Asian Air 


Are AA Women the Real Victims of Prejudice?

sian women get a free ride at the expense of Asian men. That's the received wisdom here in the U.S. This belief appears premised on the suspicion that American society sees Asian women as sexy exotics in need of rescuing from the cold clutches of Asian men who don't know how to smile except evilly.
AA Woman
The real victim?

     Credit Hollywood for its tireless casting of Asian women as sexual accessories to white heroes while suppressing the very existence of Asian men except as unsavory paper tigers. Credit too the TV networks that uncover bevies of talking Asian women but rarely their male counterparts.
     In fairness this media fantasy of the Asian race was partly inspired by recent history. Devastated and impoverished Asian nations sent tens of thousands of war brides and orphans, followed by several million desperate immigrants willing to hock their identities while toiling to build new lives.
     Male-dominated societies toast new women as exotic sexual prospects while suppressing new men as an exploitable lower class or even enemy aliens. The women get all the breaks and the men get all the lumps. Even worse, the women have their heads turned and adopt a scornful attitude toward their own men. So goes the complaint of some AA men.
     The women have a different take. Sexual predators bearing insulting stereotypes must be fended off while coping with women who see them as unfair competitors. Add to that the pain of being scorned as sellouts by AA men for no more reason than their apparent welcome by American society. Worst of all, complain AA women, is being begrudged the right to take simple pleasure in their own identities. How much easier just to face straightforward racial prejudice!
     Do Asian women really have an easier time in America? Or do they suffer from the double-whammy of insulting stereotypes from non-Asians and unfair persecution from Asian men?

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(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 06:10:44 PM)


Those are good points.

HOWEVER -- what I have a problem with is the fact that some AFs would think that I was beneath them, for whatever complicated reason that they fabricate. That is a minor factor though.

MY biggest problem is the fact that many of these IRs actually PROMOTE misunderstanding. For example, when an AF/WM couple get together, more than likely it is the AF who "moves in" into the white man's culture, i.e. white social circles (On a related note I believe that with AM/WF relatioships, the immersion into each others' culture is more equal). The white man more often than not does NOT have to deal with her Asian side/culture. As a result, he rarely gets an unbiased view of the Asian world for himself -- the only time and way in which is does get a glimpse is through the Asian woman.

If you add a maladjusted, insecure and angry Asian woman (though not all of them in IRs are, mind you...) into the mix, then you have an incubator for misinformation and deceit. I have a HUGE problem with that. A HUGE one.
It ain't that simple pal.
   Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 22:59:57 (PDT)
Don't let Northwest Girl get you down. She obviously has some issues. She tells you that it is good to be angry and then shoots you down. Asian women have a right to be angry. They should complain about injustice, especially those Asians (e.g. NW Girl) who support our oppression.
Tell me, NW Girl, what books have you read?
AF in CA
   Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 20:00:08 (PDT)
Northwest Girl:

"that may include less time whining about injustices and more time going out there and doing something about it."

You seem to know a lot (or at least think you know a lot). Okay, since we're on a forum that talks about prejudice against Asian women (and since you object to our current way of doing things), what do you suggest we do about it (since we so obviously shouldn't be "whining about injustices").
Let's hear it!
   Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 19:38:16 (PDT)
Northwest Girl,

Well, I'm glad we're on the same side of the fence. It's just that your comments on "whining" and your statement, "while you can't always control other's behavior towards you, you can control your reaction to it," sounded a bit like you were advocating passive acquiescence. Sorry if I misread you.

Believe me, I myself have long confronted people directly if I thought they were being racist--even in risky situations (i.e., school) where I knew I could be "sent down" for writing long letters of protest against discrimination to the various department heads. I have written about these experiences many times in Goldsea. (The eds are probably sick of reading about them!) I've also mentioned how I've managed to implement my own brand of positive discrimination (i.e., greater attention to female students) when teaching.

BTW, as futile as "whining" on the internet may appear at first sight, it does indeed serve many practical purposes, albeit indirectly. First of all, it helps for many of us, especially those who do not live in an all or predominantly Asian community, to share our feelings and frustrations--as well as ideas on how to combat anti-Asian sentiment. The latter can be very enlightening, particularly if someone is having difficulty explaining to someone else why something is wrong: for instance, why is it OK for blacks to use the "n" word, but not for whites? Where are the limits of freedom of speech? What kinds of covert racism have you faced, etc. I like to think that I've learned from others here, just as others have probably learned from me--even if none of my degrees are in Asian-American studies.

Obviously, whining on its own serves very little immediate purpose: like you, I agree we must act, not moan endlessly. However, it is a collected action that can not only help all of us understand our plight, but also help us arrive at new ways to move forward.

Asian Dominatrix
   Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 15:22:18 (PDT)
Northwest Girl:

Your point of view isn't just different from ours; it's offensive to us. By telling Asians not to "whine" about oppression, you are encouraging passivity. Dominatrix has taken the first step by verbalizing (or writing) her feelings. If you understood anything about Asian or minority empowerment in this country, you would know that talking is the first step to larger things.

I think you should take heed of Dominatrix's words and read some of the books she recommended. I don't know what books you've read, but they evidently haven't touched enough on the issues here.
   Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 14:05:42 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix:

You are very bright and I think you are very pretty too. There is a fan club for you on the Gender Divide Board. Please check it out....I mean a serious fan club.
Asian Dominatrix Fan
   Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 12:42:35 (PDT)

What I should have said instead of me hating AM/nAF couples were AM/WF. Now, that is the only thing I hate so much. Oh well, it's a free country anyway.
   Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 12:12:15 (PDT)
Is AF marrying someone that's not AM that bad? I tend to think of it as a postive thing. I'm not saying that AF should not marry AM, but just because some don't, it's not all that bad. I belive interracial dating and marriage is paving the way to understand & acceptance of cultures because both the husband and wife will learn of each other's cultures and as would their parents and familes.
   Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 03:33:30 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix, I don't seem to recall advising others to be passive in my posting. All I'm saying is, while we're striving for our rights, we should also recognize the things that we CAN do to make to make our lives better, and that may include less time whining about injustices and more time going out there and doing something about it. There are lots of different ways we can fight oppression in our society, but posting nasty notes on Web sites is not one of them.

And I have read PLENTY of books about Asian-Americans and their experiences, thank you. I wasn't born yesterday, you know. I have experienced other's ignorance and have been stereotyped. I also have participated in protests and will point out to people when they are treating others unfairly, so don't go accusing me of being a "punching bag."

And if Asian-Americans want the right to be seen as individuals and not as part of a stereotyped group, I think we should begin by not accusing every Asian who is married to a white person of wanting be to white themselves. I mean, if I were married to a Hispanic guy, I don't think anyone would accuse me of wanting to be a Latina.

Your anger is a good thing, and we need to be angry about injustice in our society, but I think you should channel it to work against your real enemies, not another Asian person who just happens to have a point of view that's different from your own.
Northwest Girl
   Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 18:45:52 (PDT)
"In 1984 or 1985, I watched two sisters in the show...the dark one was matched with blacks and the light one with whites."

Interesting. I do not remember this. At the recent Ms. Universe Contest in Puerto Rico, Ms Trinidad who was a dark skinned Indian had a black male chaperone and Ms. India who looked white had a white male chaperone. Perhaps more than race color is important.
Miss Universe Watcher
   Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 14:02:53 (PDT)
size 2 WF,

re: "Maybe the AMs don't look at the AFs, either, who knows."

I live in the South, where AMs at my gym won't give me the time of day! (by the way, I'm an AF) I've only seen about three AM members, though. And I think I'm the only AF at this gym.

To answer your question re: who strikes up conversations first, my personal experience has been, the WMs always made the first move. I usually keep to myself until someone tries to talk to me, then I'm always friendly and will keep up the conversation.
Maybe this irritates the AMs? Or maybe the AMs are just shy? Or maybe AMs are simply more focused on their workouts (like Asian Meathead)? If an AM approached me though, I'd definitely be receptive.

Anyway, I'm always pleased to hear about non-Asian women like you who also appreciate AMs! :)
   Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 13:21:42 (PDT)
I like Af's, especially the Chinese. Not only do I love their looks, but their heart as well. I feel that Af's are "slrignikufesin". Don't take my word for it.
   Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 09:43:46 (PDT)