

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following business schools is most highly regarded among Asian Americans?
Anderson (UCLA) | 12%
Wharton (Pennsylvania) | 17%
Columbia | 2%
Stanford | 15%
Haas (UC Berkeley) | 12%
MIT | 3%
Kellogg (Northwestern) | 7%
Harvard | 14%
Johnson (Cornell) | 5%
Michigan | 5%
Kelley (Indiana) | 8%

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I think Cal State Northridge is da BOMB baby!
SoCalMBA    Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 15:12:52 (PST)    []
Lots of excellent points here from both MBA 1990 and 2003. But I think dsfb puts it best, work hard at whatever you do and whatever field you choose, don't make enemies. Trust me, many times hard work alone will get you places.
truth    Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 01:23:30 (PST)    []
MBA 2003:

Thanks for the advice. Not many in your position would divulge any inside information on the real truth on MBA's and rather prefer reading the sugarcoating replies of idiots leading the blind.

Congrads to you! I respect your honesty and opinion which is truly lacking in todays world.
Business Newbie    Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 00:22:20 (PST)    []
I wouldn't be so hard on the MBA schools since they compete for students and the approval of hiring companies just as corporations compete for marketshare. As a graduate of one of the top 5 business schools, the MBA moves a person to a faster pace of life and career, if one should elect to do so, and provides skills for future jobs of higher responsibility.

As an Asian American, there will be obstacles, such as the glass ceiling, that is very real in the corporate world. Any excuse like not having an MBA may hurt a candidate even if performance is equal with his or her colleagues. There are always exceptions, and frankly certain career paths that do not value an MBA. Definitely, if you are thinking of careers in finance, investment banking, management consulting an MBA is a must. However, in the high tech world it isn't valued as much, especially outside of areas of finance and marketing.

An MBA is an investment with lasting value. The friends you will meet will someday be the corporate leaders of tomorrow and having friends like that on a global level is an asset to yourself as well as to a corporation. Many of the Japanese corporations see that value and have placed employees strategically at many of the best MBA schools--not to learn American management style, but as seeds for future business. This is the power of the MBA.

So yes, every business school has professors that are dogs and there are competitive tactics, some good and some bad, but in the end it is up to the individual to make the MBA of lasting value. In the end, let's not be a victim of MBA schools but really enjoy the experience and build a great career and sustainable competitive advantage for businesses providing livelihoods for many.
MBA 1990    Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 19:30:56 (PST)    []
In my opinion, I don't think that there is one of the top best business schools for AA's. If you really want to get into the business world, regardless if it's an ivy league or regional, work hard.
dsfbcbsijbdax    Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 14:34:32 (PST)    []
This is the truth about top business schools from a second-year student at a Top-5 US business school.

Be skeptical when you read the career placement statistics reported by the schools. The median salaries tend to be high because most of the companies recruiting on campus are consulting fims and investment banks that pay the highest starting salaries. To get their money worth, these firms work their associates over eighty hours per week. If you calculate the hourly rate, it often comes out to be no higher than that of an average corporate job. Very few associates can survive the grueling hours, and the turnover rates are extremely high. This is why these firms are the biggest recruiters on campus every year.

To the students, it is very obvious that school admission decisions are biased in favored of admitting applicants who will likely get offers from consuting firms and investment banks so the schools can report high starting salaries. Former consultants and investment bankers make up a disproportionate number of the admitted students in every MBA class. Despite all the talks about entrepreneurship, schools are strongly biased against applicants who express interest in start companies immediately after graduation. Entrepreneurs' low earnings will only pull down the average starting salaries the schools need to report. There are some serious doubts about the truthfulness of the placement reports. If you talk to students who are actually looking for jobs, they paint a very different picture than what the reports suggest. I personally know of one incident where all the MBA students know that the school administrators outright lied in a placement report to, and the faculty and administrators tried to cover up the lie and retaliated agaist the stduent who uncovered it.

Giving the questionable ethics of many top business schools, I am not surprised at all that so many of the executives implicated in the recent corporate scandals graduated from these schools. The point to keep in mind is that business schools were created mainly for the benefits of the so-called "professors in management" who need high-paying jobs while doing little meaningful work. Many of them probably cannot find or keep recent jobs in the real world, let along advance to any management posiitons. Business schools are the only place where they can be so overpaid and exercise uncheckd power over students who have useful skills and achievements in the real workplace. To distract attention from their own incompetence, professors try to overwhelm students with meaningless busy work to create the perception that they must be teaching something worthwhile. Much of the organization and grading for the courses are done by second-year students working as teaching assistants who recieve some compensation from the very school that charge them ridiculously high tuition in the first place.

In summary, business schools act in their own interest often at the expense of the students who pay exorbitant tuition to keep the professors employed. Many of my classmates believe business schools are some of the biggest scams in business. For those considering going to business school, let the buyer beware.
MBA 2003    Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 01:17:19 (PST)    []