

(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:13:51 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What's the best thing about Japan?
Clean courteous people | 34%
Dynamic urban life | 34%
Appealing traditional culture | 6%
Safety and social stability | 26%

What's the worst thing about Japan?
Crowding and pollution | 24%
Rigid social conformity | 39%
Stagnant economic system | 31%
Exhorbitant prices | 6%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
that japanese men and women only think about sex??? hehehe so then american ones must be out of this world, because as far as i know in the States you have the highest rate of teenage pregnancy, earliest age of first sexual intercourse and on average you have more sex than any other, by the way if a white guy likes asian women he is normal but if an asian girl likes white men she has no self esteem and she is a slot my god americans seem so narrow minded the same for all asians that write similar things about japanese. one last thing, the fact that american girls have more sexual partners than most women all around the world (including japanese) does not make them slots isnīt it????
hidetoshi    Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 21:09:38 (PST)
I did it with so many japanese girls it is not funny.

What is there to brag about you chump? Those girls you are talking about probably had sex with hundreds of other guys before they had sex with you. I hope you have medical insurance with drug coverage in your country. Because you are going to need it.
givemeabreak    Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 14:09:32 (PST)
TO: "I did it with so many japanese girls it is not funny":

The so called trend of Japanese girls chasing after Western guys is hardly new or recent. You are probably right that although there are seemingly a lot that go after white guys, the gross majority of Japanese women don't or don't go after a white guy because he's white. Japan is not Tokyo or a few major cities. There is a hell of a lot more to Japan than the perversions of a couple of city dwellers. Even if only a small fraction or percentage of Japanese women in Japan want a white boyfriend, in a country filled with over 125 million people the absolute number would still be quite a lot. It would also imagine that these kind of "wild" Japanese girls with a white/western guy fetish probably hang around in the same area looking for their next temporary foreign sex "friend" so the numbers are going to be even more exaggerated from a western man's perspective. I'd imagine a lot of these hangouts are less than clean and respectable. Of course, I'm sure you can meets such girls anywhere.

If a white guy can like Japanese girls because they are exotic to them, there is every reason to believe that some Japanese girls like white guys because they are exotic to them as well. Not just the women either. From what I understand, some Japanese guys really dig white, blonde girls, exoticness being a big factor.

One bit of advice, you shouldn't be going around calling all women whores or sluts simply based on nationality or race. You can find plenty of sluts no matter where you go, what country you're in, or whatever racial/nationality group you are looking at. In the US, you don't have to look too hard to find those kinds of girls all over the place. There are many guys who could tell tales of sleeping with even more American girls in three months than you have Japanese girls. From what I understand many European guys think American girls are easy to bed. Apparently the exotic effect can work with people who are of the exact same race and some guys take advantage of this. Also, any guy that supposedly sleeps with over 20 different girls in 3 months has no right to call any woman a whore. The fact that you sleep with so many women in so short a time is more a reflection of you as a person than those women as a race or nationality. Before you start making any moral assesments on any woman's character or ethnic background you better disinfect yourself first!!

Asian Hauptsturmfuhrer    Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 10:35:14 (PST)
I'm not joking. In japan right now it seems to be a trend for a Japanese girl to hook up with a western guy. Al lot of times the relationship is only superficial. And no these are not high school girls but adult Japanese women.
The girls I been going out with usually tell me that they want something different. Don't be fool that Japanese guys don't get anything or that western guys are taking all the women. There is about 1% of westerners living here. So it is not like 90% of Japanese women want a white or black boy friend. But, there is a fair number of Japanese women that wants western guy. I personally think because there is a LACK of western guys here it favors western men because we are exotic to Japanese people. I think only a minority of Japanese women want a western boy friend . Because there is a lack of western guys it is easy for me to pick a girl I want. Personally allot of these J-girls are just plain wild for Japanese men and I think Japanese men are boring to these j-girls , so to spice things up they want a western guy.
You got to remember in Japan it is pretty superficial and I think there is a spiritual and moral vacuum in this country. I mean if you take the subway you see Japanese salary men looking at porn mag. on the train. SEX is VERY open in this country. Some what similar to Holland.
I don't mean to upset anyone but, this has been my experience and for many other western guys.

I did it with so many japanese girls it is not funny.    Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 00:09:26 (PST)
Call Me Hirohito,

What's the point in bragging about your Japanese wife when you are too afraid to use your real name? You sound like a dreg who was discriminated in Japan. Poor you.

gay white sweetie    Friday, March 29, 2002 at 15:19:07 (PST)