

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following law schools is most highly regarded among Asian Americans?
Yale | 14%
Stanford | 16%
UC Berkeley | 17%
Harvard | 17%
Columbia | 4%
NYU | 8%
Virginia | 5%
UCLA | 11%
Georgetown | 4%
Michigan | 4%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To researching:
UT-Austin is a great school, especially the law program. In fact, I am planning on applying there.
I also agree that there are many other Asian-American dominated law schools that this website doesn't know much about, such as the following:
UC-Hastings, Cornell, USC, University of Washington, Emory University, Boston College....heck I could ramble on.

PS: How is the student life like at UT-Austin?
Coconut_Braddah_ohana    Friday, January 03, 2003 at 02:51:16 (PST)    []
I am a college Undergrad at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, who really wants to go to law school.
Now all you who have been throught the hassle of getting to law school... Is it true that law school do not look favorably when u have a Legal Studies major. If anything I have a English minor. I do not want to change my major.
Another thing... my interest in practice is Immigration law. I know that there are not law schools that specialize in this area. I work in the Association of the Bar of the City of NY and all the attorney here tell me really there is no one school that offers that. Usually one would take International Law. Is this true?
Please suggest some law schools that can be great to get into.. not necessarily ivy league. Thank you so much!!!
Evie    Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 11:12:47 (PST)    []
Regarding the law schools "highly regarded" by AAs: I think we've all got it wrong. In making our own opinions of which schools are better than others, we shouldn't base them on whether or not there is a sufficient enough AA population nearby or which school has the most AAs enrolled. Doing so is as racist as all the other crap that we have been putting up from the ignorant white butt-heads all our lives. Regardless of which law school we end up choosing, our ultimate happiness with the place we choose will rest upon how WE take it upon ourselves to accept the environment we've chosen, and if it really is a hostile environment, then we need to take a stand and help to educate the people around us. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah, moving here only to attend school from California. I'm SURE there's an AA community around here somewhere, and though I've been to a few Asian markets, I have yet to find anyone to whom I can relate. This place is ANYTHING but home. And yet I've found a way to get along with most people, if only through sheer politeness, even though there are constant episodes of bigotry directed at me or blatant displays of well-meaning ignorance. I KIND of would like to be at Berkely right now because I love weirdos or at Harvard for the sake of its prestige, but since I'm not smart enough for those schools, I'm here at the University of Utah, a tier one school that still has much to learn about diversity. Still, I'm developing into a more well-rounded person than I ever could have, and it's all because I haven't let the stereotypes of which schools are highly regarded by AAs get in my way. One of the ways to end racism is to stop thinking along those lines yourself.
Thy    Friday, December 06, 2002 at 17:06:37 (PST)    []

Okay, I saw the list that was provided by this forum. However, I did not see the University of Texas in Austin, which is the school I was planning to attend for the great price and educational value. They are known as one the best law schools in the country (15th) and relatively has a decent Asian American community. The overall the school has 15% AA out of 50,000 students. Does anyone know about how people or AA view this University???
researching    Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 14:19:53 (PST)    []