Can China Avoid the Soviet Union's Fate?
Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:38:56 AM)
he People's Republic of China likes to compare itself with the United States. Both governments were forged to throw off the imperial yoke. Both are amalgams of many races and nationalities. Both are great continental powers capable of harnessing immense resources to promote national agendas around the world.
Beijing's bosses cite these parallels to justify China's ambition of returning Taiwan to the fold -- forcibly if necessary -- and violently suppressing movements for Tibetan independence, Moslem separatism and religious tolerance. The party line: "In a few decades we will be as prosperous, unified and democratic as you Americans."
Unfortunately, some observers see closer parallels to the former Soviet Union.
Founded in 1910 to free Russian peasants from oppressive landowners and a weak imperial government, the Soviet government quickly and ruthlessly expanded into a superpower that rivaled the United States in military might and reach. On top of nearly 300 million citizens of several dozen captive nationalities, the Soviet Union became the puppetmasters of virtually every Eastern European government. By 1989 it was buckling under the burden of superpower competition. In 1991 the communists lost power to the reformist Yeltsin. The Soviet Union broke apart into Russia and a dozen independent republics. Today Russia is a nation of 150 million struggling to build a capitalist economy from the rubble of the communist meltdown.
Among the Soviets' earliest converts were Mao Tsetung, Zhou Enlai and other young Chinese intellectuals who saw in communism salvation for the Chinese people from western imperialism and internal corruption. Mao's long struggle against Chiang Kaishek and the Kuomingtang would have ended disasterously without the support of dozens of ethnic minorities in northwestern China who believed his promise of ultimate political autonomy. Their help proved more valuable to Mao than the billions in American aid and direct military assistance to Chiang. By 1949 the Kuomingtang had fled to Taiwan and the PRC ruled the mainland.
Beijing's bosses have been as ruthless as the Soviets in consolidating territory and suppressing separatist movements. But they have been far more successful in creating a functioning economy. They began capitalist reforms in 1979. By 2001 China's economy had become free enough to enter the World Trade Organization. For the past two decades it has grown at an average annual rate of 9%. Few of China's 1.25 billion go hungry and about 125 million enjoy living standards comparable to Malaysia and the Philippines. By some measure China has just surpassed Japan in GDP and will surpass the U.S. by 2025.
But China's future as a united nation is far from assured.
Even assuming peaceful reunification with Taiwan and victory over Tibetan separatists, Beijing's leaders face some big hurdles. They must integrate a billion subsistence-level farmers and workers into the consumer economy of the east coast or face ethnic discontent on a scale that would dwarf America's racial strife of the 1960s. Yet burdening the developed regions could breed separatist sentiment in Guangdong, Fujien, Manchuria and other regions. Over 100 languages and dialects are spoken in China. Long-suppressed religious minorities are becoming better organized thanks to the internet and other communications technology.
Are China's prospects for staying united more like those of the U.S. or of the former Soviet Union?
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------It's hard to understand your posts because of your horrible grammar. Please take some English classes.
I can see that you didn't use your brain when you wrote this. If you really couldn't understand you wouldn't reply.
--------Sorry but your GED doesn't count as having completed high school.
Who said I have GED? Once again you failed to understand me as a person.
-------- Why would I want to enjoy China's prosperity? I live in the USA and I am proud of it. I am enjoying American prosperity, thank you very much.
You see you don't think of long terms and your not aware of things on a business level like myself. You know, I used to think like you but something hit me when I was working in China. What I realized living there was that in the future, even though I'm an american citizen, I was not only enjoying america prosperity. But I am actually enjoying the worlds prosperity, China is one of them. And as the country gets stronger, you will realize it like myself. And your kids will too.
----------------------- And as for you "converting".......... but you will NEVER BE ASIAN. This indicates self-esteem problems on your part.
Tell EMINNEM that he can never be black. Tell Michael Jackson that he can never be white. And tell your kids that he can never be like MIKE aka michael jordan, corrupt america?
----"Yup a lot of whites never passed 8th grade and it's not my fault. I did my job already, teach your kids to do theirs.
The reason why I brought this up is because it is somewhat true. Our kids are getting worst in the way we act and how we preform in school. Like I said I did my jobs well and have nothing to worry. And it is up to you now.
If you didn't know, most fouth grader failed their reading and math city wide exam. Why do you think Bill Clinton assign the American Reads programs for college students to tutor elementry and Junior high school?
Now if you will, I have things to catch up to. BTW..you have a good day.
The White Man
Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 06:21:22 (PDT)
"I was a patient at Chang Hai Hospital in Shanghai City near Wu Jiao Chong"...
Was that a "Lincoln LS" or a "Ford Winstar" that ran over you, PHD Nicky?
Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 21:30:21 (PDT)
Oh riiiiight, Asians are perfect and it's the horrible whites, blacks and hispanics that are ruining this country, right?-----------
RElAX....(I think your about to have a heart attack) Anyway when did I say Asians were perfect. Everyone knows that good and bad comes in all colors. And yes it is true that I am anti-wrong doing. But does it mean I am anti a particular race, off course not.
pumkin pie
Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 14:06:09 (PDT)
Nick the FLG cult member,
At least the PRC citizen have enough common sense to get treatment.
FLG cult members like you would rather depend on inner chi kungfu and Master Li to save them.
Fractured ankle in China? Probably pissed off someone in China and they broke your legs is more like it. I thought you were a 6'6" great secret agent. How in the world do you break an ankle on a top secret mission?
Why did you go to the hospital? FLG teaches that Master Li and inner Chi will protect and heal you. Why don't you be a good slave boy to Master Li.
If you like Japan so much, what are you doing with a Chinese gf? The Japanese probably find you to be uncultured and boorish. Trust me a Japanese person would not find you interesting at all.
How do you say...you are not very sophisticated in ghetto slang...Oh yeah, You're a DUMBASS FLG cult member.
AC Dropout
Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 13:25:01 (PDT)
SARS- China's downfall,
What prosperity in the USA are you talking about? For the past 2 years we have been in a slump and China been going on strong for 20 years now.
China has even forced USA to talk to NK recently.
In fact SARS has more impact on the USA economy than that of Asia. Our major airlines are about to be destroyed by SARS.
AC Dropout
Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 13:07:28 (PDT)
"Example, we are anti-the American POT HEADS and DRUG-DEALERS roaming the street."
Oh riiiiight, Asians are perfect and it's the horrible whites, blacks and hispanics that are ruining this country, right? Whatever. Have you ever heard of Asian gangs in America? Do you think there are no Asian drug addicts or prostitutes here? And there are plenty of Asians, especially from SE Asia, that are living off of Welfare that my taxes, and yours, paid for.
"-------Right, so all white people are serial killers, unabombers or child molesters?
I am ashame to say this but Yes all white people are all of that, the only exception is me. You just don't have open eyes when you travel. Go out more often and you will see it clearly infront of your face."
It's hard to understand your posts because of your horrible grammar. Please take some English classes. Ah yes, every single white person is a killer and molester. How about your parents? brothers, sisters, friends?
"Yup a lot of whites never passed 8th grade and it's not my fault. I did my job already, teach your kids to do theirs. And also teach them to enjoy China's prosperity and not to have hatred."
Most whites have passed 8th grade, high school, and some, like myself, have a BA and a Master's. Many have PhD's. Sorry but your GED doesn't count as having completed high school. Why would I want to enjoy China's prosperity? I live in the USA and I am proud of it. I am enjoying American prosperity, thank you very much. And as for you "converting" yourself because you're ashamed of your race- that's pathetic. You can't change who you are. You can live in Asia, date Asians, hang out with Asians, but you will NEVER BE ASIAN. This indicates self-esteem problems on your part.
Asians in America on average make more money than whites, black and hispanics. You're well educated. And all you can do is b*tch and moan on websites like this about the Evil White Man? Yes all whites are out to get you!
SARS- China's downfall
Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 08:31:49 (PDT)
Nick the FLG cult member,
SARS, if you haven't heard the USA airline industry is about to collapse due to SARS. However, asian airlines are still doing just fine. It would seems from a commercial point of view USA is not as resilient as asia.
If all Chinese Americans are spies as you claim. What about your own imaginary Chinese gf. First you claimed you were a USA government agent. Now you claim all Chinese Americans are spies. Given your own personal imaginary gf....Doesn't that make you a TRAITOR to the USA. How REALISTic is that.
The rise in casual drug use is tied into the rise of income in China. That's why there is an increase in anphetamine use in all of SE asia. However, China is not as bad as it's "free democratic" ROC counterpart when it comes to drug vices. A strong central government is the main reason why. Also the Heroin trade is handed by organized crime, not street thugs. Thanks for supporting my claims.
Geez, FLG nutcase, I see you failed the SAT in the reading comprehension section. The 6th paragraph sites Maylasia and Philippines as a comparison. Also they did not mention if that's a high or low end comparison of the population. Based on the prose one can also logically state 1.1 billion PRC citizens have lifestyle that exceed western standards as well.
Most of those asia sterotypes you list are still better than those for your average black person in the USA. Actually the sterotype doesn't work in asia you fool, because there are so many asians of different backgrounds in asia.
That was my first lesson when I went back. Given my upbringing in the USA, my asian peers were always over-achieving, acedemically superior, street savy individuals. However, when I went back, I met stupid asian people. I was in total shock meeting asian who did not have college degrees, who were not cultured, etc.
Just like some asian who come to America and see all those fat people in our country. The sterotypical magazine ads does not match the reality in the USA.
FLG cult member formerly know as Nick is such a fool on this site. My eyes are tearing from laugher with your claim all Chinese American are spies. Their taking secret spy photo of Yo' Mama for internet porn sites. hahaha.
AC Dropout
Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 08:02:48 (PDT)
The White Guy,
Hey don't be so down on the white people with white guilt. The Chinese also have bad people in it. In fact all races have good and bad people. That's just a fact of life.
It is people like Nick that are so ignorant with hate and negativity that try to draw these absurd racial lines, then try to justify them with yellow journalism.
AC Dropout
Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 07:37:02 (PDT)
1) Why were there 3700 people sentenced to death in the US?
-For committing crimes and being found guilty.
2) Why did US execute prisoners who were under 18 when the crimes were committed?
Because the little bastards broke the law and the US government has to set an example to deter young criminals who wish to use their youth as protection.
3) How many others that aren't so fortunate like Ray Krone? and Why?
1.25 Billion people in China - The Government of the PRC would rather execute you so they can send your family the bill for the bullet and boost its economy.
4) Why did NS PHD of Redneckville truncate this part of the news from the post?
Selective ommission.
---Anyway, I read an article a few days ago on Yahoo news that showed the reason why SARS hit Japan softer than China was simply because THE JAPANESE WERE CLEANER!. Basically having more decent, sanitary living conditions allowed Japan to deter most SARS inflicted deaths due to infected Chinese present on the aircraft incoming Narita. I am not suprsed by this because I personaly know the Japanese sophistication is incredible, probably even better than the US in most cases. I APPLAUDE the Japanese for their efforts.
As for China, I recieved a TIME magazine today and it featured an excellent article showing a Chinese hospital and a Chinaman mopping up a patch of blood in front of it. In a way the hospital seemed to welcome patients but, also seemed o denote a fear of death present inside. It was remarkable.
The article states that the majority of the patients in the hospital (in Beijing) were doctors or nurses that had treated SARS patients. Isn't that sad?
I was a patient at Chang Hai Hospital in Shanghai City near Wu Jiao Chong and I was being treated for a fractured ankle. The amount of patient - patient contact is terrible considering the hospital isn't sanitary enough to stop any diseases from spreading. There were people in beds up and down the hallways and many of them looked like death-bed cases. Not to mention the atmosphere there which was totally open to the outside environment. The temperature was somewhere between cold and freezing in there and the floor was always wet because of poor water drying mats on the way in.
In spite of all that we do know about CHINA's hospitals and poor sanitary conditions, The PRC insists it is containing SARS. Of Course, their bold faced lies seem to be challenged by the rising death tolls. If you check the current news, you will see that the WTO is trying to launch probes into the PRC to figure out how much lying they have been doing about SARS and the number of infected/ death counts since its outbreak.
When will China stop being deceitful?
I guess the words of the TIME magazine ring true: China is willing to save face rather than save lives.
Shame Shame Shame.
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 21:02:31 (PDT)
China wants to Execute NS-----
Nick no one wants to execute anyone or yourself. And I want you to know that I have no problem with people of color. I am one myself, and me & you, we shared the same experience in this country, we are both minorities and both climbing the the ladder. If you know what I mean.
I'm not racist
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 19:19:15 (PDT)
Their agenda look familiar. I saw similar ones from another group......Hmmm....which one could that be? Ah...it's HITLER'S NAZI PARTY.
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 14:16:13 (PDT)
--------"Oh I'm a horrible white person,
Yes we whites are horrible people that is why I converted myself.
---------it's all my fault that there was slavery 200 years ago". Whatever dude, grow a spine.
When did I say it was all my fault that there was slavery 200 years ago? When did I was a horrible white person. Never did I say that or imply it. You have failed to understand me as a person and has live in your own fantasy world. It's time for you to get out of it.
The White Man
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 11:29:14 (PDT)
"Not until you learn enought to be on my level...."
What's your level? First Chinese riches drove "Lincoln LS" and "Towncar", and then you saw poor Chinese cleaners driving "Windstar". Ford China don't even sell these cars yet. So what's next, Nicky? The new president Hu Jintao and the new premier Wen Jiabao rode their choppers in front of Tiannamen Square?
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 09:55:56 (PDT)