could issue some statements of apology for actions they have taken in the last 100 years.
Decon    Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 09:32:10 (PST)