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She gave you her number for a reason:CALL IT!
...obviously she's interested. Now what are you waiting for? Get your hiney off of that chair and make that phone call! ...That is, if you ARE interested. Well, if you're not, then do it anyway, cuz then it's kinda sad, SHE gave you her number. What's there to lose? If you don't like her, just be nice and send the "friend-vibes" then.
19yr old abc chick
Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 03:12:30 (PDT)
well im a 16 year old AF living in a
white suburban town with a good few
number of asian guyz. ive been told by
many that im attractive and beautiful. im
not trying to brag here, but im not exactly a beauty queen here either. i am very attracted to asian guyz, and i would always assume asian guyz would be attracted to me. well there were some, but some either did not make the move to approach me or was only temporarily interested in me and would forget me to go talk to a white girl. its strange, but it seems that non asian guyz give me the day with their attention. there the ones that flirt with me, ask me out, call me and when they talk to me they act natural. with some azn guyz, they act awkward and quiet when in reality there not! i dunno if i intimidate them becuz im not what u call a meek submissive girl, but not a loud ghetto girl either. im not a sellout, i have full azn pride and talk about these things with azn guyz, and they appreciate me but never take me for a love interest. besides, i thikn azn guyz can be too picky. can u tell me whats wrong and what should i do?
Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 07:01:59 (PDT)
hey man, what do you do if a girl gives you her number(she just gave it to me, I didn't ask for it or anything). I meet her at a party, we started dancing and afterwards she grabbed my arm and scribbled the number down. we're both college age.
Monday, August 13, 2001 at 12:55:25 (PDT)
I'm a 35 year young AAF. Grew up in a traditional Asian family. Dreamed of being swept away by an Asian Prince. But so far, just a dream. I cannot figure out why I have problems attracting Asian guys. I see my Asian friends having no problems attracting each other. But Asian guys don't seem to be attracted to me in a romantic way. I have many Asian male friends. But none of them see me as more than friends. I have even talked to my friends who are successful at attracting Asian guys and tell me what their secret is. I do all the things they tell me to do and still nothing. I don't consider myself gorgeous. But I'm not ugly either. At least that's what my friends tell me. I think I have a good attitude towards AAMs since I have plenty as friends. But I'm not sure what more I can do or be in order to attract Asian guys. I hope successful Asian men and women who have no problems attracting each other can give me some advice that perhaps my friends and I have overlooked.
Puzzled AAF
Monday, July 30, 2001 at 17:29:04 (PDT)
There is this Chinese guy in my office that I have a crush on. He is gorgeous and a very kind person to everyone. I'm a shy girl and I get very nervous around guys I like or have a crush on. Anyway, the entire office was at a company event and I was in charge of making some food in the kitchen. But when this guy came into the kitchen, I got so flustered that I dropped the sauce and dip and made a complete mess. He graciously offered to help me clean up the mess as some of the sauce splashed on his shoes and pants. I wish I could be more composed around him. My friends said this is just nervous energy because you have a crush on him. I think it is more about me being shy and not very socially blessed. How do others deal with this shy awkwardness especially around people you like? I seem to be better around other people who I don't have a romantic interest in. But I just fall apart when I am around this guy I have a crush on.
Shy Girl
I am currently dating a very successful asian man. His mother, for whatever reason, absolutley is 100% against our relationship. Mainly because I do not have as much education as he does and because I come from a divorced family. She does not even want to meet me or want to hear about how much I adore her son and how much I care for him. I make a middle class income and feel that I am good at what I do. Are all asian mothers so difficult to get along with? Do all asian men obey there mother without question? I don't get it- is it a culture thing?