Asian Air 


(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:55 AM)

or some the only downer to being Asian American is being lumped with all the whiners.
     The problems that afflict us? No different from those faced by all Americans, they argue. Vincent Chin? Won a barroom fight and was ambushed in the parking lot by a pair of drunken sore losers with a baseball bat. Happens to white guys too. Media stereotypes? Would you rather be cast as a beer-guzzling milquetoast with a spare tire and a perpetual sunburn? Not to mention being unable to jump, dance or multiply.
     Weigh the trivial irritations against the big advantages, exhort the upsiders. Like being raised in two-parent families that provide emotional stability, a solid educational foundation, a multi-cultural perspective and healthy eating habits. Like being seen as innately more intelligent, diligent and honest. Like having a full head of hair past 30 and never having to shave your back. Sure, the new immigrants have a rough time, they concede, but compare apples to apples. The Census Bureau stats show that U.S.-born Asians do as well as any group and better than most.
     So what's your take? Are we getting a raw deal or are we just too busy complaining to appreciate our many advantages?

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Geoff DB,

I think that in a strange way, I can kind of indirectly feel your frustrations. You assert that by virtue of our skin color, we get a 'head-start' in the race toward the top of society, at least partially. As racially charged as that statement sounds, lets just put aside emotions and assume that's true.

In a way, that's the same envy that men of other ethnicities feel toward black men and their supposed sexual/romantic prowess. This may strike especially close to home for Asian men (though not ALL, obviously), who feel limited in their dating choices because of society's perceptions toward Asian men. I know some guys who feel this way.

So ultimately, this is the white man's way of putting their yellow and black work horses down. They have both the money and sexuality, while we (Asians) get the greenbacks and you guys get the pu$$y.

It's totally f***ed up, and I know that it isn't true in many cases. I know some pimped out Asian brothers, and some broke-ass ones too. I know black fellas from wealthy famiilies, and were pretty much brought up 'white'. Incidentally, they happen to be socially inept nerds.

I can't really offer any real condolences, as I'm not an AFrican American. But know that I indirectly feel your frustrations, as weird as that may sound.

Ain't life a bitch? =P Still, you've got to go on. Life waits for nobody.

Fight the power, Geoff! =)
Come back to Earth Bill
   Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 23:20:35 (PDT)    []

You are wrong on certain points about Asian Americans and income.

The Chinese Americans and Asian Indians are the most successful in terms of income, followed closely by the Korean and Japanese Americans. It's no secret that those ethnic groups have done well for themselves.

Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Hmong on the other hand, have significantly lower incomes and higher poverty rates, not to mention incarceration rates. For some ethnicities such as the Cambodians and Hmong, the poverty rate is higher than that of blacks, which is 26%.

Why the disparity? The first group of Asians have considerable amounts of 'cultural capital' i.e. college education from their home countries, significant savings that they brought over from Asia, and family connections (family member sponsored their immigrations). This translates to a 'head-start' for their children. I'm Korean, and I fall under this category. Would I be going to an Ivy League school if I were the son of a political refugee from Cambodia? Unlikely.

I don't think its wise to discount the harsh realities that some Asian Americans still face in this society.
Come back to Earth Bill
   Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 23:11:48 (PDT)    []
hey, 'Bill'-y - Bob:

KOREA has the highest rate of internet usership. Scandinavia (specifically Sweden and Finland), Japan and S. Korea are the world leaders in third-generation tele-communications/cellphone technology. The US is NOWHERE near the top in this respect, although the average income per capita is higher than all the aformentioned nations. The US maybe wealthier overall, but it lags in hi-tech.

So enough with your flag-waving propaganda already. The U.S. isn't top-dog in all aspects.
Come back to Earth Bill
   Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 23:02:01 (PDT)    []
'Unfortuneately, our intelligence and upstart potential becomes treatening to upper class whites as they hold key positions in every public and private agency.

My experienced has been a glass ceiling, and once you reach a certain level, be sure you will be surpressed unconditionally.

The surpression can come in many forms. It can consist of false slanders or just simply the unsaid truth - "We don't want a chink in power" . Not yet anyway.'

Another advantage is that we Asian Americans are pretty much self-sufficient, and the glass ceiling is pretty much irrevelant to us.

The only problem that we have is that many of us are not aware of our identity (always wanting to be more White, and to tread their path).

Stop the whining!
   Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 12:32:26 (PDT)    []
Okay, so all Asians are rich, smart, disciplined, etc. You get preferential treatment when you apply to colleges, even though you don't need it. So what's with all the whining?
quit your whining
   Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 09:19:53 (PDT)    []

Thanks for the Asian-American demographics. No sure who put that information together, but it was an eye-opener in many respects.

Quite honestly, I do want to establish that I am not anti-Asian. There are those who would use that information and attempt to incite and/or foster anti-Asian sentiment/bias. I am not one of them.

I'm simply here to examine Asian-American economics and sociology, and to discuss their advantages to are clear to me.

We do live in a race conscious society. Race and skin tone, inherently, has considerable bearing in America. It's unfair, painful to deal with and frustrating. However, I do not blame issues in the African-American community on Asian immigrants or Asian-Americans. For the most part, Asians want nothing to do with black people. So, it's been my observation that they'd prefer to not get close enough to us to do any damage.

There are irrefutable advantages that Asian-Americans have in this country. It's worth discussing, but it would also be unfair for anyone to blame social ills on Asians.
Geoff DB    Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 22:15:03 (PDT)    []
Pound for pound, asian americans are more educated, disciplined and honest than any other race in america.

Unfortuneately, our intelligence and upstart potential becomes treatening to upper class whites as they hold key positions in every public and private agency.

My experienced has been a glass ceiling, and once you reach a certain level, be sure you will be surpressed unconditionally.

The surpression can come in many forms. It can consist of false slanders or just simply the unsaid truth - "We don't want a chink in power" . Not yet anyway.

On the positive note, the upside in reaching this level prior to the all mightly "glass ceiling" is the economic rewards are fairly decent, and can provide a decent lifestyle. However, you will never been given your full worth unless the timing is perfect which is extremely rare.

Best of luck, keep on climbing, don't let anyone hold you down. Be smart, cunning, and adapt well.
Experienced Asian America
   Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 20:08:57 (PDT)    []
Asian-Americans as a group are doing well. However, we need to get more involved in the political process. In this participatory system. If you do not participate, you do not count even if you are doing well by yourself. Politics is not a dirty word in this country. It is how things are decided and get done and how a democratic society is supposed to function. Just look how Irish, blacks, and Jews have fougfht discrimination and gained equality through political participation. This is one area where Asian-Americans really need to improved in if we want to create a better future for our children.
   Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 16:46:31 (PDT)    []
I don't really think there is really an advantage being an asian american. I guess some are lucky to be bilingual and have cultural awareness. But I don't see anything special about being asian american. We're still the minorities, so we are more likely at an disadvantage.
   Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 12:54:42 (PDT)    []
Wrong, th highest rates of income, internet usership are in scandinavia. Sweden, Denmark, USA, Netherlands top countries by internet useage. Also, fewer than 10% of the worlds 500 richest people are asians. Despite being the largest population group, asians are underrepresented relative to their population in nearly all levels of human development. Although asians make up 4.4% of the US population there are no asians among americans 400 richest people. Also, at the International Computer Programming Championships. European universities have won the title 9 out of 10 years.
   Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 10:52:48 (PDT)    []
Here is some information and statistics on Asian-Americans:

Overall characteristics include high income, high education level, high percentage of professionals and managers, highest intenet usage, and highest rate of entrepreneurship, escpeically in the technology-intensive industries.
   Monday, April 07, 2003 at 17:46:31 (PDT)    []
'"Asians are advantageous for one reason, they came here because of $$$$."

You're confusing motive with advantage.

Asians coming here for the dollar bill doesn't explain the privileges you share with white Americans. It doesn't explain the distribution of opportunities that Asian-Americans gain. It doesn't explain how Asian-Americans (as various ethnic groups) have the lowest poverty rate, highest education level, lowest unemployment rate, better access to health care than other minority groups. It doesn't explain how Asian immigrants and Asian-Americans tend to get invited to "the party" more than other minority groups.'

You have explain further my statement about Asians being advantageous.

Asians came to this country because of $$$. This in turn motivated them to work, achieve in education, and earn $$$. Without $$$, you cannot get access to better health care. While the other groups come here and have problems with their home countries or their past, Asians for the most part have none, and concentrate themselves to soley earning money, and climb the social ladder.
   Monday, April 07, 2003 at 12:26:46 (PDT)    []

"Asians are advantageous for one reason, they came here because of $$$$."

You're confusing motive with advantage.

Asians coming here for the dollar bill doesn't explain the privileges you share with white Americans. It doesn't explain the distribution of opportunities that Asian-Americans gain. It doesn't explain how Asian-Americans (as various ethnic groups) have the lowest poverty rate, highest education level, lowest unemployment rate, better access to health care than other minority groups. It doesn't explain how Asian immigrants and Asian-Americans tend to get invited to "the party" more than other minority groups.

And you're about the get another advantage.

Recently, the US Supreme Court heard oral arguments concerning University of Michigan's affirmative action program. If that program is ruled unconstitutional - and I have reason to believe it may given the conservative trend in this country - overnight there will be a considerable redistribution of opportunity to white and Asian Americans.

Again, you're confusing the reason Asians come to America with the advantages that Asians get the moment you step one foot on American soil.
Geoff DB    Sunday, April 06, 2003 at 13:53:48 (PDT)    []
Get a Life,

You should read my post again and think about why we Asians are advantageous in this country. Most of us came here voluntarily. With the exception of Latinos, do u think the White groups, Blacks and Indians in this country have somewhere else to go?

Whites run this country because they want to, and they are the majority. Jews are influential because they want to, and they are a minority.

Asians can follow their path, and surpass them...but many of us don't want to!

It's our choice, but remember, u can't do it alone.


Asians are advantageous for one reason, they came here because of $$$$. The 1st wave of Chinese Immigrants called America 'the Big Gold Mountain'. The early Japanese immigrants came here because America was 'the Big Employment Agency'.

Why are Asians better endowed than all of the other groups? Maybe our cultures are older, more refined, and perhaps, we have more options in life. Again, do u think the other groups have somewhere else to go if this country isn't hospitable? Asians can always go back to Asia, or someplace else in the world, especially the Chinese, who are by far, the most overseas people.
   Friday, April 04, 2003 at 11:28:36 (PST)    []