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Technologies Changing Our Lives

icrowave ovens save us from the spectre of fiery deaths from forgotten soups and tea kettles. Cellphones let us big brother shady mates. The internet saves our backs from weekly recycling bin schleps. Aspartame lets us gorge ourselves silly on sweet nothings. Wireless LANs save us from having to enter the jungles growing in the dark recesses behind our desks. CD-burners liberate us from all those awful songs on sketchy albums.
     And who isn't eagerly awaiting self-driving cars that never need refueling? Or gene therapies to reverse the effects of ageing? Or hypersonic airliners to cut those interminable transpacific crossings to an hour or two?
     Is it just us or is technological progress the only reliable force for improving human life?
     So what technologies are changing your lives? And what technologies are you staying away from?

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(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 06:09:37 PM)

AC dropout
I think the Japanese have the right idea! And yes, most toothpaste tubes have flip caps, but then again, some don't, and wouldn't it be nice if I could have a device that plugs right in so I can use my remote control on my man? It would be women in control finally! And you're right, once again. As the doctor of the joint, please educate the masses on how to procreate safely and cleanly as well as do a thorough explanation on what constitutes sex and what constitutes health and hygiene.

If a person must look for an alternate high-tech method of sex to take the place of a soulmate's full body embrace, then that person's love life must be reeaallly in the pits! How...pitiful!
   Monday, June 03, 2002 at 21:55:44 (PDT)
AC Dropout and StickyKleenex:

After hearing Jackie Treehorn talking about "all-electronic erotica", the Dude had a response which brings it all back to earth "I don't know about you, but I still jerk off manually."

Think about it!
   Monday, June 03, 2002 at 11:37:44 (PDT)

Sexual pleasure is independent of IQ. We all have a pleasure centre in our brain.

I take it you don't like dancing much either. If everything in life was easy, it wouldn't be worth it.

All the stuff your mentioning has to do with hygene and birth control, not sex.
AC dropout
   Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 20:59:14 (PDT)

A Japanese company, Toto, makes toilet seats that go down by themselves. Don't toothpaste tubes come with a flip cap these days.
AC dropout
   Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 20:56:03 (PDT)
I like to think I am a few IQ points smarter than mice.
I've read the Joy of Sex but no the Kama Sutra. I don't see how a book can save me from all those inconveniences of sex though. Like having to take a shower to keep the wife from smelling the other woman's fragrance. Or having to stay hard long enough to put on a rubber. Or having to go down on a fishy woman just to get some head in return. Or being threatened with child support by some little bastard's mom.
Sex is so messy and inconvenient and complicated compared to a lot of other pleasures of modern life. Surely we can do better.
   Saturday, June 01, 2002 at 11:22:34 (PDT)
I would LOVE to have a machine that I can plug into to a man that will put the cap back on his toothpaste after he's used it and flip the toilet lid down for him after he's done with himself. There are other things I'd like to see this gizmo do, but if it can handle these two things, then I'm more than sattisfied.
   Friday, May 31, 2002 at 21:35:36 (PDT)

You know what happens to lab mice when they are hooked up to machines that directly stimulate the pleasure center of the brain.

They die of starvation from standing on the activation plate all day long.

Read the Joy of Sex or the Karma Sutra if you need enlightenment to sex.
AC Dropout
   Friday, May 31, 2002 at 10:41:50 (PDT)