

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM)

Which of the following medical schools is most highly regarded among Asian Americans?
Harvard | 12%
UC San Francisco | 18%
Johns Hopkins | 13%
UCLA | 13%
Stanford | 14%
Cornell | 3%
UC San Diego | 9%
Michigan | 4%
UC Irvine | 8%
Vanderbilt | 4%
Duke | 2%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
There is some mad asian rep'in' goin on at uc davis som, myself included. i bet this site is run by so cal folk being that irvine is up on this list... heheh. peace and good luck to all of the AA pre-meds out there. hit up your local APAMSA chapter for advice (Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association).
asian aggie    Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 20:09:54 (PDT)
Why is the percentage of Asians among the residents at UCSF so much lower than the percentage of medical students? It is even lower among the faculty ranks.
UCSF Question    Monday, July 08, 2002 at 10:36:56 (PDT)
We're talking about MEDICAL SCHOOL here, not college. USC is a solid school (top 40), but still a far cry from UCSF (Berkeley doesn't have a med school) and UCLA which are among the very best in the country (top 5 or 10).
anon    Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 19:43:01 (PDT)
UCSF is da bomb. Not only are the clinical departments among the very top in the nation (AIDs, neurology, Internal Medicine, Women's Health etc). It also seems there are many leaders from UCSF as well. Since 1993 the director of NIH has been a UCSF proff, and the new Surgeon General and Director of CDC will also be either a UCSF grad or prof.
SFlover    Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 11:56:35 (PDT)
Reality Check ...

I chose USC over UCLA and Berkley. Actually, many of my friends have chosen SC over Berkley. It's a matter of preferences. A friend of mine dropped out of LA b/c she hated it so much over there. And guess where she transferred to? Right, SC. LA is one of the most overrated schools among Asians. The only reason Asians consider LA is b/c many assume it's more affordable.
Trojans!    Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 02:25:42 (PDT)
UCSF is definitely highly regarded by all, not just by Asian Americans. While Harvard is definitely up there, it seems to be overrated because of its name. When I ask most pre-meds what they think #1 is, I rarely ever hear
Blank    Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 15:30:12 (PDT)
Your attempting to make a distinction between surviving in the "real world" and using "government handouts" is ridiculuous. In the real world, much of medicine is funded by the government and for good reason. The government sets uniform standards for equitable use of funds and tax payer dollars need to be allocated to worthy causes (aka, health care, finding cures, building new hospitals etc). For your information, USC just like most private medical schools still get the majority of there funding from either the state or federal government (ever heard of the NIH? It handed out as you would say, $131 million to USC in 2001. That money makes the researchers at USC very happy and so they continue to kiss up hoping to get more). Who do you think helps good ole LA County/USC medical center pay the bills? You got it, the city of L.A and the Medicare system..... If USC tried to fund its own health system entirely with private donations, it would go bankrupt in a matter of weeks. What do you think funds graduate medical education? Surprise, much of the funding comes from Medicare. Tell the federal government to butt out here and most residency training programs would collapse. For you to also suggest that public medical schools don't also train students to focus on serving patients is also ridiculous. Would you like to back up what you say with substantive facts? In fact, public medical schools are often the ones that have the closest relationship with the local and state government and takes care of the bulk of the indigent patients who either have no insurance or just Medicaid. Take San Francisco General Hospital in SF which is where one of the highest population of homeless AIDs patietns is treated. It's run almost entirely by UCSF. USC is a very fine medical school, but so are many other equally good public medical schools. Your bizarre claims give it a bad name. And finally, you won't find many people who would rather go to USC over say UCSF, UCLA, UCSD, University of Michigan, or other top public schools In terms of clinical training, research, and caliber of the student body, USC is generally a far cry from these schools.

Reality Check    Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 16:31:57 (PDT)
The University of Southern California has had a long standing commitment of inclusion and racial equality. Unlike other UC campuses, like UCLA, which were built using governmental tax dollars; USC was built with private donations. USC trains you to survive in the real world and not be dependent on government handouts.

I suppose that's the difference between looking for "cheap" and looking for "real world." The "cheap" schools train you to remain "cheap" and never train you for the "real world".

USC trains you to give to the community, to know how much you are worth, and to focus on service first/reimbursement second.
doctor for real    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 22:59:43 (PDT)
To UVA MD '05:
Thank you for all your help, your advice has really given me a new, revived inspiration! Is there any way I can contact you if I have any further questions?
pre-med II    Friday, April 26, 2002 at 07:57:45 (PDT)
Dear hello kitty,
Look at the book Medical School Admission requirements published by the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC. There is a new one printed every year so make sure you get the one for 2002-2003. It is the official medical school guide from the med schools themselves with all the statistics and application information you need. Good luck!

premed also    Monday, April 22, 2002 at 10:51:32 (PDT)
I need info on medical school with lowest requirements, and shortest possible time committment.

Where on the net can I find such info? thanx
hello kitty    Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 16:59:49 (PDT)
I would love to go to UCSF or any UC for that matter. I think they are the best public medical schools in the country. Great medical education, low price, and ideal location.....can't beat all that.
premed    Friday, April 19, 2002 at 01:06:14 (PDT)