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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Too busy watching TV has a point.
Let's move our debate on Ivies and Oxbridge to the university section.
Asian Dominatrix   
Saturday, October 13, 2001 at 13:40:38 (PDT)
[Oh good. We're moving an interesting reply (as well as copies of your earlier posts) from "A fellow wordsmith who doesn't spell check" to the Asian American University page. --Ed]
Fate is so cruel. Why does Margaret Cho have to be the most famous Korean American women? Most ignorant non- Oriental people think that's what Korean girls look like. Damn it, pretty Korean girls are so cute and sexy. Cho's body isn't really fat but her face is so chubby/chunky. Damn why can't she look like one of those girls from Papaya. Oh well not her fault at all but still sucks how really beautiful Asian people never are on American TV.
my rant   
Saturday, October 13, 2001 at 00:10:07 (PDT)
Hmmm seems like this has turned into the Ivy League competition room...or homework hotline..hehehe...I just want to say, insofar as Asians on tv go...Ming Tsai on The Food Network rules. Thank you very much for letting me slide that in between these postings.
Too busy watching tv to attend college   
Thursday, October 11, 2001 at 19:25:34 (PDT)
I did not say anything about how Oxford and Cambridge are better than ALL American universities in ALL subjects. I think I've made it pretty clear that it's English and history I'm talking about.
I would not dispute the superiority of the sciences in America. But the fact remains, American universities are wealthier than British ones. Alumni donations do make a significant difference when alums and the sheer number of businesses and firms give huge chunks of dough: it's perhaps that more than G.N.P. which matter even tho' our governments give far more money to schools than do British ones.(BTW, Britain is not socialist even though it came very close to it in the 70s.)
But I think we Americans could still learn from Brits when it comes to literary study or indeed, Western humanties--and it's not the question of American English vs. British English. (See my reply to Modok if it appears.) This is why British films and media are, like it or not, more sophisticated. Very little of that dumb Hollywood fluff even in their comedies. (Well, of course, this is the land of Shakespeare, etc. etc. etc.)
Now, as far as leaders go, I'm thinking not only of Clinton (whose daughter is now at University College,Oxford, to be precise) but also Bill Bradley. No one would dispute Clinton's and (Bill)Bradley's talents in communication. And if you compare contemporary heads of state over the past decades, you have to admit that Thatcher (Somerville, Oxford) was as much brighter than Reagan, as Blair (St. John's, Oxford) than Bush jr. (Yale--preferential treatment here???) Just compare Blair's speeches on terrorism over Dubya's for starters: look how he was able to remind his audience about relieving 3rd world debt!
In all, Americans have a lot of chutzpah and spirit--hey, I'm proud of it--but there's a lot we could learn from the Brits. (Just not their cuisine.)
Asian Dominatrix   
Thursday, October 11, 2001 at 13:36:46 (PDT)
'Being a grad student in the english (sic) dept. you should know that by now.'
Ha! I've finished my doctorate already, baby and I've taught at the dreaming spires for nearly 2 years.
I would agree with you entirely that length is not as important as content. But before you go spouting on about something you know nothing about--Oxford education--let me tell you honey, Oxford students get marked down for flowery exposition and long-winded explanations as any other students at American or any British universities. Believe me, I know: my own undergraduate alma mater in the US has always been in the top 10 so I speak with knowledge.
The difference is that what is expected of content at Oxford is much greater: students in English are not only expected to know how to analyse literature, with good knowledge of secondary sources, but also how literature fits into its historical and cultural contexts. Especially the latter. When you study literature of any period, you need to have a solid working knowledge of political and social texts. I have yet to see any American student in English do that to a satisfactory level. This is primarily why so many graduate students in English from so-called top American universities studying at Oxford are kicked out.
P.S. Don't kid me on American undergrads writing 2 5-page single-spaced essays a week. I've seen plenty of syllabi from top universities and colleges and course instructors only give 2 short papers--3-4 pages double spaced--and a long one (10-15 pages) in the course of a term. At most.
Asian Dominatrix   
Thursday, October 11, 2001 at 12:25:07 (PDT)
Apparently you haven't heard of the Fullbright scholarship which is often won by English students who study in America and go on to be captains of engineering back in merry old England. Actually plenty of European leaders have studied in the U.S, Chirac being one. That fact that English don't is a reflection of their rigidty and perhaps a reason they no longer lead the world. As far as American leaders I assume you mean Clinton. Nearly every government leader in the U.S. is educated here. Wealth is not usually a reflection of size as most coutries around the world demonstrate. America also imports many of its most critical resources (Oil, Rubber). Philanthropy is always more evident in an open captalist nation then a socialist one. But I am sure you are accurate about Americans not doing well in the English department as American english and the English of England are often quite different. (according to Twain and Dr. Lee Pederson who wrote the forward to the American heritage dictionary). When it comes to the sciences, engineering and technology there is no lack of Europeans tryin to make thier way to the U.S.
Thursday, October 11, 2001 at 10:38:59 (PDT)
2-5 paper essays per week. Thats pretty average for an under grad English major at a U.S. top twenty school. Besides length is not as important as content. Being a grad student in the english dept. you should know that by now. Many of my best professors would return papers asking for them to be shortened. Flowery exposition and long winded explanations are a sign of undeveloped writing ability when it comes to academic writing.
Thursday, October 11, 2001 at 10:23:59 (PDT)
Don't tread on me,
Well, maybe not ALL students from Ivies and other high-flying American universities are poor students, but the ones who came to the English and history depts. at Oxford sure were. (I've heard the same about those going to Cambridge too). Over the past 7 years there, I've heard these magnas and summas give papers at seminars and believe me, they left much to be desired--i.e., their inability to understand texts, analyse literature, and put an essay together coherently. Overall, they had good presentation skills, but couldn't explain anything at all. A lot of them got told by the dons to 'go back home where the schools are easier.' Hey, I got heartily SICK of being told that I was one of the very few competent Americans there. (Kind of like 'You're not bad for an Asian' over here in the US???) I usually defended Americans by saying that I knew a lot of knock-outs at Seven Sisters colleges who could outdo any Brit.
As for the Oxford slacker at Princeton, he was probably already a poor student at Oxford. I've taught undergrads there and believe me, they really get put through the wringer: many of them write 2 5-page single-spaced essays PER week. It gets worse in their 3rd year where they sit through 7 3-hour exams which determine their ENTIRE 'G.P.A.'
The reason why the UK is not leading the world today is not so much because of the quality of the schools, but because of its sheer size, resources, and wealth. And as far as schools go, there's more of a tradition of philanthropy: Yanks donate, but Brits don't.
P.S. BTW, why is it that American leaders have come to Britain to study, but not vice-versa?? I'm not by any means a serious anglophile (hate most as a matter of fact), but that's something you need to consider.
Asian Dominatrix   
Tuesday, October 09, 2001 at 12:57:06 (PDT)
I agree with almost everything you have to say Asian Dominatrix. Your post to Tired was right on the money. I do however find one problem with part of your post. That portion dealing with your snobbish Oxford attitude. Are you trying to suggest that Rhodes Scholars from the U.S and Magna/Summa Cums from Ivy League universities aren't up to par with Oxford students????? Give me a break. That has to be the stupidest thing I have every heard. Oxford is an excellent school but it is hardly better then Hardvard and Yale and engineering schools like MIT and CalTech. Beyond that your saying the elite grads of such institutions are failing at Oxford??? That sounds more like a problem with Oxford having a hard time keeping the attention of brilliant American grads. They're probably failing out of lack of interest. If Oxford grads were so superior to the top students in the Ivies then maybe England would still be leading the world today. Alas but the U.K. is a mere shadow of its former self living in its past glories, dusty old tradtions and stodgy educational system. I knew an Oxford transfer who came for 1 year to study Poli Sci at my alma mater Princeton. At best he was a mediocre peformer and what I remember most vividly about him was his complaint of the heavy workload.
You should be proud of your accomplishments but don't undermind your intelligence with stupid generalizations that no one except a few effete British snobs would even begin to believe.
Don't Tread On Me   
Monday, October 08, 2001 at 11:21:57 (PDT)
please dont knock Michelle Krusiec it is hard enough to get any one on tv or movie, be glad that we have oppurtunity, becuase there are those who would never give us oppurtunity. if her paritcular style does not siut us or any one then you can exercise your vote change channel. I for one and extremely glad when a person of any racial decent can make it in this society that usually is dominated by .... with all respect
peace and unity will form a lasting bond   
Sunday, October 07, 2001 at 20:38:15 (PDT)
tired of Ignorant Racists.
Why don;t you get of this we made road you walk on crap. The Irish could say the same to you dumbass. The chinese could say it everytime you board a train and black people could say it to you when it comes to getting fair treatment in a diner. Jews created Hollywood. Ok good for you. But why do you paint other minorities so poorly on teh silver screen while cannonizing your own ethnicity. Hey I don't mind you uplifting your own but don't marginalize demonize others. I have nothing but respect for Jewish accomplishments but if you claim to have created Hollywood then you are to blame for all the negative imagery on the silver screen as well.
Sunday, October 07, 2001 at 09:08:26 (PDT)
Tired of ignorant racists,
Oy vey. Are we going to go thru that again, that 'when your parents came here, they had ample opportunities.'
What utter BS! What about the Chinese who came here towards the end of the 19th century? Who got told 'No Chinese and blacks need apply?' Who were shoved into dirty ghettos? Whose relatives were shortly unable to enter--unlike the Jews--because of the Chinese Exclusion Act? And let me ask you, how can you so conveniently forget that that the Chinese also got shoved into concentration camps because of ignorant whites who couldn't tell Chinese from Japanese, because 'they all look the same with their slanty eyes?' Jews may have faced severe discrimination in Europe, I don't deny that, but not in the US.
A lot of Asians have nothing against Jews. Really. It's just that we don't like it when:
1. Jews bang on about anti-Semitism, and then go on to ridicule 'chinks' and 'niggers.' Just look at the ugly trollopy troll Sarah Silverman making all of her cheap excuses about her 'chink' joke and that even uglier Bill Maher saying the word 'chink' is no big deal--'hey, we need freedom of speech.' Would he be talking about freedom of speech if the word had been 'kike' or 'hymie'? I think not. (There are other examples, like the Jewish idiot making fun of Asians after the spy-plane incident on Spy.com.)
2. Jews complain about Asians taking up too many spots at the Ivies--even tho' Jews take up as least as many spots given that they also only make up 4% of the nation. When that epitome of pseudo-intellectual dribble, The New Republic, complained about it on a large scale, I immediately ended my subscription and asked for my money back. (By the way, I don't understand what the fuss about the Ivies is in the first place: as an Oxford graduate who has met many of Rhodes scholars, I have seen enough Harvard and Yale magnas and summas kicked out or fail...)
Jews have indeed made many fine contributions to the US. A lot of Asians like myself have nothing but admiration for the Jews who gave their all to the Civil Rights movement. What we Asians do resent are those Jews--especially those yuppie brats born between 1960 and 1980--who have forgotten their lessons in civil rights. Who have eagerly embraced middle America's discrimination against non-white minorities while banging on endlessly about the Holocaust and anti-Semitism. Yes, the USA is a wonderful experiment as you put it. Just don't forget that yourself when you use the words 'chink' and 'nigger.'
Because we bleed when you prick us too.
Asian Dominatrix   
Saturday, October 06, 2001 at 09:37:30 (PDT)