Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM)
Which of the following medical schools is most highly regarded among Asian Americans?
Harvard |
UC San Francisco |
Johns Hopkins |
Stanford |
Cornell |
UC San Diego |
Michigan |
UC Irvine |
Vanderbilt |
Duke |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I don't understand why Duke isn't ever mentioned on Goldsea! (Especially when it comes to this poll!) Duke has an excellent medical school, which is ranked 3rd in the nation, and also has the 2nd best biomedical engineering program (2nd to JHU). Furthermore, the Duke Medical Center is extremely well known...stop overlooking DUKE!
Monday, August 20, 2001 at 23:42:24 (PDT)
[Okay, okay! You Duke people are loud! --Ed.]
Hello my fellow AAs,
I am at my last year of high school and I wish to study medicine.
But I just keep on thinking about girls all the time . .. you know the problem.
I tried to exercise and play basketball frequently to get rid of that urge but I just coudn't concentrate on my studies.
Please offer some advice, someone!
DUX of the school   
Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 05:54:30 (PDT)
Go where the financial aid is the best.
Monday, August 06, 2001 at 02:06:17 (PDT)
This is a rather motley assortment of Med schools...
Harvard med! Woo Hoo!   
Monday, July 30, 2001 at 15:26:33 (PDT)
University of Hawaii! Med school in paradise that is stepping up to the plate. With recent advances in genetics by Dr. Yanagimachi nothing is stopping this med school from rising.
Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 01:01:47 (PDT)
U. MN has a great program for half the cost of better known schools.
Monday, June 25, 2001 at 17:35:51 (PDT)
True TKE -- race is not much of a consideration anyways, even for the ones who want to be around Asians, because there are so many Asians in US medical schools, one would have to go overseas to avoid being around them ... to the Carribean or something (but then again I think that's where all the Asians rejected from US schools because of MCAT cut-offs go) . . . LOL
Don't forget about The Mount Sinai School of Medicine -- right in the heart of Manhattan! It is ranked very high as well. Great education, great quality of life -- everyone is happy here! Remember, when you are bogged down with studying (which is med school 100%) of the time, you REALLY appreciate being able to LIVE. I visited Johns Hopkins and people were miserable there.
NYC med student girl
i think this poll isn't about which med schools are best for Asians but which has the most prestige and status in the eyes of AAs. The two aren't one and the same.
btw, it's hard to believe that the last four schools on this list got any votes. They're all great schools but in terms of prestige they're not of the same caliber as the top six. I don't think anyone would honestly say that other AAs as a consensus, not themselves now, would say that UCI was more highly regarded than Harvard.
BTW, any med school is a good one if you get in. Good luck to all the premeds out there.
Don't forget Washington University in St. Louis. Midwesterners are very friendly. St. Louis has oasisi(sic) of culture.
Good luck getting accepted. Its damn near impossible unless you are an elite student.
p.s. By the way this poll doesn't make sense. What does ethnicity have to do with choosing a med school? If you just want to be around Asians why not move to Asia?
Umm...Duke is third in the nation!!!!
UCSF's been suffering from alot of administrative and financial problems lately.
My cousin went to University of Michigan, and I went to visit him there. It's a great place, the people are really friendly, and they treat asians well. He really loves it there.
What about Emory U.?
a former pre-med chick
Does Canada have any good medical schools?
Just another engineer
Vanderbilt is a GREAT school, I visited my cousin there and he really liked it.
an asian girl
Univeristy of Virginia sucks as a school, period. It's has one of the most traditional curriculums there is, but even worse, the minorities here get the short end of the stick. There's a fascade of Southern hospitality, but beneath this veneer of friendliness exist some of the worst stereotypes of Asians that they act on. However, it is ranked in the top 30 medschools, but if you do come here, you can do well and enjoy it, you just have to be more political and careful.
I am a medical student in California, and I chose UCSF for this poll because all the Asian parents I know want their children to get in there. Why? For the prestige, large Asian population at the school and the city, and because it is affordable as a state school. It is very hard to get in. However, Harvard is more impressive, but it is far away from home for Californians and there are fewer Asians in Boston/Cambridge and in the faculty/school. UC Irvine is very popular among Asians because of the high Asian student population at the undergraduate campus, and many of the students go on to medical school at UCI and then stay on as residents and/or faculty.
I agree that there is no best school for ortho, but you should do very well in your classes, clerkships, and boards (250's) to be competitive. Doing research would also help.
There is no one best medical school to attend if you are interested in orthopedic surgery. It's a very competitive field, so you would have to be in the top of your class to be accepted; doing well in medical school probably is the most important factor in getting accepted into orthopedic surgery. Having said that, it also helps if you attend a "good medical school", though not as important. good luck.
Hmmm, med students aren't very expressive, are you? Where's the best school if you want to go into orthopedic surgery?
Correction! All eight schools have preference for in state residents as required by Texas law (90% of the entering class must be Texan.)
Think about USUHS in Bethesda, MD !
Texas!! over 6 schools that have preference for state residents!!
How about trying a Canadian medical school? If you can bear the winter, the people are wonderful and the skiing is awesome!!!
I'm a first year at Harvard Medical School, and I simply love it. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in a medical or research career.
Do not go to Columbia medical school. The area sucks and there is no place to eat or hang out. Go to Cornell or NYU medical schools instead.
Pissed in washington heights of NY