

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which U.S. TV network is most Asian-Friendly?
ABC | 24%
CBS | 28%
FOX | 27%
NBC | 21%

Which U.S. TV network is least Asian-Friendly?
ABC | 28%
CBS | 20%
FOX | 26%
NBC | 26%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
For those of you who don't watch That 80s Show on FOX, last night Roger Park (played by Eddie Shin) GOT LAID WITH A HOT BLONDE WHITE CHICK! He and her were seen steaming up the dance floor, competing with eachother like crazy and then going at it in the Car multiple times!

I think this is the first time since Harry Kim of Voyager that an AA Man has gotten laid on Broadcast Network TV. Let's show some support to Carson-Warner Productions, FOX Network, That 80's Show and Eddie Shin to keep his character on TV and keep that show on.
AA Guy in Austin    Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 06:37:41 (PDT)
I just watched an entire episode of the 80s show for the first time. There's an Asian guy on that show that is portrayed as a semi-normal guy. (well, normal for the 80s)

I went to high school in the 80s so it still kind of feels like a stale show, but it has good music, and I don't know if the guy seems more loserly in other episodes, but this one was one about a set up on a blind date (bank teller) and his story line wasn't that bad. (except that his original date cancelled on him...)

tv knob    Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 23:25:32 (PDT)
I watch that cartoon, and think it is actually kind of funny. It is kind of true to life in a humourous kind of way. Those red-necks have never seemed so benign. haha --did you see the episode where Mr. Kahn first moves into the neighbourhood, and they stand there and ask him over and over:"so are you chinese or japanese?" --even after he has just told them he is from Laos (and has even told them geographically where that is)
That show is ok, even though a lot of people I know hate it. (especially the white trash accents --yuuuup)
another tv addict    Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 23:20:48 (PDT)
Does anyone watch the show "King of the Hill"? What does everyone think of the Kahns, and the way they treat their daughter Connie?
curious    Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 12:54:37 (PDT)
On Off Centre tonight, the Asian guy (Choi?) and a white girl fell in love with each other on the first sight and then made love passionately over and over. She called it "sexual intercourse". (it's supposed to be funny). Who says we don't have AM/WF sex scene on TV??

tv addict    Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 23:32:42 (PDT)
Did anyone see the TV show the 5th Wheel tonight? I missed the whole beginning of it and saw only the last part. But it was a dating show about 2 girls and 3 guys. The girls were both white. And the guys where 2 whites and 1 Asian (finally!!!). After getting to know each opposite sex, each person got to choose whom he/she liked to see again. And guess who picked the Asian guy? The blonde girl chose the Asian guy!! Unfortunately, he chose the brunette girl who later chose one of the white guys. If he had chosen the blonde, they would've been together. But that's okay. There are 3 important things that I like about the tonight's show. First, we finally see an Asian guy in a romantic situation, in this case a dating show, with a white woman on national TV. It showed him cuddling with the blonde. (Someone tell me the beginning of the show, please) Second, I don't know about the rules of the show, but I assume before participating in the show, each person would be required to specify their racial preference(s) for their prospective dates. So I assume those 2 white girls must've checked "Asian" as one of their racial preferences. This is a good thing to know. Third, the Asian guy on the show was not a wimpy streotypical Asian nerd the media used to show. Instead, he was very stylish and confident. At some instances, he was even at the border of being over-confident (read rude) with the women (but the blonde liked it, thinking he was being open and honest). I think Asian dudes are making progress on the media. That's a good thing.

tv addict    Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 23:15:35 (PDT)
Did anyone see the TV show Cheaters last night? It's a true story. This guy, who was white, thought that his gorgeous blonde gf was cheating on him, so he hired investigators to find out. It turned out she did cheat on him....with an Asian guy! They had them on videotape kissing and stuff. When they were confronted, the Asian guy didn't know that she was also dating this white guy. When she was asked to choose which guy she wanted to be with, she said over and over she wanted to be with the Asian guy. She and the Asian guy finally left the scene together holding hands going to his car, leaving the white guy pissed off. In another twist of the story, it turned out that she had been dating this Asian guy for a long time when she was with the white guy. The Asian dude was her real bf. It means that she actually cheated on the Asian guy, not the white guy. But the blond said she didn't have a deep feeling for the white guy and he exagerated their relationship and she wanted to be together with her real bf, the Asian guy. The Asian guy decided to forgive her and in the end they were still together. And for the white guy, he found another girl who he said really liked him. So happy ending for everyone.

tv addict    Friday, April 05, 2002 at 11:37:40 (PST)