Asian American Professionals Worth Knowing
Profession: Senior Corporate Executive
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Position: VP of Integrated Marketing for ABC/Disney
emember the 8 Simple Rules episode with Backstreet Boy Nick Carter? You might remember that the characters were text-messaging using Verizon cellphones. Credit Meredith Momoda. As the ABC vice president heading up the integrated marketing department, Momoda helps boost the network's ad revenues by placing products into everything from sitcoms to reality shows like The Bachelor.
"I work with sales, programming, advertisers, ad agencies, legal and business affairs, broadcast standards and show producers in my efforts to create and negotiate integrated deals," says Momoda. "A typical day at the office entails countless phone calls, meetings and e-mails. This job requires outstanding communication skills. Right now, I probably receive 300 e-mails in a day."
Momoda is a nine year veteran at Disney, ABC's corporate parent. She started as a manager of its Buena Vista Television subsidiary. Eight months later, she was promoted to director. She was only 31 when she was promoted to VP. Three years later she was sent to help launch ABC's integrated marketing unit. She attributes much of her current success there to sales skills acquired while working in pharamceutical sales after graduating from Northwestern University with a chemistry degree. It wasn't until attending some trade shows and becoming impressed by the presentations made by various marketing teams, that Momoda made the switch to marketing and advertising.