

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following law schools is most highly regarded among Asian Americans?
Yale | 14%
Stanford | 16%
UC Berkeley | 17%
Harvard | 17%
Columbia | 4%
NYU | 8%
Virginia | 5%
UCLA | 11%
Georgetown | 4%
Michigan | 4%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

     Virginia has more AA's than Berkely and Harvard combined.

     Too bad there's no listings for European or Candadian schools.

     What is American? Must be a small private school.
S. Kang

     American and Catholic are surprisingly good schools for AAs according to what ive heard from many students and lawyers. Excellent location in DC and rising reputations are big pluses. And Rutgers as well.

     NYU and Columbia is rated way too low

     I heard University of Oregon had a good Law program. Anyone else heard that?

     Regardless of whether you're Asian or not, Yale or Harvard are the most prestigious, and the most desirable, law schools. Let's get real.
Japanese Gurl

     Georgetown is a really underrated school. A friend of mine goes there and she loves it. (She's asian as well). It's really nice there.

     What about the Univ. of MN?
     Golphers are in top 25

     When I visited DC, I was really impressed by the Georgetown campus. It's so beautiful!
an asian girl

     Vanderbilt is a lousy law school if you are an Asian American. They seem to think that if they import some Asians FOBs from foreign colleges, it'll make up for the fact that they do not attract many home-grown Asians, especially Asian-American men. I find it sadly laughable that Asian exchange students outnumber Asian Americans in the student body.
     In fairness, they do seem to be making an effort to change. But I certainly wouldn't put them anywhere near the top.

     Did someone say a high bar-passage rate? You're talking Davis. It has the highest. Study is about all you can do around here... Zzzzzzzzzzzz

     Being whitewashed is not limited to Asians on East-Coast School. Walk around the campus of Stanford and you will see plenty of whitewashed Asians who think that their poo don't stink because they go to a great school. Of course, the fact that the admissions office is very anti-Asian doesn't seem to help things.

     I think you guys are misunderstanding the question. I think the question is asking "which school is best for ASIAN-AMERICANS" not a random sampling of the population. As far as I'm concerned, Harvard and Yale are probably the only schools that would top Berkeley. Even then, I'd be on the first plane back to Cali after three years. Frankly, I don't see anything in the east coast cept a bunch of white-washed asians who forgot where they came from and are trying to reject who they really are.

     Wow! Why so much hostility against Boalt? Either that or one very angry person... Went to Boalt cuz you didn't get into Michigan and Villanova?!! Give me a break. More like the other way around! Only school on the same tier as Boalt are Stanford, Harvard and Yale. Possibly Columbia too.
     As far as I'm concerned Boalt has it all, great location in the Bay Area, beautiful campus, access to lots of AA activities, a decent number of Asian law students, low tuition (if you're a Cal resident), great profs and every top firm in the country trying to recruit grads and summer clerks. It's the dream law school for Asians who hate cold weather and dank campuses in dingy smokestack towns! If you've got the goods, and you're AA, Boalt's the smart choice.
Proud Boalt Alum

     I agree that Berkeley is a good school. However, many aspiring Asian lawyers are afraid to attend a predominantly white law school such as Michigan and Virginia. I think we as Asians need to avoid using Berkeley as a shelter. I agree with most of the comments made in this poll. UVA and Michigan are a tad better than Berkeley. However, Berkeley is a darn good school though. It breeds good lawyers, but not great lawyers. I also understand that this is an Asian poll and most of the people who voted here are Asians and went to Berkeley. We need a reality check here.

     I totally disagree with CLR. Berkeley is around 11-15 in terms of ranking. Berkely is popular in CA but people in the east coast do no regard it as one of the top. Attending Berkeley shows that you're a good student but not necessarily a great lawyer. I happend to hired two in my firm and I don't think they have what it takes to make the cut.
NY Firm

     Sounds like someone here are holding a grudge over a rejection from Boalt. Probably because of that damned LSAT, eh! Last I checked Berkeley was number 5 in national law school rankings and Georgetown and Virginia weren't even top 10. :)

     As an Asian-American, I will have to agree that Michigan, Georgetown, and Virginia are WAY OVER Boalt. NYU is debatable. I graduated from Emory in Atlanta.

     the guy who was defending CAL-BERKELEY needs to get out of his own little world. Of course all the east-coast law schools are better than CAL. I graduated from Boalt because I wasn't accepted by Michigan and Villanova.

     Hi I just want to reply to CLR. I hope you've seen the movie "Soul Man". I think the most famous phrase was "Harvard, there is no Substitute!!". I think if you were accepted by Harvard, you would not be defending berkeley.

     This is a response to CLR:
     I think you're probably voting and re-voting for Cal Berkeley. This is why it gets such a high percentage. I understand that you probably went to Berkeley and there is nothing wrong in defending your school. It's natural. My question for you: How do you go about comparing CAL Bar passage rate? People who graduated from Michigan, UVA, etc take their test in the Eastern states. And by what objective criterion(s) are you basing your claims on? I never claimed that my statements were objective. They were based on my own perceptions and people(Asians and non-Asians) I know.

     Michigan, Georgetown, Virginia and NYU over Boalt? Where are you from and what are you basing this on? By every objective criterion (average LSAT, quality of faculty, cal bar passage rate) boalt is head and shoulders above all of those and on par with harvard and stanford and maybe yale. Also Boalt is always on every top 10 but you often don't see Georgetown, UVA of NYU. If you are an AA Boalt is the place to be.

     I think this poll is flawed. How could UC Berkeley garner more votes than Harvard? I think the question should be "Most Popular" rather than "Most Highly Regard" among Asians. To me, law schools come in three tiers. The first tier would include Harvard, Yale, and Stanford. The second tier would include Michigan, Georgetown, Virginia, and NYU. The third tier would include Berkeley and UCLA. I know a lot of Asians would disagree with me but this is my perception.

     Whoever voted for Stanford as one of the top law schools for Asians obviously does not go here. There are very few Asians at the law school and the few that are here are fairly white washed.
     You're better off at Boalt.
     It seems like most of the Asian American law professors out there are either Korean or Vietnamese. Any reason for this, do you think?

     Santa Clara University School of Law rocks!!! (Especially in the area of Intellectual Property/Hi-Tech Law).
Kevin (

     Davis is a top 20 law school and has a goodly share of AA students. We have one of the best bar passage rates among California law schools.


     what about usc??????

     Saw John Yoo, Boalt's Con Law Prof on MSNBC the other night talking about the election suits. Is he as good a prof as they say. He didn't seem at his best on TV. They also have a Vietnamese prof from George Washington.
BU Pre-law