Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM)
Which of the following medical schools is most highly regarded among Asian Americans?
Harvard |
UC San Francisco |
Johns Hopkins |
Stanford |
Cornell |
UC San Diego |
Michigan |
UC Irvine |
Vanderbilt |
Duke |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
It is natural to want to go to
the "best" school; but a young
person should also consider how
they will do at the school.
Too often a student who has been
the top student at their high
school or undergraduate school
becomes an average student at the
next stage.
experienced doc   
Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 14:51:24 (PDT)
i disagree with cedsy - if you look at where many top policy and administrative leaders graduate from, the majority are from "big-name" schools. those who aren't likely had early interests in such positions, and took other pathways to the top (via residency, special training programs, etc.)
What about Baylor?   
Friday, August 09, 2002 at 16:32:45 (PDT)
Most Asians get squeezed out of leadership tracts and go into private practice anyway. So what difference does it make? A medical center would rather take a White person from a mediocre medical school than an Asian from a top medical school anyday.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 13:07:34 (PDT)
go UC
ucsf and proud   
Friday, August 02, 2002 at 14:25:56 (PDT)
It makes a difference where you attend medical school if you want to be a leader. True, all medical schools are good and offer a high standard of education. Most patients also don't ask where their doctor went to med school. But if you want to be a mover and shaper in medicine it helps big time to be from elite schools like Harvard or UCSF. They have produced countless department chairs, medical school deans, nobel prize winners, etc. They are the places were the most historical strides in medicine have been made. Harvard performed the first anesthesia. UCSF is where AIDs was discovered. As someone pointed out, the previous director of the NIH, and the current director of the CDC, and the Surgeon General are all from UCSF or UCSF grads. Harvard has a similar record of producing influential doctors including even several in politics. The faculty at Harvard, UCSF, and other elite schools are top notch and write all the major medical textbooks. Learning from professors who are the pioneers in their field is something else. The medical centers of elite schools are also tops in the country which raises the level of clinical training and research. The residents and interns at the hospitals of elite medical schools were also the top students from their respective medical school classes. That also raises the level of the teaching and clinical environment. The student bodies at schools like Harvard and UCSF also tend to be remarkable and it's a great privilege to learn from them and know they will be your future collegues in medicine. All things considered going to a top school offers opporunities that can make a huge difference in ones career if you have the ambition to tak advantage of it.
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 01:03:51 (PDT)
Everyone thinks their medical school is the best. So what's the point of this poll. If you want to be a private practice/community physician as most Asians end up doing go to the cheapest medical school possible. It doesn't make a difference where you go.
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 16:07:06 (PDT)
I'm confused as to whether this poll is meant as simply a measure of best overall school, or a measure of a combination of school quality and suitability for asian americans. If it is the former, I would vote for Duke as my number one choice because of their amazing curriculum, the stellar reputation of the school and its graduates, and the high quality clinical teaching that occurs at Duke Hospital. Just read the Time magazine article about Duke (it was a cover story, by the way) from sometime in 1998 and you too will be convinced about Duke's greatness.
Now, if the poll is asking about suitability for asian americans, then it would have to be a school in a big coastal city like Boston, New York, L.A., or San Francisco, and it would have to be an elite school. That leaves only Cornell, Columbia, Harvard, UCLA, Stanford (close enough to S.F. to be considered part of it), and UCSF. Given a choice among those schools, I would choose UCSF first followed by, in order, Stanford, Harvard, Cornell, UCLA, and Columbia.
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 10:53:06 (PDT)