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Which U.S. TV network is most Asian-Friendly?
Which U.S. TV network is least Asian-Friendly?
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Jews have made very little inroads in Asia. The Jews have infiltrated every society in the world with great ease, except Asia. Tell me? Have the Rothschilds or the Sasoons destroyed the Chinese and the Japanese with their wealth and influence in Asia? The answer is NO. The fact that the Jews were assimilated by these people prove something, the Chinese and Japanese cultures might be more evolved than Judiasm.
Btw, in order for the Jews to corrupt the Asians via the Media, it would take a long long time. When that time comes, human beings will be living in some other planet and this whole Jewish-influenced media is of no significance or importance.
Don't worry we will take over China from within first by marrying into wealthy Chinese families and then by imposing our values and will onto them and eventually the peasantry through the media and political influence.
I know many Jewish/Asian Hapas and most of them feel more Asian than Jewish. Most traditional Jewish neigborhoods don't have much respect for Hapas or Goyims but Chinatown welcomes everyone!
Why Jews will lose power in the Media and their influence in America and the world.
1) Many successful Jews are aging, many of their children are assimilated/complacent and are not much to society (lack the ambition/drive and talent of their parents etc.)
2) Intermarriage rate is like 60% and increasing...
3) Institutions once dominated by Jews are now beginning to see some color.
Here is a timeline of the world and racial power:
Asians are the New Jews   
Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 16:40:56 (PST)
"Blacks are way over-represented with 17%"
That's because they fought to be, damn near, 30-40 years ago. Look at TV shows & movies that came before the Cosby Show (an actual SUCCESSFUL Black family in a nice neighborhood). Yeah really positive images like Good Times, Sanford & Son, & even Fat Albert (a bang that has instrements made from junkyard parts?)! 17% is fair, I'd say. Hispanics will get their piece of the pie very soon. Don't worry about them.
RAISE A LITTLE HELL, RAISE A LITTLE HELL, RAISE A LITTLE HELL... Maybe you won't be under-represented.
AsioWhatever 81   
Tuesday, February 12, 2002 at 20:25:03 (PST)
This came from a crude yet truthful website that I will not mention. It addressed some of the topics you bring up. It is satire of course, but in every satire there is some Truth:
"That's great. You got me. I am actually Jewish. It's amazing at how much fun you can have turning people against each other while we Jews take over the world. We Jews have created and host all the shows like Jerry Springer, etc. that make white and black people alike look like fools. We have successfully destroyed the white race + others and any sense of values in America and have made $billions$ doing so.
We Jews say we are white, but our goal is to turn everyone against each other, WHITE Vs. BLACK, etc. while we secretly take over the United State's most influential positions in government and in the media. While you White, Black, Brown and Yellow non-Jewish Goyam fight amongst each other we are strenghtening our power base and network in each region of the world: Europe, Africa, after WW II Latin America, and now China and the rest of Asia. We go where there is power geographically, bleed them for all they are worth, and then abandon the countries we screw over and let them rott after we have destroyed their moral fabric. We are about to dump the U.S. (it will turn into a third world after we leave) and head to China where we can start over again and make even more $money$.
It is all in our quest to strenghten Israel while we secretly take over the world unoticed from within governments and their media institutions. But don't believe anyone who tells you this, they are crazy or racist Nazis, it's all a conspiracy LOL!!!!!!!!!. We brought down the Roman Empire (too many Jewish lawyers leading to social mistrust and finally anarchy), took down Spain and made them look like villans when the Catholics realized they were being taken over, Destroyed Germany and made them look like villains when they tried to flush us out, and now are doing the same thing to the United States making them our confused bitch to back Israel's fight agaist the Middle East and to gain power for Isreal.
But now there is a better place with more money to back Israel -China. Don't worry we will take over China from within first by marrying into wealthy Chinese families and then by imposing our values and will onto them and eventually the peasantry through the media and political influence. So don't worry, in the end everyone ends up worshiping and working for a Jewish person in some way or another directly or indirectly. We can take over countries, fight when we found out and ousted from power there, ruin that countries reputation through the media, watch them fall from greatness and move to the next victim. I am not worried because like Cancer there is no cure for us. So all you whites keep laughing at our mindless and dumbing TV shows/sports while we get smarter and take over, while all of you minorities like stupid Asian Men keep bitching about the white man portraying you negatively. Figure it out alredy, do you really need these clues. You are all a bunch of naive fools who we control and own. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!"
I don't buy some of this ^ but I don't exactly buy all of your ideas either that the media is not predominantly controlled by Jewish people and that Jews have only the best of intentions. You get it? Feel free to reply because this is a taboo subject in mainstream media that is not allowed to even be menionted -kind of like a modern day Nazi Germany reversed.
It has a lot to do with how Asians, Latinos and others are portrayed in the media.
Asians and Latinos in the media...   
Tuesday, February 12, 2002 at 13:19:56 (PST)