Asian Air 


How to Approach Women in a Crowded Bar

have to tell you guys about the other weekend. I was out with some of my asian brothers and we went to a very white bar. There were tons of guys there and many white female hotties. I have not hung out with these asian friends in a long time and I was trying to encourage them to go up and say something to a white girl. They were a little nervous and said they just wanted to check out the scene and one guy even said there were too many other white guys looking on. My fellow brothers,let me tell you something. If you have ever felt like one of these guys, you just need a little practice. Know the following before you go in for the bunny. You are the best dressed in the room. You are the smartest. You can go in and say anything you want and if it does not work out, who gives a shit. Anyways, I had to make the first move in front of my friends. I went up to two girls who were being hounded by these frat-type boys. I thought up something witty to say and just said it to them like I did not give a shit about what they thought. You know what? I ended up hanging out with them for some time, looked over at friends who had not moved from the spot they were at half an hour ago, and I had to pull myself away from one of the girls(who chose to evaluate me physically with her hands). As a departing comment, I told these girls that my friends and I had to go eat. At this point, you may think it might be a good time to ask her to come along. Never do that. That sounds to immature and desperate. If the girl is worth your time to speak to, you can wait for her at least another 8-10 days. She gave me her number and tried to make me promise to take her out. And, I certainly will. Now, this is not some great feat, however I am only telling this to you guys to illustrate a point. Not enough asian guys approach white females and if th [CUT OFF due to your network's packet-size limits; email long posts]

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