

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

On the whole are children produced from interracial marriages advantaged or disadvantaged?
Advantaged | 26%
Disadvantaged | 22%
Neither | 52%

Assuming you are an Asian American male, which best describes your marriage partner or your prospective/likely marriage partner?
Someone of my own nationality | 54%
Someone of another Asian nationality | 9%
Someone of a non-Asian race | 37%

Assuming you are an Asian American female, which best describes your marriage partner or your prospective/likely marriage partner?
Someone of my own nationality | 53%
Someone of another Asian nationality | 7%
Someone of a non-Asian race | 40%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
IR dating should be, if anything extremely more accepted than it is.....less chance of hooking up with a long lost third cousin or something of that Yeah, that's a humorous way of looking at it, but hating interracial dating is such idiocy, I feel I can trivialize it by saying something so dorky.
T.B.    Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 10:52:12 (PDT)
Attention Asian Teacher:

Awhile back when Goldsea had its air forum for posters, you argued intelligently and emotionally on your alternative view of IRs contrary to the status quo.

Are you still out there Asian Teahcer? If so I'd like to hear from you again.
Is there anyway I can get a copy of some of your past posts?

No matter how valid the points you make, it's not likely to make sweeping changes but your efforts are appreciated. However I think your message needs to get out to larger audiences such as posting on other sites, submitting to magazines, newspapers, talking on speakers forums.

Hope you're still around somewhere!

Asian Student    Monday, June 10, 2002 at 04:36:25 (PDT)
Racism is a sad reality of life. Being Korean & caucasian, I can relate to the unfortunate circumstances that bk encountered.

Parents of mixed children can shelter them from negative racist people, but the harsh reality is that people of my parents' generation are extremely racist. I too was subjected to negative comments from both sides of my family in regard to my mixed race.

The interesting thing about hearing racist comments from your immediate family --the people who love you, is that it makes you wonder what other people are thinking but are afraid to say out loud.

I have to agree that a multicultural environment for mixed children is the best rather than one where only one side of the heritage represented. This will help mixed children realize that EVERYONE is different not just them. I also think that for happa kids, it is good to find other happas as role models in their lives to help them see that being different isn't a negative thing.

Half Corean Girl    Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 10:30:59 (PDT)
sounds like you suffer from an identity crisis. No doubt you've been waiting for someone, anyone to come along and resolve the issue for you. That's why you suffer from the emotional and pyschological insecurity because no one can balance those emotions but you.
Too bad when you were young someone did not give you the kind of support to know who you are and function fully within that capacity. My own children are Black/Asian and trust me they will have no such identity crisis in view of the fact that we have encouraged and guided their affinity for both ethnicities.
Even at the tender age of 5 and 2, they will tell you of their own individual legacy and they don't give a damn who likes it. That's what they've been taught by two very attentive parents.
Establish your own identity be proud of yourself as an individual and best of luck in your future.
Black/Asian couple    Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 08:24:11 (PDT)

When I hear stuff like that it breaks my heart because I have a mixed daughter and I don't want her to go through such garbage. Granted, we attend a multi-ethnic church, including being a Sunday School class which doesn't just have White couples, but other mixed couples, Asian couples, latin couples and black couples too.

Being in that kind of environment makes people not say such things and encourages tolerance. However, I know that sooner or later, her mixed status will get her an untoward remark from an Asian or a Caucasian person. I just want to be supportive of her and know that she belongs in this world, in our family and so forth no matter what some idiots want to say.
Proud Papa of a Hapa    Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 07:04:21 (PDT)