

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What is the most important benefit of practicing martial arts?
Improved health/conditioning | 63%
Ability to defend self and others | 24%
Building character | 2%
Increased self-confidence | 11%

What is your favorite martial art?
Taekwondo | 24%
Kungfu | 15%
Karate | 14%
Boxing | 6%
Judo | 10%
Ju Jitsu | 6%
Aikido | 2%
Grappling | 1%
Other | 22%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
"yep when i was a sophomor in HS these too really fat girls said "i chink i know you", one was white the other black. Weird they would be racist. Slurpin a milk shake in front of dairy queen. I said "what did you say" they said "i chink i know you". Then they challanged me to bring it on. I was furious. But its not honorable to beat the crap out of girls..."


Beating the crap out of the two girls or letting it go are not your only alternatives. For example, you could have taken your milkshake and thrown it all over the two girls, and said, "Oops." The girls would have gotten your point, and you wouldn't have needed to resort to either beating or letting things go. I call generating these other alternatives and implementing them "fighting by other means."
The Milkshake is a Weapon    Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 11:10:17 (PDT)
To Mar-nut:
Unfortunately, a lot of schools{not all} are geared towards aquiring students for capital enrichment purposes. Also most "students" don't really have the desire or the inclination to learn how to fight. Learning a fighting system is hard and often brutal road.. it is NOT " aerobics" or "martial dance". The genesis of all martial arts is based on close combat..developing the mind, body, and spirit to withstand combat. I believe the philosophies and spiritual teachings arise to "temper" the martial techniques ie. the ying to the yang. However, the Yang element{the combat skills} need to be real and effective. A book I recommend is "The Warmachine" by Sonny Franco, if you can overlook the strange title you will find interesting tidbits of info on physical confrontation. Another author is Gavin De Becker who wrote "The Gift of Fear" an interesting look at the art and science of "violence predictions".

Don't forget the eyegouge, fish-hook, and of course my favourite the head-butt ha ha ha.
Seriously, most people overlook the eyegouge as an effective technique...this is proably due to the difficulty in practicing without serious injury. I practiced this technique in the military during an unarmed combat course holding oranges by our eyesockets and having our partners "puncture" the simulated eyeball with the thumbs. It was initially very difficult to accomplish for the entire company but by the seventh week of our course we were able to thrust into the simulated eyeballs without practise makes perfect. Note: many years later I found an account of this type of training in a book by Col. David Grossman in "ON KILLING"... pretty bizarre.
latina loving korean hombre    Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 23:54:52 (PDT)
yep when i was a sophomor in HS these too really fat girls said "i chink i know you", one was white the other black. Weird they would be racist. Slurpin a milk shake in front of dairy queen. I said "what did you say" they said "i chink i know you". Then they challanged me to bring it on. I was furious. But its not honorable to beat the crap out of girls. I let it go. If they were guys, i would have fought. eh. So far no guys said nothing to me yet. Except when i was a little kid. I didnt really understand the full implications of their remarks. Now i do. Oh well, there is idiots in this world.

and yeah you did the right thing. Why beat up a 14 yr old girl and her pathetic friends? no honor in that, only disgrace.

I think most effective fight realisticly is exsagerrated motion. Close on the bastard and break him with back breakers, neck winders or good fashioned throat chop. I used to like stand up "traditional fighting" now i just like to get in and get out fast. leaving the sob's withering in pain, crying for their mommma. wa ha ha ha ha
SOG    Monday, August 05, 2002 at 12:18:05 (PDT)

I usually say "You first." It would really depend, since I'm twice the girls age. But if I was in the mood I would count up how many boys in her group. See how far the life guards were away from them. Rally my group into a game of beach foot ball or ultimate frizbee and run over their beach blankets a few times.

The goal is to bait them into initiating physical confrontation, since it's a public beach, law enforcement will be around. Might as well claim self defense if possible if you plan to fight publicly in an open space like that.
AC Dropout    Monday, August 05, 2002 at 07:42:46 (PDT)
Martial Arts have taught me to control you emotions and to be centered.

To seek the Tao or the Yin and Yang which is similar to seeking the golden mean of the cross. For those who don't know what that means it is to rise above good or bad and to treat either as only an event with no judgement and say "AH, SO?" to it.

Meaning to not put labels on anything and let them happen and appear as they be.
Another is to express the anger and then let it go. You could'of told those red-necks to F1-1(k off and let it be or do the AC Dropout thing and beat the crap out of them, just make sure no one sees you so you don't get sued.

One book you should read is "Zen in the Martial arts" by Joe Hyams which details an aspiring martial artist studying under famous martial arts masters like Bruce Lee and Mas Oyama. It is interesting to read because they get into alot of philosophy and metaphysics that are not commonly taught now in any schools pertaining to martial arts.

Its sad that know most martial arts school don't teach more of the philosophies and spiritual teaching it is only now do the forms and play-sparring instead. The real martial arts gets deep into the invisible and spiritual side which is important for any budding and experienced martial artist.
Mar-nut    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 21:21:48 (PDT)