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Someone of another Asian nationality |
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Does have a point.
Many hapas I've known in Hawaii knew a whole lot more about their Asian than Caucasian ancestry. Some White Americans don't even keep very good records of their family tree.
Jay... the hapa   
Friday, April 19, 2002 at 00:36:09 (PDT)
Which aspects of white culture would I like to observe amongst white-asiatic combos to go?
Yes, that is a difficult question. I don't think that white culture has ever been that clearly defined.
I think many people falsely believe that Americans carry a great deal of cultural capital. This is far from the truth. I have met many asians who know the occupations of about seven or eight previous generations.
I want hapas to reexamine their white roots. I want them to decide what the best aspects of white culture are for themselves. I want them to view things in terms of a historical perspective and a modern perspective.
I have heard hapas make statements like, "Well, I don't like my father or mother so why would I want to learn anything about where they came from?"
I thought about this recently, when considering the advice that is given in the bible about avoiding certain foods. Well, certain people have certain alergies to those foods. So it makes sense to learn about the culture where a person comes from.
Sometimes if we study history, we learn about why people act certain ways. We see our parents in context instead of as deamons. And we can connect with them, which makes all the difference. That is the aspect that I want the hapa to gain, the ability to connect with previous generations, asiatic and white.
jmushorn jmushorn@yahoo.com   
Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 23:30:39 (PDT)
which aspects of white culture would you
like to observe among white-mixed people?
pure-bred asian   
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 18:39:23 (PDT)
I read Jmushhorns's posting about 5 times and mulled it over ,and I am left thinking that in this section
>>Now, that is a fetish as far as I can tell. Their white side doesn't have the right to have any ethnic identity. It is just a boring white (bland) identity. Quite often they don't even know where their white side came from. It seems to me as if they don't give a damn about their white side.
Maybe that is because of how they have been percieved. If other people only percieve, said asian ethnicity then, I think the hapa believes that, that this how they are suppose to percieve themselves...<<
he is not saying this is HIS viewpoint, but trying to express what he percieves is the feelings and motivation behind people who chose to say simply " white." I realize it is conveyed as though it's his thoughts...but I do get a sense after multiple readings that he is trying to express what the thoughts may be behind this type of self-definition, and why he feels they may have obtained this way of thinking. He is the messenger of a message he thinks is out there - but does not perhaps find himself in agreement with..
I have found that postings which at first blush I find offensive, often seem - upon a calmer head prevailing and a few re-readings- to be more tolerable. In this case, I do think some clarification would be helpful, but I am going to stick with my assumption and hope I am correct...
Happy Clam wschien1@mchsi.com   
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 11:22:11 (PDT)
Of the topic, but some of you wanted to know who wrote Webster's Dictionary. Well, there are many editions (and I'm sure a team of people make up the definitions), but "Webster" refers to a guy named "Noah Webster"--I don't remember what century (either 18th or 19th century) but he made a workbook for kids called "Noah Webster's Blue-Black Speller"
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 21:23:24 (PDT)
JB --
I disagree, I have met many Hapas who truly do not know. Many do not know where their name came from or what it means or anything at all about the culture from where their whiteness originated.
Many whites don't know these things either. For example, I didn't even know the correct pronunciation of my name until recently. I didn't even know where it came from until 4 years ago.
I didn't even know that there were Americans with my last name before the revolution until 3 months ago. And I discovered that they were indentured servants. They were not slave owners. They were working the fields right along with the black man.
And then there is the whole enemy alien cover up. Only the Japanese... Well, if that is the case, then where did they put my grandfather? And I guess no one confiscated the italic american's boat. Campo Bello?
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 13:03:27 (PDT)
Who the F*** is Jim Horn?
I take it that you're speaking of the person who posted the message with the handle: jmushorn@yahoo.com
Which forum does he regularly post on?
This is the first message of his that I've ever encountered. Is he hapa or a White dude dating an Asian chick?
P.S. I think T.H. Lien is a special case. He posted some stuff on the hapa forum awhile back. Has he posted any "hapa vs. Malaysian-Chinese identity" stuff on any of the other forums?
Jay... the hapa who wants to know   
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 12:31:37 (PDT)