

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which LA area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Central City/Coreatown | 5%
Westside | 21%
San Gabriel Valley | 39%
South Bay | 24%
Pasadena/Glendale | 11%

What's the best thing about living in the LA area?
Great Weather | 24%
Asian Restaurants and Entertainment | 16%
High Degree of Acceptance for Asians | 7%
Strong Economy & Job Market | 13%
Attractive Residential Areas | 40%

What's the worst thing about living in the LA area?
Smog & Heat | 13%
Traffic & Sprawl | 81%
Crime | 6%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Hi JasonY79:

Sorry to hear that happened. Please note though that Sunset is a touristy area......which means those bigots are from elsewhere.

Regarding the Asian tourist, I'm assuming that she was stopped by a cop? I'm sure he did sound like an asshole, but keep in mind.....L.A has a tough policy on wearing seatbelts.
Just trying to clear the air a bit....    Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 17:35:41 (PDT)
"I was on Sunset Blvd on a Saturday night"

There's your problem right there. Sunset Boulevard, especially on the weekends, is full of tourists and transplants from OTHER cities. Most LA natives wouldn't be caught dead in those skanky, pretentious, overpriced, useless hell-holes. STAY AWAY FROM SUNSET BOULEVARD (...unless you're going to a concert at one of the clubs, and then park and get the hell out of there as soon as you can).
L.A. Chica    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 18:58:56 (PDT)
I've been to Chicago, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, SF, SD, most of the major cities in Europe, and lived in Indiana and Michigan. I've never heard anyone mocking my language (other than kids) until I went to LA last week. I was on Sunset Blvd on a Saturday night (when I arrived in LA for the first time). It was the most hostile place I've ever been to. I heard 3 people trying to 'speak' my language when just passing by. That's a lot for a couple of hours! No wonder there was a race riot in this city not too long ago. I also saw an asian tourist (Arizona plates) being stopped while I was napping in my car on a side street in Koreatown (just visiting to see what it's like there). I could hear the entire conversation but they never saw me. She was saying something about how she just got out of somewhere (with a bad accent) and he was like 'you have you have your seatbelt on'. What an asshole! He was totally not understanding. So let's just say my first impression of LA was less-than-spectacular.
JasonY79    Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 13:36:39 (PDT)
What the hell? calling each other racists for no reason ain't going to solve crap. It only demeans the word. I think the word you people are looking for is "ignorance" rather than racism. Racism means " discrimination or prejudice base on race." Racism not about the confusions of the identity crisis stupid people have, so you people don't jump into conclusion too quickly and call other people racist. It's just outright nonsense.

Yeah, the chinese were here before anyone else to work on the railroads like slaves, but see, the U.S government made deals with the chinese government for the workers to come to US to work. the japanese were put in concentration camps also, but let's face it. what would happen to a white guy in japan during WWII? I'm not justifying anything here, but let's not compare which group face the worse in history. learn from it, and move on. Being the present victim of the past historical events just doesn't make the self-image to look any better. besides, i don't think anybody can ever live satisfyingly with the past in mind.
it's also wrong to say which asian group came to America first to "pave their way" in this country better for other asians to come. Without the Civil Right movement in the 1960's, nothing would be like as it is today.
viet    Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 22:43:24 (PDT)
"Who are you?" asked:

Are you Japanese, or one of those part native-Hawaiian Japanese hybreds pretending to be Japanese?


If it's any of your freeken business, I happen to be both. But why does it matter anyway? Argue against my position, not my status.

But since we are on the subject anyway, who the hell are YOU?
Kanaka sansei    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 18:11:31 (PDT)
"Hmmm. I don't see anything PATROTIC in your paragraph."

EH?!?! Whoever mentioned anything about being patriotic?!?!?! So, some country white boy in Nebraska is patriotic. What is your point? So you are saying Japanese are the most patriotic of all Asians? What is your basis in saying that? Just because most Japanese here are all Americanized? Shoot, if you count up all the American born Chinese, it still adds up to more than the number of Japanese Americans.

Patriotism doesn't have to be proved. So, if I just say, "Yeah! I love America!" does that prove I'm patriotic? If I don't, does that mean I'm not?

"You see, I already did take that "action" way back in 1979 and have been doing that for, hmmmm, what it is now, 23 years?"

So, what are you? Mid-40's? Shouldn't you be more mature than to be making such petty remarks? Someone must have done you wrong for you to be so bitter. Hey, it's all good. Chinese hate Japanese too. They still haven't gotten the chance to pay them back for their atrocities. The time will come...
TSJ    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 17:07:45 (PDT)
kanaka sansei:

hahaha. you're joined the army when i was born?? and you're now here on the internet arguing with kids half your age about which asian ethnicity did more for other asians in america??

i think you are old enough to be deemed hopeless if you really are as bigoted as you come across in this forum. nice link re: wen ho lee, by the way. learn about the issue before attempting to use it to support your already senseless argument.

by the way, the reason why everyone took the stance that that the person who f. l.a. was referring to was chinese was because 1) san gabriel valley is chinese-dominated and 2) your initial response to f. l.a. also seemed to assume that the person was chinese or vietnamese (certainly not japanese).

why is it racist to hold an english-only mentality? because we are no longer a "melting-pot" society. we are a "salad bowl". get with it, old man!
penelope    Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 23:53:55 (PDT)
Kanaka Sansei,

If you walked into a room that had a 1000 Japanese Americans inside and started talking the way you do now. How many JA would actually agree with your beliefs? True many older JA might have some gripes with Chinese Americans. But the younger JA, don't want have a beef out with anybody. Half of the stuff you're talking about, are not really issues, but more a reflection of your ethnic bias toward the Chinese/ ABCs. If you want to be separatist, then that's okay. It's a free country.
borntokill    Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 23:45:15 (PDT)