Connecticut Teen WF: How Do I Get My BF Back?
i im 14/f/Connecticut. My boyfriend was 16 and i just broke up with him at the end of summer. we went out for 3 and a half months. I only broke up with him because his best friend told me that he was cheating on me and alot of other shit. Soon after i found it it was not true and the only reason his best friend said that was because he liked me. Im sure u can see where im comming from though, i mean wouldnt u believe it if your bf or gf's best friend told u that. Well i totaly regret ever breaking up with him. i would give anything for him back. The night i did it i went crazy. All i want is for him back, but im now finding out that he wants this freshmen girl at his school. I even tried telling tim that i love him, in a note, he never replied. Please! Before its too late,if u have any advise for me to get him back, i would be so greatful.
E mail me.
brown hair, brown eyes, white, 5'1
Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 09:55:02 (PST)
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Give some time and do not be a pest.
Most of all learn from your mistakes and
do not jump to conclusions too quickly.
It sounds like he is playing you, and if you go back you may not like the terms.
Before going any further, get more facts why the friend told you the lie and make sure the two were not in collaboration together to end the relationship.
Again most, importantly, learn from your mistakes and when a mistake is made in the future, affecting your relationship use some diplomacy and do not jump to accusations or conclusions without gathering the facts.
Good Luck!
Been There, Done That!
Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 04:16:00 (PST)