Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:11:14 PM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
On the whole are children produced from interracial marriages advantaged or disadvantaged?
Advantaged |
Disadvantaged |
Neither |
Assuming you are an Asian American male, which best describes your marriage partner or your prospective/likely marriage partner?
Someone of my own nationality |
Someone of another Asian nationality |
Someone of a non-Asian race |
Assuming you are an Asian American female, which best describes your marriage partner or your prospective/likely marriage partner?
Someone of my own nationality |
Someone of another Asian nationality |
Someone of a non-Asian race |
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That is a good question. I may be snubbed, excluded or even threatened, which would make it more like my current lifestyle in my own country, the United States. I would theorize that my treatment in Denmark would be better then you might assume.
Why? I have a few reasons. For one it was the U.S. that was attacked not Denmark. While there has been a great deal of sympathy and a great out pouring of support for what happened to America, the attacks were not on thier land. So I doubt there response would be as extreme. Coupled with the peaceful, nonviolent nature of modern Danish society, a very large number of Danes condemn the actions taken by the U.S. since Sept 11. I personally feel the United States had few alternatives when faced with an uncooperative Afghan govt. But believe it or not, many Euros have a problem with America throwing its military weight around in general. When I did mention that my parents originally came from Pakistan to most Danes; they knew exactly where Pakistan was, when it was formed, there current leaders including the Pakistani/Danish ambassador and thier global political situations. I'm alwasy impressed by the strong knowledge base the average Danes possesses. They are usually educated enough to understand what my ethnicity is and that my religion is not an implication towards civil destruction. Hence most Danes would probably know that Pakistan is an ally in the U.S. cause. Try explaining that to your average American Joe six-pack and more likely than not his insightful remedy to the situation would involve a tactical nuclear strike against 1/3 of Asia and Africa. The trait of blanket demonization, absolute ignorance of world politics and geography, and absurd theological editorialism are issues facing America society not Danish society. Finally, the Danes don't have any of the pre-existing hatred toward middle easterners and Muslims that American society has in great quantity. Many of my friends have asked me about how life has been for me since Sept. 11. My response is usually that the negativity I've experienced is more than what I experienced during Desert Storm, Libya, the Pan Am incident or the Iran hostage crisis. Beyond all of that, any Dane that took the time to speak to me would realize that I am a bonified American in my speech, mannerism and attitude which would probably quell any real negativity. So to sum up I'm not to worried about my reception as it would clearly be better then what I have already recieved.
I realize that your post was an of implication of a trend change in Danish society and not a comparison to American society. To that I would say that I would expect a minute change and nothing too drastic as Denmark is not America. It possesses few of the social challenges that would catalize or snowball the negativity and almost none of the pre-existing hatred. The biggest challenge would probably be at the airport.
P.S. Before anyone even tries to accuse me of sounding bitter about America or that my criticism is clearly UnAmerican or that I should "love it or leave it"; should consider that a country without critics is called a dictatorship, loving something does mean you always agree. I have already been judged and accused of not being American, by my appearance alone, more times than I care to remember. So I could really care less how you judge my words.
Monday, December 03, 2001 at 13:47:21 (PST)
Quit it already:
Well said !!!
joe next door   
Monday, December 03, 2001 at 12:41:23 (PST)
So what's your point? That because Kimora Lee is so fair, her Black father must be 3/4 White or 3/4 Native.
My goodness, Asians can't really be so stupid about race and phenotype, can they? I've seen plenty of Asian/Black mixes that looked, Black, East Asian and Southeast Asian, as well as Latino etc...you never know how a bi-racial child will look.
Why can't you ignorant people on this board just accept that Kimora Lee is half-Black and half-Japanese and stop trying to find all these ridiculous excuses for her being fair skinned and predominately Asian looking.
Stop the silliness, I've seen plenty of dark Asians that were full Asians,including North Asians, so does that mean that somewhere down the line they are actually black. Don't be ridiculous, phenotype is bigger than us all.
Quit it already   
Sunday, December 02, 2001 at 15:02:42 (PST)
Why must a girl be Euro-something? What's so special about having European blood? I have a question for you. How would you view an Asian-Black or Asian-Latino?
The Blender   
Sunday, December 02, 2001 at 08:38:28 (PST)
I guess these blondes are sick of seeing everyone with the same look. Or you are extremely attractive, but I wonder how well you'll be received after the Sept 11 th attack.
Friday, November 30, 2001 at 20:47:49 (PST)
I was born in Copenhagen and have visited on several occassions. I realize that living there you have a larger understanding of the overall culture and social climate, but my last two visits were when I was 22 and 25 and quite honestly I can say that I have never had so many hot blonde women making a bee line to me in any club or bar before or since. I'm Paki-American BTW and the attraction to my tan skin and dark hair was very clear and direct. I can't even count how many times I was told how beautiful my skin, hair, eyes were in a heavy Danish accent. I get my share of interested parties in American bars and clubs but nothing I have experinced in America could compare to the large availability and asthetic quality of the women in Denmark. Being that I was also an America gave me the double whammy edge as it seems much of the club music and fashion is based on America trends and retro-trends.
Also I know of a sizeable community of Pakis, Indians and Chinese people in Copenhagen. Its no NYC but finding ethnic flavor in Copenhagen never seemed to be that difficult.
While I am sure that Denmark has large number of racists, the overall warmth and politeness I experienced will visiting keeps it as one of my frequent travel destinations.
Friday, November 30, 2001 at 00:14:47 (PST)
If Kimora Lee's father is 3/4 white or 3/4 native, it is possible that Kimora Lee can look almost like a southeast asian. Kimora Lee looks like a Filipina. However, she cannot pass for a Japanese or other north asian. If I saw Kimora on the street and I didn't know her, I would assume she was a Filipina.
AM, 26   
Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 19:01:14 (PST)
You sound like a world traveler. I hope
you would have the chance to get to know
the different peoples you mentioned.
It's a big world out there   
Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 10:44:36 (PST)
I´m a Danish Korean adoptee that just wanna say that you´re quite lucky over there in the States that you actually have all those different races around you. Growing up in Denmark didn´t really give me any idea of how my kids would look like, probably they´ll be Eurasians as white men are all that´s around here and therefore also the general idea of a beautiful man would be tall, blond and with blue eyes. Denmark has an extremely homogenous population and it unfortunately also seems that Danes wanna keep it that way as we just had the goverment election where the most racist party got so many votes (30%) that I feel like moving abroad.
Well, I always wondered what my kids would look like if I had them with say an Indian, Latino or Black guy.
Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 07:12:35 (PST)
BM Critic,
--Don't want to prejudge you by saying that you are obviously a natural born idiot, but here is the scoop: "the majority of mixing for the first 250 years on this continent" was amongst Native Americans groups. Also, on the issue of who whites (Europeans and those of European descent) "mixed" with the most, the answer is Native Americans. Who did blacks "mix" with the most? You guessed it! Native Americans. Blacks mixed much more with Native Americans than they ever did with Whites. Please read more history books.
Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 06:23:34 (PST)
i really want to know this.....
how do bi-racial girls look at asian guys??
i find bi-racial people to be the coolest people, i especially love EuroAsian girls and EuroAfrican girls ( Alishia Keys) too...
so how do bi-racial girls look at asian men? tell me
Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 17:25:00 (PST)