

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What's the best thing about Japan?
Clean courteous people | 34%
Dynamic urban life | 34%
Appealing traditional culture | 6%
Safety and social stability | 26%

What's the worst thing about Japan?
Crowding and pollution | 24%
Rigid social conformity | 39%
Stagnant economic system | 31%
Exhorbitant prices | 6%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
In the Han period, numerous chiefdoms of Wo-ren, or the "dwarf", to use the Chinese expression, had acquired the habit of sending tribute to the Han emperors. These chiefdoms were very probably situated in the north of Kyushu island, where excavations have yielded numerous relics of the Han period-bronze mirrors, iron objects, and coins from the time of Wang Mang. A seal of investiture given by a Han emperor to a "king of the dwarf slaves" (Wo-nu wang) was even discovered in this area in 1784. Long considered a forgery, this seal has now been recognized as authentic since the recent discovery (in 1956) of a similar seal originating from the ancient kingdom of Tian in eastern Yunnan. In the 3rd cent. AD, relations between Wei and the Japanese chiefs seem to have grown closer. Four Japanese embassies to Wei and two Wei embassies to Japan are mentioned between 238 and 247, and archaeology bears witness to this continuity of exchanges by the number of silks, gold objects, and Chinese mirrors of the Wei period found in Japan.

Later, Japan also forged ties with the kingdom of Wu in the south and the subsequent dynasties ruling in the Nanjing area.
Japan had once been a vassal of China    Sunday, December 09, 2001 at 13:06:49 (PST)
watashi wa thai no onna noko 29 sai dushin desu.nihonjin to kekkon shitai desu.shiawase ga kazoku o shimasu
minna san    Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 21:28:49 (PST)
Japan is a great place to visit but not to live if you are not pure Japanese. Even though the Japanese is very keen on adopting foriegn ways, they are extremely xenophobic in the area of race or ethnicity. But to their credit, Japan is more open to foreign ideas than other Asian nations. I found Japanese people speaking more foreign languages than any other asian nation I've been to. I have met Japanese who spoke some English (of course), French, Russian, Spanish, Korean and Mandarin Chinese!

Japan is a very interesting place to visit. I highly recommend going there at least once. You will be enchanted, bewildered, and broke! :)
Rob Norris    Tuesday, October 16, 2001 at 04:30:48 (PDT)
Hey Racoon Eyes,

Ohayou gozaimasu.
I don't know if anyone answered your question concerning cheap airfare to Japan, but maybe you should check out, or

Those are Japanese travel agencies and they usually have pretty good rates. Also, try to check I got a flight in December to Japan for about $650/RT.

On another note, when are you going to Japan? And where in Japan are you going? (Let me know if I'm in your biz too much--hahaha!)

I was planning to got for about 2 weeks before the end of the year, or roll my vacation days over and take a month in Jan or Feb.

Take care & good luck with the price search.
Jaa ne,
Nehra (BF)

Nehra    Saturday, October 13, 2001 at 08:40:16 (PDT)
to small world: Yeah i was very interested in them. I think asian guys are so cute!!!!!!!!! But i am such a shy person.... sigh....
it must be raccoon eyes :)    Wednesday, October 10, 2001 at 09:19:23 (PDT)
raccoon eyes, I can't stand those gan-guros either, but thankfully there aren't that many around anymore. I guess they grew up or something...

I've only once seen a Japanese male/black female couple. The woman was very beautiful and confident, you got the impression that she didn't care if people stared or not (and I'm sure they did!). I've heard of two more BF with JM husbands, one used to write a column for an English-language newspaper, and one belongs to the same online group as me. It really seems like this type of couple is extremely rare, though.

So here's a question: When those Japanese guys said you were cute, what happened? Were you interested?

Bandersnatch, good question, and yes! There are Japanese who are interested in cultures other than American or European ones. There have long been people interested in Korean and Chinese culture, and traveling to Korea especially is quite popular now. Of course, the interest sometimes goes no deeper than food, shopping, and Korean-style esthetic salons, but there are plenty of people who seriously study the language, history and culture.

Also right now lots of people, especially young women, are interested in Latin and various Asian cultures (especially South-east Asia). And Asian films have always had a following here, with the Fukuoka Asian Film Festival (I think happening this month) being one of the most respected and long-running Asian film festivals in the world.

And then there's 'Bollywood', which has a tiny cult following here. I know a Japanese couple who is CRAZY about Bollywood movies- they have rented every video available. They've already traveled all over Asia and next they want to visit India to experience the real thing.

smallworld    Tuesday, October 09, 2001 at 03:11:03 (PDT)