Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM
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Asian Restaurants and Entertainment |
High Degree of Acceptance for Asians |
Strong Economy & Job Market |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Yo GI Joe (Kanaka). You are a freakin' idiot. What you are saying is that soldier boys are the most patriotic people in the country. WTF? I love my country, but I don't have the desire to head on off to Iraq right now to show what a patriot I am. And what about people who oppose war? I pay taxes. My work pumps money into the economy. I help the less fortunate. I am a true American. I don't have to carry an M-16 to be a patriot.
You are just pissed because Chinese have more clout in America than Japanese. When people think of Asians, they think of Chinese. Japaneses only claim to fame is that they all got forced into internment camps. Boo hoo. Other than that, no one gives a damn. Oh wow. So you think your whatever the hell infantry and crap is the most important event to happen to Asians in the past 100 years. I have never even heard of whatever you are talking about (most likely because it is so insignificant), and am seriously doubting its validity. Dude, if Chinese didn't come here in the first place, your slanty-eyed nip assses wouldn't even have been in the US military period. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Japanese will always be second fiddle to Chinese in America. Shoot, these days, they are actually way down on the list. Viets and Filipinos have more power and numbers than the shrinking Japanese.
Reading your reponses to other posters, I can see that all you are doing is going in circles. You call TSJ a racist who needs a "support group" when you are the one making the stupid remarks. You cover up the fact that you are an old fart by whining about people attacking you instead of your dumb comments. Well, you know what? Your posts don't deserve to be responded to. They are just a bunch of shallow nonsense. Obviously, you must have never taken a debate class, because attacking the person (ad hominem), is one of the most effective ways to break down the opposition. If the person is a moron, his arguments have no merit, right? CASE CLOSED.
Cobra Commander   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 01:46:31 (PDT)
kanaka sansei:
re: the japanese internment camp, perhaps you would be interested to learn that CHINESE-americans lawyers assisted in, in practice, overturning the ruling of Korematsu in the Ninth Circuit. Asian Law Caucus, run by Chinese lawyers, heard of them?
they are also the ones representing Wen Ho Lee. you mentioned that Mr. Lee brings shame to the Chinese-Americans. what are your reasons for holding this opinion? in addition, please explain why his individual acts would reflect on the entire chinese-population? genetics, perhaps? the basis of your statement is very unclear to me.
by the way, you were the first to assume that fuck l.a. was referring to non-japanese. you were the first to respond to him, and said something along the lines of, "do what i do. when a person in san gabriel valley speaks to me, usually chinese or japanese, i respond with "ching chong la" or something to that effect. it is not unreasonable for that to be interpreted as offensive.
you are most definitely an "elder" that i would have difficulty respecting.
anyhow, it is pointless to continue arguing with you. to have any worthwhile discussion with you would entail educating you on the history of american and the current state of asian america. frankly, i don't think anyone has time to do that.
one serious suggestion would be for you to read up on your own time. you never know what you might learn. your views may have to change, but that may not be such a bad thing considering you would be enlightening yourself. why die stupid? i certainly wouldn't want that to happen to a fellow asian-american.
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 01:21:51 (PDT)
EH?!?! Whoever mentioned anything about being patriotic?!?!?! So, some country white boy in Nebraska is patriotic.
What is your point? So you are saying Japanese are the most patriotic of all Asians?
What is your basis in saying that? Just because most Japanese here are all Americanized?
No. Try the 442nd infantry/100th Bat.
Shoot, if you count up all the American born Chinese, it still adds up to more than the number of Japanese Americans.
So it begs the question. How come Chinese Americans have not served in the same numbers as Japanese Americans?"
So, what I get from your response is that no matter how hard someone has worked for what he has, no matter much his people have suffered, and no matter how much sacrific he has gone through, someone in the military is more of an American than he is?! So, some punk who couldn't get into college who had to join the Marines is more of an American than a top flight CEO for a major company or a doctor?
Do you have stats proving that more Japanese are in the military than Chinese? Chinese parents totally discourage their kids from joining the military because it is dangerous, and isn't considered a prestigious occupation. Does that mean they are less American? (No need to answer because we all know what you are going to say, Uncle Sam-azaki.) Sixth generation European American parents discourage their kids from joining too. So they are less American than Japanese as well? Who the hell who has a decent brain would enlist in the Army when he could go to college?!
Military people are the most patriotic, huh? I got two words for you:
Hey, it's all good. Chinese hate Japanese too. They still haven't gotten the chance to pay them back for their atrocities. The time will come...
Tsk, Tsk! Such bitterness. There are support groups for folks like you.
Hey, didn't you get your wish? Racist remarks in the first place are designed to elicit a racist remark in return. I'm the racist here? I don't go to Japantown talking in funny voices like you do in Chinese areas.
I didn't say I didn't like Japanese Americans. I said I don't get along with any American born Asians. That is not a racist remark. I'm just saying they are not the type of people I associate with.
Oops... my bad. You Japanese Americans don't associate with anything that goes on in Japan, so the Rape of Nanking wasn't your fault, but if China did indeed pull a Hiroshima part II, it would be none of your biz, huh? Since you are such a proud American, when Japan is nuked to the depths of the sea, it won't mean anything to you, huh?
Hey, ad hominems are the best. Why not attack the speaker? Words are only as good as the mouth it comes out of. We already shot down every single one of your petty arguments, yet you still think you are coming back strong with your weak circular reasoning. That will get you nowhere in the court of law. The tone you present is reminiscent of teenyboppers in AOL chatrooms.
Words alone are cheap. President Kennedy said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Maybe we should translate his words into Mandarin?
Just because they speak Mandarin or Cantonese, it doesn't mean they don't know English. Unlike some nationalities, many Chinese like to keep their cultures alive. Yes, your words are very cheap.
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 16:29:50 (PDT)
This is ridiculous. I click into this forum to get people's thoughts on LA and I find this jibberish written by this Kanaka Sansei character.
Kanaka Sansei, this forum is to discuss the city of LA and not for you to spew this crazy "JA's are the most patriotic" propaganda. Editor, why don't you edit and delete this nonsense? Most people who don't know much about LA might see this crap and think that most of the LA JAs are nazis like this character...or that the CAs and JAs in LA involved in some type of race war.
Kanaka Sansei, get a life!! Seriously...there's plenty to do in LA than sit in front of your computer and respond to all of these postings. Geez...sad guy.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 15:40:18 (PDT)
[These digressions start out as tangential discussions then suddenly build into a tidal wave, kinda like a wave set. Let's get back on topic. --Ed]