Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
What's the best thing about Japan?
Clean courteous people |
Dynamic urban life |
Appealing traditional culture |
Safety and social stability |
What's the worst thing about Japan?
Crowding and pollution |
Rigid social conformity |
Stagnant economic system |
Exhorbitant prices |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Hey, JTHM...
I couldn't have said it better myself.....I adore japanese men. They need to know that we non-asian females find them wonderful. You and asiophile81 are so correct about their voices, yes..hai! Very meltable, neh?
As for me, i don't think it's weird the way they act. You gotta remember the post WW-2 occupation of the country, and so thinking thusly, it is an easy mind-shift to understand that it was a case of "go along or be terminated..." as a culture that is......
heartbroken in LA emptymeyer@hotmail.com   
Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 11:54:35 (PST)
Japan sucks because they won't punish Al Fujimori or let him be extridited and punished elsewhere.
Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 00:18:51 (PST)
I agree with JTHM, Japanese men are pretty good lookers.You heard of Tomoya Nagase?! almost 6'2 and like most japanese men from japan, they have awesome hair.Dont forget about the handsome Hu Bing of china who is 6'3 and also has sort of japanese style hair. Plus taiwan has many good lookers also.
baglat(funny name eh?)   
Friday, February 01, 2002 at 01:17:04 (PST)
I fell in love with Gackt (Mizerable rocks)... Then I discovered Luna Sea! OMG. J used to be my guy, but Inoran came out with those "dread locks"! He is probably the only Asian guy that can pull those off & still be sexy as all get-out. Shuse from La Cryma Christi is another one I have had my eye on for a while. Ahhhhh, Japanese men are so fine. How can anyone not like them?
AsioPhile 81   
Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 21:03:26 (PST)
GACKT? Did you mention Gackt? Oooooohg Gackt....how I love him. His sexy sexy boday, his sexy sexy voice. Especially that song he did called "Vanilla" almost made me melt into a puddle of girlish goo.
Japanese men are so sexy. They have this air about them that is just drool worthy. Not to mention they are so polite and inquisitive about who you are and the kind of things that you like to do. They're also a lot of fun. I used to think that I partied hard and was proven wrong by two guys who were studying on campus. It was a blast. Yeah they're a proud people, but most of the ones I've met have been very adventurous and cool.
Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 11:55:17 (PST)
All of this is a follow the leader thing, perhaps in asia the other asian countries such as korea and china look up to japan and probaly have similar fashion and stuff. But its ok because they are all asian countries and of course they are going to have similar qualites. But what i don't understand is why native japanese try to act american. Its flattering yet annoying, i mean one day there skin is to white and another day its too black, i think some of them have identity crisis and don't realize that they are japanese. And don't say any thing because i have been there for about 2 years. Also i have nothing against japanese i just think its weird the way some of them act.
watashi wa raccoon eyes desu. bunny20_00@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 07:09:04 (PST)
Artificial Ass,
By the way, I will make my way to Japan one day.
AsioPhile 81: Mama I'm Coming Home   
Monday, January 28, 2002 at 19:58:02 (PST)
Artificial Ass,
I hate to break it to you, but Japanese men are HOT. Spicy hot. I have seen Japanese men with tons of non-Asian girls. Black, White, & Latino (they seem to have a thing for them for some reason). Not to put down on anyone else, but Japanese men seem to sing better than others in Asia (maybe that's just me). I got four words for your Japanese Male Hating Butt... J, Inoran, Shuse, & Gackt . Yeah they are dog ugly. ROTFLMAO.
AsioPhile 81- I hear your bubble popping!   
Monday, January 28, 2002 at 19:53:28 (PST)
Artificial beauty:
What you say about japanese people is so incorrect!And inferiour skin tones?I think japanese people are pretty darn white, even whiter than caucasians!And caucasian men handsome and on covers of japanese magazines?
Japanese girls on a poll chose the celebrities they want to have a one night stand with, and it included no cauc's ( they were takeshi kaneshiro, takashi sorimachi, takeshi kanechouci, and takuya kimaru)
Judging by the japanese dramas translated to chinese that I watch, they have many about japanese pride.
Also from a chinese perspective, japanese people are very beautiful( ya know the ones from japan *cause they got better style*) ALthough not as beautiful as chinese! Kidding!!
If it's one place thats not bombarded by american culture, it's japan!*also china taiwan korea, and hongkong*if your talking about beauty that is)
Many people get the wrong idea that people want to look caucasian. Alright...from an chinese from china perspective... caucasian's are hairy, long eyelashed to protect eyes(quick blinking reflex), down slant eyebrows, large brow bones to protect blows to eyes, long big high noses to deflect round stones and objects from hurting face, and stocky.
Also from certain chinese, usually from the north, we see them as not very tall.Did'nt mean to be racist, but that's chinese people for you, (not ones born in america, they seem different)lol but they dislike ones born in china
Monday, January 28, 2002 at 18:41:33 (PST)
Japanese are very proud people. Maybe this is the reason the men don't care for other races. They feel American and Korean cars are inferior and wouldn't ride one. Same with the women perhaps. My opinion
Monday, January 28, 2002 at 16:30:42 (PST)