

(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:12:11 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Who handles the household checkbook in your family?
The Wife | 74%
The Husband | 26%

Which of the following ethnic groups attaches the most importance to making money?
Chinese Americans | 51%
Vietnamese Americans | 14%
Japanese Americans | 1%
Corean Americans | 30%
Filipino Americans | 4%

Which of the following do you consider to be your most important investment method currently?
Buy/Upgrade Own Home | 39%
Other real estate | 4%
Stocks/Options/Futures | 31%
Mutual Funds | 10%
Bank Deposits | 16%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
to "Son of my parents" and AC Dropout, I think you both bring up very valid and interesting points, and I agree with both of you. Money is not the most important thing in life, but having a good income and a decent amount of savings is one key in leading a happy and balanced life. I used to work 12 hr days and I was miserable, always tired, never had time to pursue my hobbies or just sit and read. Now I only work 9 hrs a day and I make enough money to live comfortably and have time to myself. It's all about finding a balance. I have this luxury since I"m only 25, if I had a family to support I'm sure I would be much more focused on working hard and having lots of money so my kids could lead a good life. Money doesn't bring happiness, but a lack of money certainly brings unhappiness.
my thoughts.    Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 07:21:39 (PST)
son of my parents,

Without enough money, you will risk family stability.

Without enough money, you will not be able to attract the most desirable mate to create a family.

Without enough money, you won't be able to hang out with your friends.

Without enough money, you won't be able to give your kids a good upbringing.

Once you enter the work force you will realise rather quickly 9-5 will not suffice in making adolenscent dreams a reality.

Competition in the work force, ever increasing inflation, and a perpetual credit driven society will only allow you to afford the barest of neccessities on a 9-5 schedule.

But don't take me too seriously. I've been on the capitalist bent since I was 11. So yes you can get by in the USA on a 9-5 career if that is what you want.

wealthy enough,

Yes and God also appriciates the tax-free donations he collect from his followers and voices through all those religious leaders. Without money there would be no reason or organized religon.

The Greenback and God are almost the same thing in the modern world. Forces in society that influence individual behavior in order to gain the good graces of their blessing. Both can assauge the soul. Both have a moral restrictions in society on how to get richer (i.e. spiritual and monetary). Both can be use to bring auspices to our friend and woes to our enemy.

Well that enough of twisting greed into the new world religon for now.
AC dropout    Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 09:21:13 (PST)
Just want to remind you all that money is good, but should not be the main goal of life. Money should always be behind family, and happiness, what good is having billions in your bank when you're 50 years old, alone,and depressed? Rather have a nice wife, a couple of kids, live in a middle class neighborhood, drive a volkswagon, and work a 9-5 job and being happy than to work 18 hour days making millions while not having anyone to hangout with.
son of my parents    Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 13:18:22 (PST)
I'm cool with being middle class, but I'll never go near the 'burbs.

"If you want to know what God thinks about wealth, look at those he gives the money." A Yiddish proverb.
wealthy enough    Friday, January 18, 2002 at 05:09:17 (PST)
My dream is to live in a shack but own many properties ! Hrmmm I wonder if I could find a wife suitable woman for me.
I like chinese women, you're right frugal heheh ! I get a smack if I spend too much..ahhh hrmm emphasizing God given qualities i/o money 24 yr old chinese girl ? From my experience, having a lot of money and working really hard for money and making sure there's plenty of it for your children a way of taking care of your family. Leaving your children with the best advantage for all the possibilities in life...I think that's a part of love isnt it ? For them to be able to live comfortably I think is a sign that we, us guys take care of the family's future. And yes...the more money a family has..the more it shows how hard the husband/ or wife worked for the have no money and not be rich...I think is "kinda" losing face...if Im still poor by the time Im 35...I will think I have not done very well. In that case, I'll just teach my kids the best things for the help them to strive and succeed with all their heart. That's the way to go isn't it ? Win the Lotto, that's another option.

Yoooo !!    Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 18:33:01 (PST)