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When I went to Okinawa, I never saw any military personnel or any other westerner mingling with the native Okinawan population. I was actually surprised to find that the Americans and Okinawans know very little about each other. It's not surprising because the military bases on the island are more or less gated communities. I would imagine that a serviceman stationed on the island could stay on base for his whole tour and not venture out into one of the cities in Okinawa.
As a whole, I would have to say that the Okinawans have a one similar charateristic with the mainland Japanese. The Okinawans simply do not want foreigners living on Okinawa. I believe biracial Japanese children and adults on Okinawa are still discriminated against heavily.
Mac the Knife   
Friday, April 05, 2002 at 01:16:17 (PST)
Well, I said this before and it seems people are attacking me. Not every japanese girls want a american boyfriend. But, there is a fair number of them that do. I visited South Korea and when I was there it seems to me that Korean women avoided me as if I was the plague. In japan on the other hand you could just stand in a street corner and some j-girl will just go up and talk to you. When I was back in the states i would go out with a girl maybe once a month. But here in Japan I go out each weekend with some different girl. It is much easier for me to find someone here than if I was back in the states. This is pretty much true for other western guys I met here. I don't know why people are bitter or angry about my comments. I mean I travel around and I am not Don Juan but the treatment I get in Japan I feel as if I am God gift to women. Trust me I am just an average white guy. Some of you say that these Japanese girls are a small representative of japanese women. Well, like I said before I do agree with you. The majority of J-girls go out with J-men. But, because there is a small population of western guys we are exotic to those j-girls that want something different. Some of you would say these girls are slutty . Some of them maybe and some of them may not be. But, if you have seen some of these western guys that go out with j-girls . These western guys(including myself) we just go out with them for superficil reason. It is all for fun. I can't get this in any other asian country. But I do get it in Japan. So, all I am saying this has been my experience. I am sorry for those of you that can't get same treatment.
i did it with so many japanese girls it is not funny   
Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 20:32:00 (PST)
To: My2Cents!
"The majority of people like to call girls/guys of other races slutty or horny. I think that it makes everyone feel better about themselves, by calling other people easy and it gives ugly people hope with their fantasies"
--Actually, I've noticed that too. I think you are right on the mark on the reason why
To Navy Seamen:
Seeing a lot of white guys get shot down by Japanese girls probably has a lot to do with the white guys' approach. I'd imagine if they tried to do the same thing with an American girl they be rejected just as fast. I'm guessing these guys use those tactics because they think that Asian girls are easy or they are just jerks and would treat any woman of any race like that. It's funny, but the closer non-American residents live near an American base, the more anti-American they are at least that's my understanding.
To Sesame:
The Okinawans may be a bit more open to foreign things/ideas but at least from what I read, the Okinawans have had many troubles with US servicemen committing crimes and rapes that have severly strained relations. There is a big push there to either kick the Americans off the Island or have fewer bases because of these incidents. If Japanese are anti-American, they would most likely be Okinawans since they would most contact with Americans. If you have a lot of contact with another group you are more likely to develop friendly relations but also have greater chances of developing unfriendly relations as well.
Asian Hauptsturmfuhrer   
Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 08:40:49 (PST)
I consider myself to be a fairly goodlooking white male. I took a tour with 3 other colleauges of mines around ASia for 3 weeks. we visited Hong Kong, Thailand, and Japan. I found Japan to be most interesting because of its culture. japanese people seem to be more outgoing more modernized out of all the countries. My friends and I had some wild times during the tour. especially in japan, meeting people in japan is as easy as walking into the local grocery store. We had our share of sexual experiences with japanese woman. we plan to visit japan in the next few years again.
Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 08:06:38 (PST)
Its pretty sad how japanese girls have such a bad rep. among many people especially when they have the most develped country out of all of asia. I never hear such bad comments about the korean girls, chinese girls, etc. Perhaps they have more since.
to sad to bad   
Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 06:34:48 (PST)
Dang, that many japanese girls like white guys. Boy I am shocked. I thought it was the other way around. Most of the times, its the white guys that court Japanese girls. I know because I was stationed their when i was in the navy. You don't know how many white guys force themselves on these little defenseless japanese girls and see them get rejected.
navy seamen   
Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 03:48:29 (PST)
I'm not joking. In the southern US right now it seems to be a trend for a white girl to hook up with a Japanese guy, especially if you are a big boss at the auto company. Al lot of times the relationship is only superficial. And no these are not high school girls but adult white American women.
The girls I been going out with usually tell me that they want something different. There is about 1% of japanese living there in KY and TN. So it is not like 90% of American women want a Japanese or black boy friend. But, there is a fair number of white American women that wants a rich Japanese guy. I personally think because there is a LACK of Japanese guys there it favors Japanese men because we are exotic to white Americans. I think only a minority of white women want a Japanese boy friend . Because there is a lack of well educated white American guys it is easy for me to pick a girl I want. Personally allot of these A- white girls are just plain wild for American men and I think American men are boring to these A- white girls , so to spice things up they want a Japanese guy.
You got to remember in the US it is pretty superficial and I think there is a spiritual and moral vacuum in that country. I mean if you take the aeroplane you see American salary men looking at porn mag. SEX is VERY open in the US. Some what similar to Holland.
I don't mean to upset anyone but, this has been my experience and for many other Japanese guys.
I did it with so many white American girls it is not funny.   
Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 12:27:42 (PST)
Actually, Okinawa is pretty much the only area where this is a big thing in Japan...obviously, since Okinawa is where the US base is. This may also be because that Japanese people tend to be more open to a lot of things, which causes them to accept "outsiders" in various fashions.
Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 12:01:06 (PST)
The majority of people like to call girls/guys of other races slutty or horny. I think that it makes everyone feel better about themselves, by calling other people easy and it gives ugly people hope with their fantasies. Races that have foreign cultures or sexual preferences are categorized as perverse and slutty.
There are social mechanisms and implications (trade-offs) for everything from pre-marital sex, prostitution, abortion, divorce, etc... We should all keep this in mind.
Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 09:47:02 (PST)