

(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:11:16 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

On the whole are children produced from interracial marriages advantaged or disadvantaged?
Advantaged | 26%
Disadvantaged | 22%
Neither | 52%

Assuming you are an Asian American male, which best describes your marriage partner or your prospective/likely marriage partner?
Someone of my own nationality | 54%
Someone of another Asian nationality | 9%
Someone of a non-Asian race | 37%

Assuming you are an Asian American female, which best describes your marriage partner or your prospective/likely marriage partner?
Someone of my own nationality | 53%
Someone of another Asian nationality | 7%
Someone of a non-Asian race | 40%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
"If there was a form requesting the ethinicity of my children --and there is no option of "Other" or "Multiracial"-- what do you believe would be the proper choice?

You're the mother of those kids. If you don't know the answer, then WHY SHOULD WE?
tsk tsk    Friday, November 02, 2001 at 08:17:33 (PST)

I myself have started doing what the US Census said to do in the year 2000--check all boxes that apply. It makes the most sense to me anyway. If someone asks for more clarification, I explain to them that I have both Caucasian and Asian ancestry, so they both apply.
Bruce Lee Wayne    Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 11:14:19 (PST)
my2cents, whites have PLENTY of culture ( you might try looking up the definition first ). It's something that you're constantly exposed to it and it gradually becomes a sort of background radiation that isn't really noticeable. As a result, any kind of minority influence stands out like ink in water. To say that there is some kind of pure culture in America is downright BS. Blacks would have never had the type of culture they have in America if they weren't exposed to whites. ( eg. the gospel music you hear today is a lot different than it was back in the 18th / early 19th century. Many of these singers were sent to europe where European composers rearranged and "cleaned up" the music, having a long-term influence on the style. ) To say white Americans have no culture is like saying Europeans have no culture. The European influence has dissipated but it's still dominant and EVERYONE in America is influenced by it.

EL    Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 21:51:05 (PST)
know the two rules wrote:

>1. Whites can claim to be anything they want to be racially
>2. Whites gets to tell everybody else what they are racially

That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. It's usually someone who's part minority (3/4, 7/8 or 15/16 white ) telling everyone they belong to a minority group( eg. mariah carey claiming to be black... snicker ) and the minority group being happy to claim them ( since, if the mutts accomplish anything , it's considered an accomplishment of the minority group )


EL    Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 21:08:47 (PST)
Sometimes I think people use the word "racist" too loosely. Calling someone a racist can sometimes be more offensive than whatever that person said previously that provoked such a reaction. Most/almost everyone has there racial/ethnic preferences and at least some prejudices but some more than others. What I think of a REAL racist is, is NOT necessarily someone that says something a bit out of line or uses various racial stereotypes in front of you (esp. if they're only playing around) BUT someone that gives you "STINK EYE" or uses your race(s) as more reason to want to physically harm you or discriminate against you in any shape or form.

When I was little I sometimes got crap from the Asian kids (esp. some of those gangster wannabe Filipino kids and some hot tempered Korean kids) partly because I was half "haole", or half White/foreigner. Let's just say I got into a lot of fights growing-up in Hawaii. Some Samoans and Hawaiians don't take too well to White people either, but I didn't have as much trouble from them since a lot of Hawaiians are a bit mixed. Some of my good friends were 1/2 Hawaiian+Chiense and 1/2 Caucasian.
I usually got along best with Chinese kids and mixed kids like myself. It can sometimes be very good for mixed people to hangout with other mixed people since they tend to have more understanding towards each other and almost no prejudices against each other.

DBL DRGN, it would be good for your kids to meet some other mixed kids.

I think I've heard some people make accusations about some African Americans talking about race too much (like when some White girl on Real World New York got into some big arguments w/ the African American guy) and even thinking that that makes them even more racist since they always talk about race.
I think it's more a matter of being race conscious. People tend to make race more of an issue w/ African Americans than w/ Asian or White people so of course it makes sense that African Americans would be more race conscious like many mixed people tend to be. I noticed that Asians in the Mainland U.S. discuss race issues a lot more than White people, and some White people even try to avoid talking about race or say they don't care (the race blind, bull shi**, as if we really buy that). Like African Americans, Asians too would be more race conscious in a place where they are a minority or sometimes even treated/looked at differently because of their race/physical appearance. I remember my Chinese friend telling me that a lot of little White kids would stare at him when he first moved to the Southwest. LOL! Many Asian people seem more uptight/uncomfortable about non-Asian people staring at them than I do. It doesn't bother me as much since pretty much everyone stares at me. I'm used to it. These South westerners only see a 1/2 Chinese and 1/2 Caucasian person once in a blue moon. Anyway, in Hawaii, it's the White people that are the most race conscious. It's a matter of who's the minority and who's the majority.

P.S. White military kids had it worse than me. Even non-White kids were sometimes viewed as being uncool, cause they're weren't "Local".

Jay... turning the tables    Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 17:28:37 (PST)
Thanks for the info, Alexandria.
Is there any sort of Chinatown in Chesterfield? In your experience, in general, who do you think treats you better? Vietnamese or Chinese?
In my case, Chinese usually treat me a lot better than Vietnamese. Maybe part of it has to with the bad history w/ Eurasians in Vietnam and that I'm 1/2 Chinese rather than 1/2 Vietnamese. Maybe they just don't feel as comfortable hanging around someone that looks kind of White. Anyway, I hang with a more mixed group now (this is in the Southwest U.S.)... not w/ the ALL Asian group anymore. I feel more comfortable with this new batch of friends.
BTW- I'm curious when you were first attracted to Asian guys and what the ethnic background of the first Asian guy you were attracted to was? What ethnicity of Asian guys do you usually find yourself most attracted to? What is the largest Asian ethnic group in your neighborhood? Have you ever seen or met a half Asian and half African American kid/person (if so, what mix) in St. Louis? Have you ever seen or met any half Asian and half White kids/people (like me)? What about half Asian and half Hispanic kids/people?

Who are the people who ask if your daughter is Latina and your son Filipino? Are these mostly White or Asian people? Compare and contrast how Whites, Asians, African Americans, and Hispanics (if there are any in your area) view your childen's identity/appearance.

Myself, as well as many other Hapas/EurAsians (as Andrew spells it) and other mixed folks think the "Single Drop" rule is a bunch of crap. Recently a Chinese guy from Hong Kong asked me if I'm White or Chinese. I just told him, "I'm hapa!!! Or more specifically, a Chinese hapa haole". He was quite fascinated with the concept of Hawaii having a specific term for us mixed folks.

If there is no option of "Other" or "Multiracial" [BTW- I think both of these options stink, they should have several categories such as Blasian, Eurasian, mulatto (or if there's a more appropriate term), etc. and have us also check boxes describing our actual ethnicities.] I think your children should check all boxes that apply even if it only asks to check one. That's what I always do now. LOL! Funny thing is that my school transcript has be listed as Asian/Pacific Islander (maybe cuz I'm from Hawaii?) while my work transcript has me listed as White.
What the hell??? I guess they must have picked it for me, after I checked both boxes. But if your children were to check only one box, my mother would probably think that they should check Asian/Pacific Islander since they have an Asian surname. I remember about 5-6 yrs ago my mother would tell me to check the box for White since I had a Caucasian surname.
However, I refused to do so. Hrmmm... but I do think I may have checked White a few times. Didn't feel comfortable doing that, felt like I was denying part of my heritage (esp. since I'm more Asian cultured).

Jay... the Chinese hapa haole    Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 17:03:22 (PST)

A friend of mine told me that b/c Asian households tend to be patriarchial, my kids would be considered Asian in a BF/AM marriage.

Our daughter (who is very close in complexion to her father, but is sometimes mistaken for Latina) is "granted" Asian status b/c of her skintone, but her babydoll eyes give her away. I am asked if our son (splitting image of my husband's brother) is Filipino b/c of his cocoa brown skin. I am often negated when I tell them he is actually 1/2 Taiwanese.

However, on the other end of that, is the "Single Drop" rule that is still running rampant in the heart of America.

If there was a form requesting the ethinicity of my children --and there is no option of "Other" or "Multiracial"-- what do you believe would be the proper choice?
DBL DRGN...who is always interested in a different point of view =) Home.html    Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 09:20:30 (PST)
Well, Jay, it depends on where ya go. On the south side, we have the Vietnamese & in Chesterfield you'll find a lot of Chinese. Anyways, I'm just pissed to see people going at each other. I'm through with it... The hating.
Alexandria 81    Tuesday, October 30, 2001 at 14:38:43 (PST)
C'mon guys don't you know by now that here in America there's two rules.

1. Whites can claim to be anything they want to be racially

2. Whites gets to tell everybody else what they are racially
know the two rules    Sunday, October 28, 2001 at 17:01:38 (PST)
I too think "Sea Justo the mixto" would go stand in front of a speeding train.
You'er an ignorant afrocentric asshole who has no business in this site. Go bullshit with your homies, cuz!
Bitch and moan how whitey and Asian Americans racist and keeping you down.
DutchMaster    Saturday, October 27, 2001 at 17:20:02 (PDT)
ALexandria 81,

WHOAAAA!!! Cool down, for a moment!
Did some Asian dude pi** you off by not being as open minded in getting some "bootay" from ya?

BTW- what are the larger Asian groups in St. Louis? From my observations I believe that Vietnamese, Hong Kong Chinese, and Koreans tend to be less keen to get into IR relationships relative to most other Asian groups.

Jay… depends what his/her preferred flava is    Friday, October 26, 2001 at 23:23:01 (PDT)
I believe intra-racial marriage is a form of incest. This may sound radical but you never know who your partner is. I am the first one to make this claim.
fever4graft    Friday, October 26, 2001 at 15:24:31 (PDT)
To: SEA JUSTO ..get lost

Thanks for speaking for most of us Asians.

Now could you please go stand in front of a fast moving freight train?

choo choo    Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 15:39:56 (PDT)
I can't wait until God destroys this planet so she can start all over again. A fresh, clean slate. I think that Earth was just a blue print of the real project. Look at how we are acting. Asians against Blacks, Blacks against Whites, Whites against EVERYONE (& no one at the same time?)! This is why pencils have erasers because I don't think that the higher powers are enjoying our "battles". Maybe in the next round she will make us all "Cerulean Blue"! Now watch someone come here & talk about how "Vivid Tangerine" is better. Yeah, racism is great... for me to poop on (man, I watch too much Conan O'Brien).

ALexandria 81 Racist are cool...NOT    Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 16:02:06 (PDT)
Sea Justo
No one is the least bit interested in your bullshit especially not asian americans regarding your rant on blacks. you obviously want everyone to mix with blacks or something.
i got news for you this is an asian american site and most of us don't give a shit about blacks, it's not part of our everyday life unless you work in their neighborhood.
go preach to everyone who is part black in your b.e.t site.
SEA JUSTO ..get lost    Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 18:53:47 (PDT)
To Math Man,

Don't you know all African Americans are mixed. During 300 years in America, blacks have intermixed with native Indians and Europeans. If you look at African Americans today, they have different skin hues unlike blacks in Africa, who are uniformly dark. Kimora Lee Simmons's father is not 100% black, but mix with european or/and natives. Check your history and read the encylopedia about African Americans.
Bernard    Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 16:28:10 (PDT)