Are AA Women the Real Victims of Prejudice?
sian women get a free ride at the expense of Asian men. That's the received wisdom here in the U.S. This belief appears premised on the suspicion that American society sees Asian women as sexy exotics in need of rescuing from the cold clutches of Asian men who don't know how to smile except evilly.
The real victim?
Credit Hollywood for its tireless casting of Asian women as sexual accessories to white heroes while suppressing the very existence of Asian men except as unsavory paper tigers. Credit too the TV networks that uncover bevies of talking Asian women but rarely their male counterparts.
In fairness this media fantasy of the Asian race was partly inspired by recent history. Devastated and impoverished Asian nations sent tens of thousands of war brides and orphans, followed by several million desperate immigrants willing to hock their identities while toiling to build new lives.
Male-dominated societies toast new women as exotic sexual prospects while suppressing new men as an exploitable lower class or even enemy aliens. The women get all the breaks and the men get all the lumps. Even worse, the women have their heads turned and adopt a scornful attitude toward their own men. So goes the complaint of some AA men.
The women have a different take. Sexual predators bearing insulting stereotypes must be fended off while coping with women who see them as unfair competitors. Add to that the pain of being scorned as sellouts by AA men for no more reason than their apparent welcome by American society. Worst of all, complain AA women, is being begrudged the right to take simple pleasure in their own identities. How much easier just to face straightforward racial prejudice!
Do Asian women really have an easier time in America? Or do they suffer from the double-whammy of insulting stereotypes from non-Asians and unfair persecution from Asian men?
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Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 06:11:12 PM)
I definitely agree with you that most asian women are really snobby and arrogant even though the vast majority of them are just average. Why is this? I don't know. Part of it is I think upbringing, from some posts that I've read here it seems like some asian parents bring up their kids to believe that white people are lazy, fat, stupid and smelly and that asian people have a much higher culture and that they're better than us.
Also if you go to the "Alpha Female" board on the homepage of Goldsea, one AF actually admits that the reason she acts snobby is because she's really insecure. So I think a lot of them are insecure because they grew up being compared to the white standard of beauty, and grew a serious self-esteem and insecurity complex as a result.
But their snobbiness is not attractive to anyone. I can't imagine any guy wanting to date a stuck up girl.
WF dating AM
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 15:58:17 (PDT)
Gosh, I have non-Asian women asking me all the time how I stay thin....but this seems to be a complete reversal.
So, because the majority of us naturally have slim frames...we're "pre-teens" now?
Stop coming to us for advice while whining about how your boyfriends call you fat then, and don't let your Asian boyfriend's mother hear you say any of this.
Chances are, she was built that way herself.
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 11:25:37 (PDT)
let me focus on on a small part of your post and see if i understand:
"I just don't like how some of them [AF's] treat AM by strictly dating WM."
so more AF's should stick to their own kind.....ok i think i follow but then:
"it's high time that AM opened their eyes and see they have option when it comes to dating just like AFs have known for a long time"
so more AM's shouldn't stick to their own kind???
i think your two statements are a little bit contradictory...might you care to explain?
i assume you live in the USA where white people account for about 70% of the population.....on a purely statistical basis there is a good chance an asian will date IR (as your relationship demonstrate)....but so what if AF are more open to the idea than AM....it's not the end of the world!
futhermore the world of dating is a zero-sum game as follows:
AF bags non-AM
AM then free to be bag non AF
see simple.....you're freeing up a AF for me (i hope she doesn't have the body of a pre-teen though....that means 12 and younger ya know).....everybody's happy!
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 09:54:49 (PDT)
Your comment are ignorant and pretty sad!! I am an AM that can be built like body builder if I want to. I choose not to be. I think medium built is better. I hardly go to the gym and I am already cut-up with chest muscle, bicepts, shoulder muscle, back muscle and nice abs. I have a firm and solid body with a good amount of body mass. Again I don't want to look like Arnold. So it is why I choose not to over-excessivly work out.
If I do work-out [gym] on a weekly bases and are determind to get bigger, Man....FORGET about IT. I'll look like a body builder in two months. Anyway..are you an AF, if "yes". Then your a self-hating asain. Pretty sad, huh!!
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 20:28:30 (PDT)
Your argument is pointless. AMs are built like men, though many of them are thinner and have smaller bone structure. But my b/f is very built, he has flat abs, a broad muscular chest, big biceps, a slim waist and muscular legs. He certainly does not look like a preteen. That is AF's.
WF dating AM
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 06:36:35 (PDT)
WF Dating AM...
Thank you for your post. It's nice to be able to speak plainly and not be attacked. I think everyone knows the truth about this issue but when someone actually says it, it's like some dirty little secret that they are upset was "let out of the bag" or something. I honestly believe that the reason some (and before people get bent out of shape, I did say SOME) Asian men stick w/Asian women is only b/c they think they don't have options. Some guys I've dated that previously only dated AFs have all told me they would never go back b/c they realized what they had been missing all along in the "body" category. And while no one wants to be liked only for their body, it is flattering and I know I have a good personality and I'm not unattractive so I know I have a lot to offer besides the way I'm built. Before more people get ticked off, I'll drop the subject but in closing, I would like to say that it galls me (and have you noticed this too, WF Dating AM?) how so many AFs seem snobby and act like they think they are the best thing since sliced bread and are built this way? Just curious...in your opinion...why do you think they have this arrogant attitude when they have nothing to be arrogant about??
Thanks again for your support! I'm curious about your opinion so I'll be looking for it. :-)
Curious 1
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 00:21:43 (PDT)
Maxdacat... Gee, guess you couldn't be original and come up w/your own post. Had to borrow mine...well, ok... I'll answer it anyway. Yes, I can argue that point b/c men are typically more muscular than women anyway. Whether they are working out or not, they are naturally more muscular than women. And while there may be some AMs that are puny...which, true I have seen. I wouldn't date them! Same as I wouldn't date a man of any race that was puny. My boyfriend is built like a MAN not a preteen. If he was built like that I wouldn't be w/him. You have got to pay attention if you're going to counter my posts. :-) Besides you make it sound like I don't like AFs. I have nothing personally against them. I just don't like how some of them treat AM by strictly dating WM. I know several personally that have told me this and several guys that have told me their sisters were encouraged to date WM. I'm just sticking up for AM. You should be happy about that instead of trying to attack my posts! I'm merely saying it's high time that AM opened their eyes and see they have option when it comes to dating just like AFs have known for a long time and OBVIOUSLY practiced this option to its fullest! :-)
Curious 1
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 00:15:13 (PDT)