Are AA Women the Real Victims of Prejudice?
sian women get a free ride at the expense of Asian men. That's the received wisdom here in the U.S. This belief appears premised on the suspicion that American society sees Asian women as sexy exotics in need of rescuing from the cold clutches of Asian men who don't know how to smile except evilly.
The real victim?
Credit Hollywood for its tireless casting of Asian women as sexual accessories to white heroes while suppressing the very existence of Asian men except as unsavory paper tigers. Credit too the TV networks that uncover bevies of talking Asian women but rarely their male counterparts.
In fairness this media fantasy of the Asian race was partly inspired by recent history. Devastated and impoverished Asian nations sent tens of thousands of war brides and orphans, followed by several million desperate immigrants willing to hock their identities while toiling to build new lives.
Male-dominated societies toast new women as exotic sexual prospects while suppressing new men as an exploitable lower class or even enemy aliens. The women get all the breaks and the men get all the lumps. Even worse, the women have their heads turned and adopt a scornful attitude toward their own men. So goes the complaint of some AA men.
The women have a different take. Sexual predators bearing insulting stereotypes must be fended off while coping with women who see them as unfair competitors. Add to that the pain of being scorned as sellouts by AA men for no more reason than their apparent welcome by American society. Worst of all, complain AA women, is being begrudged the right to take simple pleasure in their own identities. How much easier just to face straightforward racial prejudice!
Do Asian women really have an easier time in America? Or do they suffer from the double-whammy of insulting stereotypes from non-Asians and unfair persecution from Asian men?
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Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 06:10:50 PM)
I think what you are noticing is called the effects of being perceived as a minority in America.
AC Dropout
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 12:14:27 (PDT)
I think your Mainland China and white ex-pat example is not reflective of self hate. It is more reflective of ultilization in HK society, or what is considered to be a burden on HK social services.
Most white ex-pat on expired visa are either corporate employees (collecting tax) are students (paying tuition). They don't usually try to get their entire family to immigrate into HK illegally.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "scott free." When I was in HK and the my visa expired on a random street search I was asked to get it renew or be deported.
AC Dropout
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 12:13:52 (PDT)
ions: you sound like a typical asiaphille! =P well it's alright. it's a free country you know! =)
Peter: you need to be more informed about the issues. do more research and come back later. =D
my friend's theory on why so many men in this country want a taste of some asian @$$ is because of the wars that were fought in korea and vietnam. the soldiers that had expereinces with prosititues share their stories with future generations here making asian women into the myth of this sexual being. that's just his 2 cents. =P
d@ m@n
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 11:06:28 (PDT)
"Id like to know WHAT TYPE OF ASIANS we are talking about for one.
It seems to me that so far we are talking about Orientals because Indian women almost never marry outside the Indian ethnicity. So I will assume we are talking about Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese."
Indian women mostly marry within their castes and some in the villages in India marry cousins to avoid marrying outside their castes...something that was prevalent among the southern white aristocracy in the ante-bellum days...nothing new there. India is a country of many languages. A Punjabi in the north has a totally different culture from the Tamil in the South. So, if a Tamil marries a Punjabi, the effect is the same as Koreans marrying Japanese...generally a no-no under both circumstances. For a Tamil to marry a Punjabi could be worse than marrying a white...and for that matter for a Tamil to marry someone from outside their own caste (but another Tamil) is worse than marrying a Punjabi or a white person.
In our context, we are talking about the Koreans, Japanese, etc.
"I see constantly the terms AF, AM, etc,etc being used but are these Asian people Immigrated FROM ASIA or American BORN Asians?"
All kinds of Asians whether born here or abroad.
"I have found Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese to be downright introverted, shy (in an offturning and hostile way) and fortified here in AMERICA."
They have adopted American ways...but still unlike the whites, they really do not like to leave their baggage back home.
"HOWEVER In China, Japan or Korea, I was amazed at how interested they were in foriegners like myself. Im a Tall Black (dark skinned) male student abroad and I have found Chinese women to be incredibly hospitable and friendly to me. Chinese men to be very outgoing to me and very interested in me...Unlike AMERICA."
You come from the United States...a rich country. However, you should ask them about Vietnamese or Koreans?
"Ive made many Korean friends both young and old (being a NYC resident this suprised me) and met Japanese people that were very friendly and willing to open dialogue."
You are lucky.
"I believe that life in America changes people and brings out hostility and XENO-PHOBIA in Asian people."
I agree...but, that still does not mean that they want to inter-marry with other Asians.
"I was fortunate enough to meet a lovely ShandDong girl and become engaged to her and the family approved to my disbelief! No one knew about the fact that I am into buisness, have wealth, and a lucrative Science occupation. To them I was just a regular guy/foriegner."
Congratulations! Now, kindly tell me whether you are an Asian marrying another Asian ethnicity. If so, may your tribe increase!
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 09:03:34 (PDT)