

(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:08:45 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following is the best kept secret about the personalities of Asian American men?
Sensitive and expressive | 41%
Imaginative free thinkers | 28%
Bold and aggressive | 31%

Which of the following is the best kept secret about the sexual attitudes of Asian American men?
Progressive about gender roles | 6%
Warm and emotionally engaging | 38%
Adventurous and imaginative | 31%
Skilled at lovemaking | 25%

Which of the following is the best-kept secret about the bodies of Asian American men?
Powerful and well-muscled | 35%
Tall and gracefully built | 7%
Sexually well endowed | 31%
Hairy in the right places | 27%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

Okay I'm a little dizzy after that horrendously long run-on sentence.

I think we've beaten that dead horse of "why do white women get tans, etc". Also in the caucasian race there is a lot more natural variety of hair and eye color, so it looks naturl for a white person to dye their hair blonde or red. But when an Asian person dyes their hair blonde and wears blue contacts it looks incredibly fake.

Tom Cruise is 5'7.

Michael Jackson is a complete freak of nature. We can't use him as a standard of comparison.
the truth    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 13:36:53 (PDT)
You are right. I also agree with dragonladie. Whoever these people are that are saying all these nasty things about asian women? They are just insecure with themselves. If you are happy with who you are on the inside, and happy with the man your with? Then you wouldn't even care what other people think or feel about you. You have your own life. But it doesn't seem to be the case with these Wfs' that feel the need to say nothing but negative stuff about Afs'.
And I have read Poo's postings before on others forums. He doesn't even like Afs' at all. A matter of fact he hates us. He only likes Wfs'. I don't really care to know why he hates Afs', because he is 'supposed' to be an Am. Which that is even questionable. I am beginning to think hes really a Wm, pretending to be an Am to make some point in his comments to people.
________ xyz123 :)    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 10:14:09 (PDT)
In response to the false comment:
"We love our hapa family members very much in our family. Or at least when we see them, on those annual family reunions"

"Blood is thicker than water"
"AC Dropout"

That is a flat out lie and you know it.
Its a big load of bull. Asian people are worst when it comes to halfies in their family. MLK is right. I am half Chinese and half English. I have seen firsthand how nasty it is. So don't preach to me about
"YOOHOO!!! I have such a perfect wonderful family that loves its little halfies!!!"
Because you are most certainly exaggerating! That does not exist. So stop your lying. There is no such thing. You are either taking severe drugs or residing on another planet. You are obviously not living in REALity sir.


in London, England on the planet earth    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 01:07:54 (PDT)

Maybe so, but if you're not part of the family, there are no blood ties. And MILs and FILs are notorious for insisting on pure-blooded daughters-in-law, ones who fit in with the family image and don't contaminate the bloodline.

I dumped a guy once because of his insistence that I had to change my hair color before I could meet his parents. That's why I feel that some (not all, just some) AMs are wooses (did I spell that right?). They are so scared of how their parents will react to their woman if she's mixed and looks it.

Are your children or grand-children happa? Perhaps that would explain your comment about being 1/2 of the parent for happa children.

MLK    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 00:11:11 (PDT) everyone against dragonladie

i know alot of white women who draws their eyeliner to where it's slanted like asians and i saw many Discovery channel programs that show white women who get plastic surgery to alter their features like breast and butt implants ,tanning ,hair extensons,lip injection,muscle implants and the pull the eye back, (they call this the cat-eye look when it's actually asian look)anyway my point is not all asian women gat surgery to look white...why dont you ask why white people go tanning for???(to look mexican,black)how caom they whites can wear any color contacts and dye their hair ay color and no one says any thing but when we asain do it,everyone is staring like(why is that asian a red head or blond,hhhmmmm maybe she is mixed with white,thats why she is pretty,,!!)....i am a full asian andi am hot and sexy why do i have to be mixed to be pretty and i never do surgery like many white girls i see get implants at the gym.....i work out at the gym,i am natural,i work for my body and yes i am a 34C real asian....i am sick of all these asian women stereotypes that we are cheap,skanky and like only white men,cuz ilove my asian men,.,,,wheni go to the gym i see soo many HOT big asian men that it makes me i must say the best kept secret of asian men is that they are bigger than they look...too many asian men stereotypes but i believe that asian men are very skillful......anyway.....everyone get surgery to be someone else not just asain..or white, just look at michael jackson for a big example,he's suppose to be black, why is he white....and have at least 20 plastic surgeries done,,,or his sister janet jackson,she is fake lookinfg too....or britney spears,,,and christina ugliera ,they now have big breast....why would asian women wanna look like that...when they can look like CoCo Lee... i rather look at Aaron Kwok then Tom Cruise (who is only 5ft5)i recently went to korea for vacation last summer and many korean men and women are well over 6 feet tall....many men are i think all these stereoypes are stupid......cause it does not apply to everyone....

missCoCo    Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 12:17:59 (PDT)

That's not true. We love our hapa family members very much in our family. Or at least when we see them, on those annual family reunions.

Blood is thicker than water.
AC Dropout    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 12:27:56 (PDT)

Poo is just another fixated Asian Man. He is into White Women, and enjoys putting down Asian Women. He wishes he were white. Poo wants to be white so bad. He probably had the eye surgeries done for himself. I think hes even with a White Female. Poo always criticizes and is so quick to stick up for White Women. He has never stuck up for any Asian Women, because he only likes White Women. He doesn't even respect the Asian Women in his own family, like his mom and the rest.
Poo is an agressive phoney    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 08:57:13 (PDT)