

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What's the best thing about Japan?
Clean courteous people | 34%
Dynamic urban life | 34%
Appealing traditional culture | 6%
Safety and social stability | 26%

What's the worst thing about Japan?
Crowding and pollution | 24%
Rigid social conformity | 39%
Stagnant economic system | 31%
Exhorbitant prices | 6%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

Cars, electric toys, gadgets, amusement parks, shopping, anime, sex toys, hot chicks, and PORN!!!
Young people dresses awkwardly (I think they try too hard to look American). The governemnt still hasn't apologized for what they did in WWII!!

"The worst thing is they need more dentists and haircutters."
Hahaha, that is so funny. I know many young Japanese people need a good haircut. They have one of the most bizzare and awkward hairstyles, not to mention guys trying to grow those Afros, yuck! ANd yes, like the British, they need more dentist. It seems they don't place emphasis on getting straight teeth. Otherwise, it's a nice country.

It's cool that the Japanese have created such dominant electronic products however, they have one of the weirdest societies I have ever known. Also, what's with the Japanese not dealing with the injustices that they created during wwII. Why can't they be like the Germans and admit their atrocities?

Japanese people are cool and stuff but they got a couple of problems. I mean i been over there before. For one thing Japanese girls wear too much damn makeup! Its all caked on to their face it looks terrible. They get these fake tans and try to look black and some of them think that they are white. I mean they must not have any self confidence. I mean you guys are japanese, yellow skin you know. Nothing else, you should be proud of it! Also many japanese girls are too easy! I mean when you guys get american boyfriends you think you are on top of the world but most of them walk all over you because you are too easy. I think japanese girls need to have more self confidence thats all. As for the japanese men i can't really say so much about you guys, i didn't get to really know any of the japanese guys but anyways, all of this is my opinion, no hatred or anything, and don't take it personal.

I have to give my comment as a black female visiting Japan.
On both trips, I can say I've experienced the good and the bad. The thing is, the bad wasn't THAT bad.
The good:
* Beautiful serene landscapes (Mt. Fuji, temples, gardens, etc.)
* Bustling urban fun (Sangenjaya, Shimo-Kitazawa, Shibuya, etc.)
* Friendly people (making an effort to speak japanese can take you a long way)
* Delicious food
* Convenience stores with anything you can think of
* Fast, efficient and easy-to-use transporation system
The bad:
* Crowded (trains, streets, etc.)
* Stares (as a black female, I guess it was a rarity to be seen, but I got over it)
See, shorter bad list.
Japan is over sex. It is the leading asian nation in porn industry. Another thing is japanese girls are all whores. Just hang out on Roppongi and the clubs there and the saying goes it is japaneasy. You got all these hostess clubs and some of them have foriegn hostess to cater japanese men taste. Also Japan attitude toward other asian countries is it looks down at them and still to this day japan will not admit its wrong doing in WW 2. It is not uncommon for Japanese family to disapprove marriage between a japanese with another asian. But the family will accept it if it is a western black or white person. Hope this gets posted and not censored by the people of
the truth
History cannot be changed!! Japan along with Germany would have tried to take over the whole world if it wasn't for the ATOMIC BOMB!! With the americans dropping it on Hiroshima, it put everyone in check and created PEACE! We must all get along, be merry and live in harmony with eachother because YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE THE BOMB WILL DROP NEXT!!!!!

     Japan is oversex with too much of an obession with western fads. Out all the asian countries it is most expensive to be there. Tiny rooms, and tiny people. I visited China , Korea, and Thailand. Hate to say this but, Japanese people are the smallest looking bunch. The only positive thing I can say is that they have alot of cute little toys.

     dont know why no one has brought up one of the best things about japan:
     a significant population of extremely cute and lovely females...
     that's an aspect that many non-Asians first notice about Japan... strange that Asians seem to overlook or ignore it.
an abc japangirlphile

     Unlike many of the posters here who usually turn these types of posts into ridiculous political rhetoric, I have actually visited Japan. What I like are:
  • efficient transportation. You can literally go anywhere without a car.
  • relatively safe compared to other countries
  • friendly people
  • awesome things to see and do

     What I don't like:
  • expensive
  • too many people, too crowded!
  • people stereotyping Japanese as self haters and white wanna be's. This is utterly laughable considering that the country of origin of many of these detractors propagate that all Japanese people are like that and "bad."

     Couple of thoughts:
     -to the poster right below, sorry to burst your bubble but the then prime minister of Japan in 1998 gave a WRITTEN apology to the South Korean government. That was the primary reason for the opening of Japanese imports into SK. Unfortunately, with the current text books row, this thawing has been damaged.
     -to Dong-Jun, I am not surprised that you would take this opportunity to post links to such pictures. I wonder what your ignorant posting has to do with the spirit of this thread. You should learn to grow up.
     -to Cyn, sure, and I'm also waiting for the day other nations also get "payback" for their past and current transgressions. But of course Japan's the only nation that has ever done wrong, and the only nation that has never acknowledged its past, right? That's a good one.

     In closing, I wish you people would learn to respect other countries and cultures before posting your hatred and ignorance here.
Japan bashing is cool until your own gets slandered

     Question time: how many here have actually visited Japan? Unless you have visited and fully experienced the culture of another country, please refrain from making racist and stupid comments like japan killer below.
American Pride

     I have a lot of anger twards the Japanese for what they did to Chinese, Koreans, and the filipino civilians. I would not feel completely comfortable in Japan.

     what Japan needs are some men with the wontons to admit to their past wrongdoings.
     until then, Japan can only look up to Korea, as this article can attest

     To Hardheaded AM,
     I don't know of too many Koreans who are eager to immigrate to Japan. Koreans who live in Japan today are descendants of those who were forcibly relocated there in the first half of the 20th century. Koreans don't immigrate to do low wage labors anymore. That would only apply to the Chinese and Indians. Most illegals doing low wage labors in Korea today are from China or Bangladesh and probably the same is true in Japan.

     The best thing about japan is cars, electronics toys. The worst thing is they need more dentists and haircutters.

     Japan needs to get rid of their superioriy complex and start doing the undesirable jobs themselves.

     So? What else? In general, Asians who criticize about Japan don't ever want to accept that their countries are catching up to Japan. Only Japan had already made reforms, called Meiji Restoration in 1868 when other Asian countries didn't still have strategies toward the West. Your barks make me laugh and stimulate more my sense of compassion than superiority.

     The best thing about Zapan??
You might as well ask what they are best at..
Check out these websites:
Dong-Jun Ha

     What the Japanese need are bigger houses with garages so people with ideas can have space to think and start new businesses. They also need some immigrants to do all the labor at low wages. They have a lot of illegals but nowehre near as many as they need. Actually, what they need to do is open their country to much more immigration from Korea, China and India. That will put them on an equal footing with the U.S.
Hardheaded AM

     Japan seems like a lost soul. Perhaps, it's a payback for it's terrible actions in the past.

     What Japan needs badly is a really tough SOB to break the back of the old-line bosses that are trying to keep the country under their thumb. I think the Tokyo mayor would be such an SOB. Maybe he will form a party to take control away from those LDP goons.
Discouraged Japan Lover

     Japan seems caught between the ugliness of it's past and the promise of a better future. I hope the Japanese learn to overcome this and improve their mindset.
a KA girl

     Japan is a "beaver land" country. The land of porno's. The country that worships "white-lie's" about there present and past history.
Japan Killer

     how come japanese still look and wear like they live in the 60s. Peace, Dude!!!

     Seems Japan has everything except confidence. Somehow it has never managed to piece back together the confidence that was shattered in WW2 and it has been making do with a combination of superficial arrogance and a corrupt system that is dedicated to covering up weaknesses. I sure hope Koizumi will have the balls and the savvy to make some real reforms happen.
Discouraged Japan-Lover

     Japan has some of the best street life in the world. Goes to show what can happen when people feel safe walking the streets at all hours, even little schoolkids. That's what I miss most about the month I spent there after graduating. That and all the great food. You could walk into almost any little place and get mouthwatering food at reasonable prices, at least compared to what I pay for Japanese food here in Irvine. Anyone know if Roppongi is still as lively as it was about five years ago? Some fun memories there...
Corean-Japanese, 26