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MLK: to Puzzled AAF and Thomas on Role of Makeup in Attracting Asian Men
poken like a true man.
I can tell you that make-up and a facial does more for a woman's self-esteem than anything that can be done in a short period of time (not counting long-term psychological therapy). In short, if you look good, you will feel good. I don't advocate acting like a slut. I advocate feeling good about yourself because you know that you look good. This knowledge transcends itself into a "...great personality. Caring, infectious happiness, sensitivity, generosity, etc.". You are telling her how she needs to act to attract men, and I am showing her how to get to that point. If you are self-conscious about your looks, it's not easy to act with "...infectious happiness...etc."
Let me ask you this. Would you rather go out with a "voluptuous goddess" who has a great personality or a shy plain jane with no personality? I have seen plenty of plain janes acquire that great personality after a make-over, and so I stand by my statements.
Lastly, there are many options other than going under the knife!!!! Please don't be an advocate for plastic surgery! There are plenty of things (much less expensive and completely painless) that you can do to improve your looks, such as getting a facial and a make-over (of which I suggested and completely support) and buying some new clothes that make you feel better.
Don't you get it? This is not about the man anymore (we all know that you guys are not shallow--how many times has your wife asked you if she looked fat, and you continue to say the same thing "no honey" and think to yourself, why does she worry about this so much, I love her and don't care if she looks fat.") This is about the woman, and the many simple ways that a woman can take to improve her self-esteem. I am a woman, and I understand how a woman thinks, so don't diss it unless you've got something better to add (and plastic surgery is NOT the better idea).
Friday, August 10, 2001 at 12:15:58 (PDT)
I see very, very few Asian women use makeup. I don't think they really need it. Makeup looks good on pale American/European faces but looks odd on Asian faces. If you want to attract a guy, just make sure you practice good hygience and a good diet. Add a smile and your radiance will have guy's heads turning.
My opinion..
Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 13:24:56 (PST)