

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What's the best thing about Japan?
Clean courteous people | 34%
Dynamic urban life | 34%
Appealing traditional culture | 6%
Safety and social stability | 26%

What's the worst thing about Japan?
Crowding and pollution | 24%
Rigid social conformity | 39%
Stagnant economic system | 31%
Exhorbitant prices | 6%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Japan is awesome. This place is so full of technology, that once you go there, you can't turn back.
jpnphile    Monday, September 24, 2001 at 09:34:47 (PDT)
Hi Nene,
I hope you're doing great. I think of you often. Do something nice for YOURSELF !!!
your friend,
KA    Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 13:52:05 (PDT)
I really don't know how to express my feelings towards Japan, since I never experienced visiting Japan. Just by looking at photos and reading books on Japan, I noticed that it's a very beautiful country. A close friend of our family visited Japan for her springbreak and she said it was awesome.
Komerian    Saturday, September 08, 2001 at 19:01:00 (PDT)
wow, its quite strange for me that you refer as japanes girls as whores, yes there are the oportunistic ones that will try to catch anyone(but plese foreign guys are not innocent angels that cant say no) and donīt tell me either that american girls arent as oportunistic as japanese, korean or chinese girls, its just you americans try to see things worst than they really are (specially talking about asina matters)
jjj    Monday, August 27, 2001 at 20:04:39 (PDT)
Thank you all, Raccoone-Eyes and K. hANYA, for your advice. i really appreciate it.

Hanya, it is always nice to read your comments.


you e-mail address is invalid.
Heeelp!    Monday, August 27, 2001 at 12:27:00 (PDT)
Raccoon_Eyes is on point.
K.Hanya    Friday, August 24, 2001 at 19:30:55 (PDT)
this is for "Help".... I don't know if this is still popular in japan but when i was over there some of the japanese teen females would be "gon-girl" this is a popular style for them in which they wear tons of make-up (and almost look like black people) mini skirts and platform shoes. These are the type of girls that really attracted alot of American men as well as others. All that make up that they be wearing makes them look terrible i hate to say it. I don't know why men find those type attractive. . . . . they look so fake when they are gon-gal

This reply is for "Help." Oh my gosh, are you really moving to Tokyo. All i can say is GAMBATE, (good luck). I mean i heard that there is some crazy people in Tokyo you know. Almost like New York city or something. And everything is super expensive. But anyways i am happy that you like my other reply. I mean you are right... if he can fall for another woman that easily maybe its not ment to be. I hate to say that. I noticed while i was living in Japan that the Japanese girls would throw themselves at American Men. I've seen it happen. When i was in japan i had many japanese friends but the japanese female friends that i had was not like this. They were nice shy and and loyal. When i think of japanese girls i think of them as that because thats the only kind that i met so far except for this one japanese girl but i won't get into that. But these other japanese girls that make themselves look like whores are making the good ones look bad and i can't stand that. Its cool to have interacial dating, i knew a black/japanese couple and they were kind and stuff. I am sorry i am getting of subject but i will close with saying that you should watch out for some of these bad apples and that Japanese women are foreigners so set them straight on the issue and make sure your husband is loyal to you. Make this trip to Japan as a test of his comentment to you. And pray about it. Because if he is so easily tempted then he must not be the right one. Alright then.


To* My Opinion,

I am a Japanese girl, "Heeelp" is supposed be worry about it. I know the truth of Japan. I've been living in Japan. If you are Japanese, you're supposed to know too. Or, you might be the one giving her the problem. "Heeelp" is not whore like you. I HATE GIRLS (or fools) LIKE YOU because both genders apply. I'm ashamed to be Japanese girl who has bad reputation; I'm sure I am not like them!!
Princess of Country

To "Heeelp",
I don't know why that idiot insulted you. There's "whores" everywhere. Every country has them. Japanese girls aren't any more slutty or easy than American girls who drop their pants at any rich guy's request...
like I said before, stay true and honest with each other and try to learn Japanese as much as you can. You can "stay on top of things". If he gets attention from the Japanese ladies, try not to be jealous, just take it as a compliment that you have an attractive male at your side and for the time that you and he are together, HE IS YOURS. Try to concentrate and focus on the relationship you have with your boyfriend then and there each time and know that you are doing your part to keep everything good and stable. If it doesn't work out, like you said, maybe it wasn't meant to be and that is a healthy way to be, I think.

To racoon eyes, I am an Australian girl and I`ve been living in Japan for about 5 years. I am friends with many foreign guys living here, and I can tell you that about 95% of them are or have cheated on their girlfriends or wives. Whether the wife or girlfriend is Japanese or a foreigner like myself, foreign guys in Japan really possess totally different attitudes and morals than they usually do back in their own countries. It doesn`t matter whether a guy is married or has a girlfriend here, it will not stop them from making themselves appear available to other girls or chasing them. It also doesn`t matter to many of the girls (whether they are Japanese or of another nationality) hanging out in foreign bars waiting to pick up on a foreign man. Many foreigners throw their morals out the window upon arriving in Japan. I have seen men who cheat on their wives or girlfriends with not just one woman but many-sometimes cheating on the girl they are cheating with. And this behaviour is either joked about among friends or just totally dissmissed. Like I said many of my friends are foreign men here in Japan, but I think it`s disgusting and shows little respect for themselves or others. Also they (FM`s)possess a kind of double standard-where they will not tolerate their women cheating or even being friends with other FM`s-and sometimes taking a very dominating and authoritarian attitude towards their women-such as telling them what they can do, or say, whatever! Most foreign guys know that in Japanese culture, the woman is supposedly more submissive and that the cultural expectations and roles of the woman are quite different to that of my culture and many others. This makes it very easy for them to get them into bed or have no-strings-attached relationships with them. I could go on all day talking about this subject-but I won`t. Many girls have been burned big-time from men behaving like this-including myself. You are right about many things. It`s taken me a long time to learn this (the hard way) and I`m ready to give up on finding or meeting a decent man here!
Miss Wednesday
Miss Wednesday

I am a Jappanese female live in Japan.My English is poor so please excuse my mistake.I have African American boy friend,too here in Jappan.I'm not trying to make you more unesy but to tell you the truth,Japanese girls are just like that.I agree with Racoon Eyes.She also said that not all Japanese girls are bad.I'm sure I belong to minor groop.I have been suffering becouse of those Japanese girls you are worried about.My boyfriend also has been dating with only Asian girls(especialy Japanese).Technicaly,I think there are two tyeps of bad is prostitute tyip.the othe one is oppotunistic type.This is the one I hate.What will your boy friend do in Japan?I think it depends on the job he will have.You cannot avoid problem from them in Japan.I can understand how you feel.I'm always worried when he leaves me for onother girls every day for yeas and years. How would you like to tolk about it more and more,Heeelp and Raccoon Eyes.Please send me e-mail if you feel like it.

ps: Please try to learn Japanese.But do not tell your boyfriend you can speak Japanese.Pretend like you don't know anything.And try to make Japanese friend in Japan.That's the only things might be able to help you.
NENE Nene Yodo*

To Heelp:
If you go to Japan, your boyfriend will be in the sack with plenty of Japanese women within a week!! He will forget about you and start to worry about which girl he will see on Tue and Wed. I know this from experience having lived there for a month.
I am an american male and had the most enticing time of my life there!! I almost brought back a wife but because of the fact that I was already married here in the states, (Yes I'm a bastard cheating dog) I couldn't.
Hound dog

To Racoon Eyes,

Thank you for your reply. I Don't exactly know yet where we'll be in Tokyo, so I cannot tell you anything now. Your comment and Am's make me feel so uneasy. In any case, if he chooses to fool around or be with a Japanese/Filipino woman, I guess it wasn't meant for us to be together.

To My Opinion,

I guess you must be a Japanese female to feel the need to insult me for no apparent reason. Was this necessary?

Ok this is for the person who posted the "help", about you and your husband going to japan. I have lived in japan for about a year and a half its nice and stuff but those japanese girls are precistent when it comes to american guys, so i think you should be very careful. Plus the fact that they are very very very easy and will do anything for american men. I mean i am african american female... some of my male friends told me this and from what i have seen its very true. You said that he has dated alot of asian women before right? Thats not good either! That just makes it worst! Japanese girls are not as aggressive as american girls. Japanese girls are a bit more shy but others are not. Basically all american men have to do is get them drunk and then they can do what they want with them you know. Thats how easy they are. Oh also watch out for the fillipino girls too, they are just as bad. By they way where are you moving to in Japan? Maybe i can give you a few pointers. I guess thats about it... oh also i am not trying to say that all japanese or fillipino girls are bad, just be careful thats all, they are just foreigners so set them straight ok. oh one other thing i heard that some of the japanese and fillipino girls try to get pregnet by american men so that they can take them to America with them.

~Raccoon Eyes
Raccoon Eyes

To: Heeelp!

Don't worry about it, Most Japanese women aren't whores like you are.
My Opinion

Oh shit, Japanese other then Flipino are the biggest sex pot. They like anything foreign especially American with $$$$$, Yes, you do have something to worry about. Men can only handle so much temptation!!!!

To: Asian dude who tells it like it is.
and others are welcome as well.

I am moving with my boyfriend to Tokyo in a few months. I feel very ambivalent about the whole thing. On the one hand, I am excited because I am going to live in a different culture for a year or more; on the other hand, I feel very apprehensive to go there with my boyfriend who has a penchant for Japanese girls. As a matter of fact, I am not Asian and my boyfriend only dated Asian women in the past ten years before me. My boyfriend is African-American, extremely attractive and a professional. I hear how much Japanese women love American men, and what I want to know more precisely is whether Japanese women aggresively pursue American men. Do I always have to worry about Japanese women trying to hit on him? Just imagine that a man goes to a country of the women of his preference and a great number of them lust after him and revere him, especially the majority are apparently attractive!

Please give me your opinion. Thanks.

Please let me know.


It does seem like many young Japanese people try too hard to emulate their peers in America. The traditional Japanese ways are dying a not so slow death. I mean, everywhere you see these young people dress and act like they're American, like they don't have an identity of their own and have to copy another culture's identity. Kind of sad, but true. And that post about Japanese girls being very easy and lusting after Western men -- there's some ounce of truth there too. Now i'm not saying that all young Japanese people are like this. Of course not. But i've certainly seen a clear majority who do fit this description. These people don't realize it but they are destroying their culture and their people. The population of Japan is shrinking very fast. And i believe part of the reason is because the young generations have no pride, no self-esteem, no sense of their culture. They have a lot of insecurities and self-hatred and that's why they want to be like others -- namely Americans.
Asian dude who tells it like it is