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What is your favorite martial art?
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[Juvenile insults and threats omitted]
Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 06:25:25 (PST)
[Boston Whatever: Your posts are mostly illiterate, repetitive hate-rants. Unless you learn to write grammatically and have something to add to the discussion, your future posts go to the ether. Try an unedited teen graffitti site. --Ed]
"The same crap is gonna happen to Chinese Wu-Shu when China hosts the Olympics in 2008 and Wu-Shu becomes an Olympic event."
Why don't they have SanShou instead of Wushu as an event? Or maybe it's too brutal? It's almost equivalent to Muay Thai events, but with wrestling also. Or maybe it's just the northerners not wanting anything to do with a southern style.
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net   
Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 14:53:59 (PST)
Look at all you people who are down on TKD. I really recommend you go to your state qualifying events for the olympics.
Yeah, sometimes you see some uncoordinated person trip on themselves. But you also see the winner who has a chance to compete round-robin for a spot on the olympic team.
Also olympic style TKD does not pause when points are scored. There are three, 3 minute full contact rounds per fight. Since the althele must complete all their fights in one day, due to extensive bruising. There are usually around 2-4 fights to finish one division.
These are the altheles one should aspire to become if they take of the sport of TKD.
I can go to any gym in any martial arts and find some poor out of shape person, hopefully not the instructor. But that is not the practioner I aspire to become when I enroll in that school.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 11:11:10 (PST)
To Harvard TKD
First off I am Korean American that studies TKD here in the USA and in South Korea. You might not believe me but you just have to take my word for it. The problem with TKD is that it is too sport specific. Some of the techniques can be used effectively in the streets but it really comes down to training and who is your teacher. The reason why TKD is so popular is because it is pretty to look at with all the fancy kicks but in reality in a real street fight it is better off to stick with the basics than any fancy kicks.
Right now I am studing Muay Thai boxing. Hands down this is far more stronger than TKD. The kicks in Thai boxing is limited but very effective. There are more infighting technique (elbows, knees etc) than in TKD. Muay Thai training is far more tougher than TKD. But than again it comes down to which school you study.
I'm not trying to attack TKD or anything but , you have to have an open mind and look at other arts and see some merits in them. Some of you put down UFC , pride or any other mixed martials arts. But, that is the
closest we can get to actual real fighting.
To Harvard TKD if you think you that good why don't you go to one of these mixed martial arts and see how you do or if you prefer stand up fighting then try K-1 and see how you do.
I really think a top TKD guy will lose 9 out of 10 times to a top Thai boxing guy.
Korean boy   
Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 10:33:39 (PST)
There is a saying: 'a egg can train 1000 years but will still be a egg..a diamond that trains one year is still a diamond"
The english translation of this fortune cookie type saying is basically that it is NOT the fighting system but the INDIVIDUAL that matters in being proficient in combat. I have often seen so-called bad ass martial artists demolished in a non-controlled atmosphere.ie.prison, bar-fights etc. The outcome in real fights is one survives the confrontation. Combat training hopefully equips the individual to minimize the percentage for terminal error.
Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 22:09:01 (PST)
To Harvard(TKD): I really don't get your reply to my post earlier... I didn't talk about anything regarding TKD other than the fact it's not my preferred art just because I'm not too fond of using my legs as offensive.
To Mar-Nut: I agree on the overrated-ness of the belt system in martial art systems nowadays. However, there is still an importance of belts in that they show the significance of the students' knowledge of that martial art system and only that martial art system.
To Boston: Don't worry, by the time any of us get there, somebody else over there is gonna be having fun beating your ass to a bloody pulp. Anytime you think you're the bomb, someone else is gonna turn you inside out.
And seriously, Boston, if I spend my precious time studying martial arts just so that I can beat people like you or kick everyone's ass. I'd have just gone and buy myself a gun or two. Why would I spend years of studying martial arts just to kick everyone's ass when I can just spend a week or two to get a license for fire arms? Who do you think people will be more frightened with? A black belt in TKD or a gun?
Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 14:30:10 (PST)
The standard of Tae Kwon Do has declined because it is too popular--too many people practice it and it has become too commercialized. (It is commercialized because the main purpose of the schools is to attract students and revenues, not to train real masters in hand-to-hand combat.) Nowadays anyone can get black belts in Tae Kwon Do if she stays in classes long enough. Everywhere we see little 8-year-olds with black belts and 100-lbs petite chics with black belts in Tae Kwon Do. I have even seen a 200+ lbs fat chic with black belt in Tae Kwon Do. (I'm not sure if the fat chic can beat me but she certainly can crush me if she jumps on me. But I still can outrun her!) So many Tae Kwon Do schools give out black belts too often and too easily that its black belts have lost their prestige.
T'K Chang t_k_chang@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 14:06:17 (PST)
Harvard, pHD or TKD or BOston MAss or KoreanSeoul or BulGoGi:
Japanese Judo and Japanese martial arts originated from Korea. END OF STORY BUD!!!!! (excellent logical thinking... I guess it gives 7th grade a whole new meaning)
I am from Boston, Massachusetts who has 7th degree TKD Black Belt.
I teach at Boston collge, Harvard University, Umass and Boston University only on weekdays. (Wow! you can teach in four colleges in one weekend)
Don't f*** with me alright!!! (Meaning I'm just a A-hole making a living and don't know everything like everyone else)
It seems you been kicked by TKD practioners really badly??? You have sorry ass relationships with TKD practioners. (You Bet! Many TKD's masters do have sorry ass relationships include you! You're proof right there BUD!)
I just love the way Mr. TKD assumes he is right and the kickass that he is. If that is indicative of what a martial sport such as TKD is, you can gladly keep your damn art and stick it in your ear.
The only thing Korean that I like is the BBQ and raw egg with rice or that BulBImBO Bop dish. As for TKD and his 7th Degree Black Belt, I hope what you teach whoever is stupid enough to follow you is alot better that what you are trying to preach here. And besides that your so-called black belt is only an achievement in one point in time and not an indication of what is NOW.
Since I have to go down to your ghetto level.. IT means, so what if you have a 7th Degree Black Belt It doesn't make you an expert on anything. I've always like the way TKD or Karate guys keep claiming how expert they are by the degree of their belts. A Black Belt means nothing today other than that you conformed well to your organizations rules. You're a company boy, an errand boy, someone who followed the rules the best. If that was the case I also have a Black belt in Kung-fu also. The Chinese masters were alot smarter they view a belt only good to hold up the pants not as a measurement. Only the stupid or fools claim expertise in a forever evolving art. Those who claim expertise only get a certificate from the SIfu saying that they have past the basics and only begun to start learning.
You can be a damn fat ass and can only do a four-point kick(lift leg up, turn hips, extend leg - yell SEGA! and return back foot) for all I know and still call yourself a black belt.
To say that TKD is the end all is again showing ignorance on your part. I guess the best is to kick your damn ass silly and to teach you a lesson that your stupid theories are wrong and that you need to go back to grade school. But I am not the one to judge and I have better things to do than try to kick your thick Korean skull in. Time is more important to me than arguing who is more right than others. Its a bitch trying to even practise the martial arts, working, studying and raising a family. I would love to stick my Iron Palm on your throat or slap your bare feet with it so I can break your ankle or claw and poke your eyes out but It would cause more problems and stupid egos involved mainly yours. Besides I rather spend my time on things I love to do than waste time with wet behind the ears people like you.
Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 10:19:59 (PST)
Arde, TM21, Korean Boy, Mar-Nut (Basically everybody except Harvard, BU, BC, UMass, Boston Community college guy)
Totally agree with what you guys say. Boston guy needs to re-evaluate his martial art choices.
To Boston guy, I'm not exactly hating on TKD, I'm just hating the fact that it's become such a points-sparring kind of sport. The same thing happened to Karate- both have become too mainstream.
The fact is, ever since the 1998 Olympics in Seoul (where Tae Kwon Do became an Olympic sport), competitive fighters in TKD train not for the knockdown combat but for the points hit.
I'm sure before the Olympics, TKD competitors had SOME form of fist and hand training, but now that's not so.
Like point-scoring karate, the emphasis is on kick work; especially high kicks.
Martial art becomes replaced by sport.
The same crap is gonna happen to Chinese Wu-Shu when China hosts the Olympics in 2008 and Wu-Shu becomes an Olympic event.
Training for sport doesn't equate to mastering a martial art.
By the way, I'd love to take up the challenge Boston Cream Pie but Mass. is too far away from me.
Pride Fan   
Monday, December 16, 2002 at 22:27:22 (PST)
All martial arts have their pros and cons. I've been practicing TKD for about 3 years now. I like it a lot. I agree that it's not the most practical, and sometimes belt promotions are given too quickly.
However, if one is practicing kung fu, karate, whatever only to be able to dominate other people physically, then one is taking a martial art for the wrong reasons. They are not merely sports, they are martial ARTS. They are ways of living. They deserve respect from the people who practice them.
Anyway, who really cares who wins in UFC, or WWE, or DUMB? Only the sport aspect of martial arts are in competition, not the art. Practice what you want to practice. Don’t let others’ opinions effect your choices.
Monday, December 16, 2002 at 20:28:30 (PST)
calm down man. Its cool if you like TKD. Its how you use it. It can be effective.
Monday, December 16, 2002 at 14:57:56 (PST)
I disagree TM21. The one who will win in any contest is the one who wants it the most, whose heart is in the fight, or has something at stake or maybe nothing to lose. Yes, skill is a definite factor, but the art doesn't matter as much as you might think. People still get careless....
Stantheman (Jui Jitsu practicioner)
Monday, December 16, 2002 at 08:00:08 (PST)
To the four stooges. You know who you are.
(First) To Kb. You said TKD cannot hang?
check the numbers TKD 24 percent. KungFu
15 percent. Jujitsu 6 percent. The facts?? what?? mcdogo.com what?? Hey kid, don't waste my time. Your perfect fat boy reading sympathetic site. Yeah, give me facts. Where was the tournament held in USA or Asia was it " International Competition??"I don't think so bud. So go suck on your mothers nipples and grow up. Also, sorry to burst your bubble too.
(Second) To pridefan. Calling all the Boston schools that I teach. Simply, you're a joke!!! DON'T WASTE MY TIME. END OF STORY. Anyone who believes corrupt sport
(Third) to arde. Whats your point??
I yawn. Go drink a coffee. I practiced
Taekwondo, Kyokushin Karate, and Hapkido.
All three originated in Korea or by Korean master. All three have similiar philosophy. Korean art kicks ass.
(Fourth) to marnot. Here is a real loser.
It seems you been kicked by TKD practioners really badly??? You have sorry ass relationships with TKD practioners. Tell you the truth with that kind of attitude any TKD practioners will kick your ass.
by Harvard (TKD)
Monday, December 16, 2002 at 05:41:52 (PST)
To Kb,TM21, Pridefan.
First: all three of you are just wannabee's. I don't even waste my time with wannabbee's!!!
Second: UFC is not mainsteam sport it's a joke!! It's a sport that loses many millions. Read The Daily Yomiuri Shinbun. " K-1 promoter investigated over multimillion tax dodges." Yeah, at least Korean TKD masters pay tax. Why you need to dodge?? It's a corrupt sport.
http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/daily :Dec13,
2002 page 2.
Third: I am from Boston, Massachusetts
who has 7th degree TKD Black Belt. I teach at Boston collge, Harvard University, Umass and Boston University only on weekdays. If you want your ass beaten come and challenge me. Let's see who hits the pavement first. All three of you are jokes!! Don't f*** with me alright!!!
boston bostonseoul@hotmail.com   
Monday, December 16, 2002 at 04:42:06 (PST)
The problem with UFC is the fact that there isn't enough rules in there yet the rules there are very limiting for those accustomed to strikes.
In real life, those people trying to choke-hold or trying to break your arm/legs would have had their fingers broken and their eyes poked inside out. But of course, no one in UFC are allowed to do that otherwise fighters will get out in body bags.
What I'm saying is, UFC is quite real but not as real as what you think.
A much better part of martial arts showmanship in this case is Shan Shou and Shidokan. Both have good rules that limit the fighters in that they use their martial arts skills rather than their street survival skills.
Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 20:38:28 (PST)
Sorry guys but TKD is not a combat fighting system, it's too messy. Even the korean military doesn't do TKD.
Urr as for the UFC guys, I'd pee my pants if I had to go 1 on 1.
Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 20:32:36 (PST)