

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

On the whole are children produced from interracial marriages advantaged or disadvantaged?
Advantaged | 26%
Disadvantaged | 22%
Neither | 52%

Assuming you are an Asian American male, which best describes your marriage partner or your prospective/likely marriage partner?
Someone of my own nationality | 54%
Someone of another Asian nationality | 9%
Someone of a non-Asian race | 37%

Assuming you are an Asian American female, which best describes your marriage partner or your prospective/likely marriage partner?
Someone of my own nationality | 53%
Someone of another Asian nationality | 7%
Someone of a non-Asian race | 40%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Curious Girl and Hank Lewis,
Curious girl, and Hank, our little Nathaniel is 11 months old now. He has never gotten any bad attention, he is such a character, and an outgoing and very handsome little guy, however older Caucasian and elderly Asian people are usually the ones that whisper and say things, just where you can hear what they are saying, disapproving of. I guess some ignorant people cannot accept a mixed race marriage or dating, let alone a mixed race child!
I admit that I always look when I see a multi-cultural couple, especially if they are AM/WF or AF/WM. It is funny but one of us usually starts a conversation with the other. It is like a big red signal on our heads saying " we don't have a big majority or voice, lets learn about each other and our conflicts, prejudices we encounter , cultural differences and our children". that is another reason why I enjoy Goldsea so much, there is connections here for alot of different people, alhtough there are prejudice people here too both against mixed marriages and Caucasians, it just gives us some insight into why and makes me stronger against the hate.
We went to a restaurant the other day and a young Chinese man sat down at an adjoining table and started to talk to us about our little boy. He then got on his cell phone and called his wife, whom was Caucasian, and told her that he was sitting with a couple who had a mixed baby and he had an idea what their baby might look like. I find it refreshing to be able to share and hear about life experiences.
I think that although mixed cultural relationships are becoming more common, they still draw attention, some prejudice, and alot of curiosity.
Hannybunbun    Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 14:12:35 (PDT)

You're right on the money about how having a support structure helps. In our Sunday School Class at 2nd Baptist in Houston, there are 4 Asian/White and 3 Asian/Asian Unions out of 30 couples who attend. Our 7 couples have kind of gravitated towards eachother--we're in the same home group and live within 7 miles of each other. We've been able to share experiences in dealings with Asians and Whites who are either less open to our unions, our presence, our culture or are ignorant. Knowing we're not alone makes it easier.
Hank Lewis    Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 05:44:59 (PDT)
Hannybunbun and strawberryshortcake,

Thanks ladies!

Hannybunbun, it sounds like you have THE most ideal and loving community!! You're so lucky. I'm so happy for you that you have other friends in IR relationships, and the Bible discussion group. How old is your little boy? Has he ever been teased or questioned about his ethnicity? Hopefully as time goes on, Asians will be more integrated into American culture and be more accepted. We can hope, right?
curious girl    Monday, June 24, 2002 at 15:28:43 (PDT)
curious girl,
Well said. It is sooo true!
strawberryshortcake    Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 12:32:12 (PDT)
Having a support system of sorts helps alot. Where we live there are many AF/ WM ,and WF/AM couples, many having children. There is also a Bible study/discussion group here especially for couples of these cultural unions.
They get together once a week and discuss everything from differences in culture, to problems stemming from the differences, and some Bible studying also.
I am glad that our little boy will grow up in a melting pot area instead of a mono racial one. I hope we have more children also, I think that siblings would be a great support system and understand things that a Hapa goes through .
Hannybunbun    Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 11:28:33 (PDT)
I think the big majority of people that are against IR fall into one of these groups:

-The very wealthy, member of "society" that would be disgraced if their son/daughter dated outside of their race.

-The uneducated, poor hick in a trailer park, that has never met people of other races, never went to college, and blames others for his insecurities or poverty.

-Those with poor self esteem and insecurity, that hate people in their race for dating outside of their race, usually out of jealousy.

curious girl    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 13:09:18 (PDT)