

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

On the whole are children produced from interracial marriages advantaged or disadvantaged?
Advantaged | 26%
Disadvantaged | 22%
Neither | 52%

Assuming you are an Asian American male, which best describes your marriage partner or your prospective/likely marriage partner?
Someone of my own nationality | 54%
Someone of another Asian nationality | 9%
Someone of a non-Asian race | 37%

Assuming you are an Asian American female, which best describes your marriage partner or your prospective/likely marriage partner?
Someone of my own nationality | 53%
Someone of another Asian nationality | 7%
Someone of a non-Asian race | 40%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To please stop the Patronizing:
Thanks for your reply, it is interesting to me to see what other mixed racial people say about their experiences.
As far as obsession, that is definitely not a valid thing with us. He is our son, and is as AC Drop out put it once in a forum, "a Hapa child has a culture of their own, a Hapa culture." I agree with that , as I see that he is going to be both races, yet exclusively neither, and therefore want to keep learning how to make him aware and proud of his cultures, and hear of experiences, like yours, that give me more insight.
I do not need to seek out acceptance, as you implied from others. My friendships with other mixed cultural marriages is a support group in a way. Also a way for people with like lives and circumstances to get together. Just as Asian Americans search out other Asian Americans for support and to chat about common experiences that touch them, this forum being an example.
As I stated before, being in a mixed cultural relationship is almost like a total different culture in itself at times. We experience prejudice and other things that perhaps no one will fully understand unless they happen to be in a mixed cultural relationship also.
As for the guy that sat at the adjoining table, I agree he will have no true concept what his and his wife's child will look like. I saw it as what it was to me...he also was searching for someone else with like circumstances to talk about these things, such as being in an inter-cultural relationship, and mixed cultural children, to make some connection with.
I think my son is the most beautiful, smart handsome boy in the world...not because he is mixed race...but because he is my son.
To Asian Machiavelli....hmmm. never thought about it that way before, I do not know if I agree with that or not at this time, but I do have to say it is thought provoking to me for sure!
Hannybunbun    Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 04:09:24 (PDT)
Hapa is a hawaiian words for hawaiian mixed with other race or hawaiian with white, now they use it for asian with white i right.
mixed malay&chinese guy    Monday, July 01, 2002 at 19:12:15 (PDT)
Please Stop the Patronizing:

I do not think that because my daughter is mixed that she is automatically "more beautiful than pure Asians or pure Whites." In fact, in a previous post I stated that I feel that some of the behaviors old Asian & White women have exhibited towards my daughter (i.e. fawning over her, saying stuff like the above, etc.) are counteractive to the parenting Julie and I are trying to do.
We want Helena to have HEALTHY SELF ESTEEM, but we DO NOT want her to become ARROGANT or think she's better than anyone else. Arrogant behavior is unattractive in anyone, regardless of their ethnic background and it's something I do not want our daughter (or any other kids we might have) to develop it.
Confidence, pride in their heritage, being grateful for what you have and good self-esteem are not the same as arrogance, a superiority complex and thinking you're superior to others. Julie and I know the difference and will reenforce it in balanced behavior (praise and discipline) towards Helena and any future siblings she may have.
Hank Lewis    Monday, July 01, 2002 at 13:41:34 (PDT)
"I am getting kind of tired of outsiders assuming that all White folks from Texas are ignorant racists."

You have a chance to prove it this year. Is Texas going to elect a white crook who was partly responsible for Enron which put a lot of Texans (mostly white out of work) or a decent black mayor from DFW? In other words, are white Texans going to reject a black man and elect a crook solely based on the color of the skin? If the crook gets defeated, I will shut my mouth about Texas once and for all. The proof is in the pudding.
Political    Monday, July 01, 2002 at 12:26:40 (PDT)
"Your comment: "the hyper-racialized context of Texas" doesn't apply to the whole state."

We would find out by the election day...November 5, 2002. I hope you are right and you may be..considering that whites are soon to become a minority in Texas...I have nothing but bad experience with white Texans and I am sensible enough not to generalize to all the whites as many do. What bad members lost money due to the thievery of Ken Lay and his ilk for a starter.

But, one good point about white Texans, they openly tell you that they do not like you because of the color of your skin!

Sociologist    Monday, July 01, 2002 at 12:21:51 (PDT)
Asian Machiavelli:

Do you live in Texas? Your comment: "the hyper-racialized context of Texas" doesn't apply to the whole state. If you were referring to rural areas, parts of DFW, the Panhandle or East Texas, then that would be an appropriate statement. However, Houston, San Antonio, Corpus/Padre, the Valley, Austin, and El Paso are very different in comparison. That's not to say that there aren't racists of all colors in those areas, but they are in the distinct minority and they know it.

As for the comments on Hannybunbun and her offspring, I personally don't consider them to be a "reversal of power" or the natural order or whatever else. I realize that there are some out there who might see it that way, but it depends upon what part of the country she lives in. I personally know 6 couples via our church who are AM/WF, all of whom have kids. I have seen at least 4 other couples of the same demographic in this church in passing, but I am not acquainted with them.

In observing these couples in the church, they haven't been treated any differently than my wife and I or other WM/AF couples in church social activities. With those couples whom we know, we've found that at least at 2nd Baptist in Houston, we've all found a church home where we more or less "fit in" and our demographic isn't an issue for other couples of other ethnic demogrpahics with whom we socialize or attend Sunday School classes.

Where we have found differences in treatment has been in the community at large. For example, the most common ignorant comment I've received from White folks in Houston is "Did you meet your wife when you were serving in the Military?" Uh, I never served in the Military and I met my wife in a Bookstore. A number of other WMs with AFs whom I know have received that same comment.

As far as the AM/WF couples, a number of the WFs in those unions who have kids have been asked "Is your daughter/son adopted?" Nope, this kid came out of them and is proudly displaying his/her father's features. A number of the AMs in these unions, upon being seen with their wives have been asked by fellow Asians "Did you have to marry that White woman to get your green card?" Nope, these guys are fellow Americans by birth or on their own. Sorry to disappoint ya'll!

I do figure that while this is annoying, there is potential for worse treatment elsewhere--like Vidor or Jasper where we obviously choose not to live. The thing is, Vidor and Jasper are not representative of the entire state of Texas, and I am getting kind of tired of outsiders assuming that all White folks from Texas are ignorant racists. Our state is a lot more diverse than that. I'm sure that if I were to visit some of these little hick towns in Eastern California, I would find some burgs who would give Jasper and Vidor a run for their money in the racism category.
Hank Lewis    Monday, July 01, 2002 at 06:39:31 (PDT)
What is the word "hapa" derived from? Is it a negative or positive term? I'm a little confused, having just recently learned of the term.
curious wf    Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 22:04:15 (PDT)
Please stop the patronizing,

I agree with you. I don't know why most Eurasian kids I met are arrogant. They always think they are better than the other races. It makes me wonder coz I'm a Eurasian myself. They always believe they are the best looking and think they can go into bars or walk on the streets and get all the attention. Of course, not all Eurasians are like that. But in my experience, most are.
Malaysian-Eurasian Gal18    Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 19:26:14 (PDT)